3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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MeMyselfandI712 06-23-2011 09:42 PM

New! Need the support!
Hello all!
I am almost 22 years old. I just got married in December. My husband is in the Air Force and we just moved from ND to DC.
I have been really struggling with my weight for pretty much my entire life. I took phentermine for about 3 months just to get rid of some weight quickly for my wedding. I went from 225 to 195 and went from a size 18 to a size 12. It worked like a charm, but of course I stopped using it (for the best) and have gained 20 lbs back! I'm really trying to find some support. My husband is in great shape and wishes I could be more active with him, but my weight really holds me back.

I tend to lack a lot of willpower and will say that I have "tried" things but that usually means I worked on it for a day and went back to old habits. I think I need someone to really keep on me about it! My husband, of course, says that he loves me the way I am, but I am unhappy! He wouldn't dare question me about my diet and exercise regime!

I have really gotten into a weight loss "kick" recently because my mother has started having complications from her diabetes. She has lost 3 toes and has had a bypass in both of her legs. She also had bleeding in the back of her eyes and just found out that she has cataracts that need to be removed and she's only 55! If that's not a reason to lose weight, then I don't know what is!

I look forward to meeting some new people on here. I have been lurking around for a while now. I think the support system is going to be absolutely essential for me if I ever want to lose this weight for good!

ald41085 06-23-2011 10:11 PM

Welcome! I just joined myself.

Willpower is definitely my downfall as well. There's always so much temptation! I've found this board to be helpful so far. Even when I fall off the wagon a little bit (like today), coming here reminds me that I'm not the only one struggling and that there are a lot of success stories out there!

mfreetofly 06-23-2011 10:26 PM

I tend to have willpower for the first week or two and then I die out. I'm always trying some new fad or diet or exercise but I lose enthusiasm for it. I hope this time will be different but who knows. Anyway, I'm new here too! Glad to have others to talk to. Good luck!

lagorditadecolorado 06-24-2011 11:18 AM

I'm new also and this forum has been an incredible help for me, like ald41085 said, it helps to know others are going through the same process. I also love to look at everyone's goal pictures. Very inspirational :)

The thing I keep telling myself is that even when (not if, it's inevitable) I have bad days, as long as I get back on the horse, so to speak, I will keep working toward progress and will eventually reach my goal. The key is not to give up!

Welcome and hope to see you around :)

jltcmom 06-24-2011 11:31 AM

New to 3FC
I am new to 3FC, and am hoping to one day post a success story like those I have seen hear. I have plenty of reasons to motivate me (diabetic, amazing children, desire to look and feel good....) but I am an emotional eater and not great with willpower(although I am smoke free now for over 3 months). I tried to do Day 1 of C25K this morning but couldn't finish ( really disappointed with myself). I look forward to the support from 3FC and making some new friends!

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