3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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bb96 03-11-2011 12:04 AM

Is 42 too late to do this?
So, I'm 42 and feeling old and "heavy"! I live in Minnesota, so you can imagine what a long winter it has been here, not to mention I have been laid off for over a year now. Seems all I can do is sit here on the computer to pass the time. My boyfriend does construction, but has been laid off quite a bit this winter as well and we both realize spring is near and we need to shed some pounds! He made a bet with me to lose 17 pounds before him....well he can lose weight pretty quickly so the deal is if I lose it first he pays me $100 and if he loses it first he gets $50. I so have to do this! I am on my 2nd week and lost 5 the first week!! yay! He lost 3, but was back to work! Anyway...I'm realizing this is not rocket science, eat less, eat healthly and move my butt!! lol Googled weight loss forums for some support and wound up here! Looks awesome, lets do this girls!! :)

rshanning 03-11-2011 12:20 AM

Best of luck. you are on the right track.

Rosinante 03-11-2011 02:48 AM

It's never too late! but the earlier the better, or you find yourself like me, looking at 56 rushing upon me in 6 weeks, and losing a ton of weight for the Third time!

I like the challenge you two have set yourselves, and I like that you've identified that you don't need a fancy schmancy programme to follow. Having said that, it can quickly get frustrating if we end up eating
so much less that we get hungry and binge
so much less that we make ourselves ill
'healthier' food but more of it, so still high in calories
not enough minerals and nutrients

So I would pick one of the many free Tracker softwares out there (dietplate.com, sparkpeople.com; I use DietPower but it's not absolutely free ($49 once a lifetime, I think it was) and start logging in what you eat. Some people find it tedious, I find it keeps me accountable and concentrates the mind. When I first started using it, I was amazed to discover how lacking in vits and mins I was, no wonder I felt so poorly. It's nigh on impossible to get all the v and m we need from a calorie-reduced/portion-reduced diet.

Good luck!

Suzie Parker 03-11-2011 05:28 AM

Hi and welcome to the forum!

You are never to old to lose weight and look great. You are never too old to do anything, for that matter.

It's sound like you are doing the right things. Good luck with your weight loss.

I know we can do it!

Resolute 03-11-2011 07:08 AM

No, i was 40 and 400 pounds a year ago, today i am 41 and 243 pounds, i feel like i am 25 though, you can't imagine how much more full of life i feel.

CyndiM 03-11-2011 07:29 AM

Definitely not! I started when I was 46 and am closing in on my 3 year goal anniversary. I was definitely more ready and able to make the long term changes needed now than when I tried when I was younger.


ubergirl 03-11-2011 07:53 AM

Nope. Not too late. I was just shy of my 48th birthday when I started and close to 300 lbs. Now I'm just shy of my 50th birthday, and I'm not the same person I was back then, in any way. I felt a thousand years old then, heavy, sore tired... I had no stamina for simple daily tasks, much less any idea of *gasp* running. Now, I run with ease and feel light on my feet. Two years ago I looked old for my age. Now, I look young for my age.

My loss has been a little slower than some of the younger chickies, but on the other hand, sometimes I think I have a bit more patient.

Go for it!

Sea 03-11-2011 08:39 AM

In my late 40's I feared I was facing a hip replacement. I could not walk across the room without real pain. I was falling often.

I started walking and being careful about my eating. Now, at 52, I can again go hiking (seriously) with my nieces and nephews. I ran a 5K with my son in Dec. My doc is thrilled with my bloodwork, and I'm thrilled with the improvement in my life!

Never give up!

Tai 03-11-2011 08:49 AM

It's not too late at all! I was 43 when I started my weight loss four years ago.

Good luck with reaching your goal!

MichelleD 03-11-2011 06:10 PM

My grandma got serious about her weight in her 60's. She's in her 70's now and has lost 80+ pounds. So it's definitely not too late. You can do it!

starbrite 03-12-2011 04:40 AM

Nope- began at 42 and 298lbs. Here I am today at 43 and 172lbs. It can be done, just believe in what you are doing and stick with it. Good luck :)

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