3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jank52 03-22-2010 08:30 PM

Trying again
My name is Jan and I am 58 trying to lose weight for what feels like the millionth time in my life :( Last year at this time I was just giving up on WW after a year and only losing 20lbs. I realize now that alcohol played a HUGE part for my lack of success and yes, I did drink a lot. Happily, I can say that today I enjoy a glass or two of wine maybe 2 times a month now. With that being said of course I didn't use what I learned at WW and now a year later (and confirmed by the doctor today) I gained 10 lbs in one year! I am so disgusted with myself I am starting tomorrow morning again! It seems like I'm good for breakfast and since I pack my lunch I have no problems during the day but when I get home all bets are off and it's one thing after another. This is what I will have to get under control if I want to lose the weight. I exercise plenty but eat more so the bottom line is I know what to do....now I just need to do it already! Does anyone else struggle with eating as soon as you hit the door? :?: Would really like to find a buddy to keep me "honest".

CharlieBaby 03-23-2010 07:44 AM

Hi Jan! Welcome to the site :)

IWantABeachBody 03-23-2010 12:27 PM

Hi Jan~ I totally know how you feel. I do fine for breakfast....a yogurt, oatmeal, banana, something quick and healthy. At lunch I will have leftovers or a salad or something. I like to brush my teeth after I eat lunch and that really helps me to not eat anything else at work. UNTIL 5 o'clock comes....I get home and wanna eat everything. I workout right after work, so I tell myself I need energy to do that. I also feel like since I have eaten well at breakfast and dinner, why not have a bigger snack after work? LoL. I really need to curb this craving and just wait until dinner. It's so hard though! I have just restarted my new healthy lifestyle as of yesterday. I went through my kitchen and got rid of all my binge foods and stocked my fruit bowl.

My mother was just diagnosed with diabetes and the doctor basically told her is she doesn't lose weight, she will die. She has made such an inspiring turn for the better. Now instead of sweets, she eats fruits, and she has definitely gotten her portion control in check. She is doing awesome. Now only if I could take after her! Good luck to you!

sammiefields2512 03-23-2010 02:59 PM

trying to lose weight for the millionth time... I know how you feel, I've been fat ALL my life, it's miserable.

SickCycleCarousel 03-23-2010 11:14 PM

I know how you feel. I find myself doing a lot of mindless habitual eating throughout the day, but specifically at night. It's like without even thinking, I walk to my pantry, or if there isn't anything in there, drive to the store, buy something that is high in calories and sugar, and then eat it. It's like this urge that I don't have a handle on, and I feel anxious until I follow through. I'm not sure if your cravings are exactly like I described, but I wanted you to know you are not alone.

Good job in getting rid of all the junk food in your house; if it's not there you can't have it! I wish you the best. You should meal plan for the day and then come back on here every night before bed and write the items you ate that were unplanned just to keep yourself accountable. That way you can also see if you have any major overeating patters to tackle.

No day but today,

Pamb 03-24-2010 08:48 AM

I know how you feel, I do well all day and then at night look out! hang in there, take it slow, and don't give up. Pam

sammiefields2512 03-25-2010 10:48 AM

lol! almost every reply here contained the words 'I know how you feel'... this is such a common experience in weight loss!

I look forward to the day when my determination takes me beyond the repetitive cycle of attempts followed by failure! I really do think success is all down to mindset, and that it's our psychology that lets us down more than the methods we employ.

Twitter 03-25-2010 11:00 AM

I have a tendency to do the very same thing as you all. Keeping myself busy helps some. I started knitting, I'm horrible at it but it keeps my hands busy and I can't snack on anything because you can't have dirty fingers with that beautiful yarn! I also bought the 100 calorie snack packs. Eaten slowly, they sometimes do the trick and you know exactly how many calories you had. Good luck to us all!!

Jank52 03-26-2010 07:02 AM

Thank you everyone! Letting me know that I am not alone really helps! I've done really good since my post too. Last night I started dinner as soon as I got in and didn't nibble at it ate dinner then later had a 40 cal fudgsicle and a 100 cal snack. That will stop when I shop this weekend when I'll be buying fruit for snacks instead of that sugary stuff. I like the idea of keeping my hands busy so I've started playing mahjongg on my laptop while my BF watches tv lol Whatever works!
Thanks again all :hug: We can do this :carrot:

cmsmitty24 03-26-2010 11:21 AM

maybe try?

Originally Posted by IWantABeachBody (Post 3214268)
I get home and wanna eat everything. I workout right after work, so I tell myself I need energy to do that. I also feel like since I have eaten well at breakfast and dinner, !

Hey Jan-
Good luck on your weight lose. I normally wouldn't throw this out there but too have done WW and a bunch of others and I was ALWAYS starving and I found I would just binge when I got so hungry-- which doesn't help when your trying to lose weight. I am trying the belly fat cure where you lower your carb and sugar intake. I have to say I am so full that I sometimes don't even want to eat dinner. And I LOVE my carbs, but it's been easy to reduce them when you can see all the stuff you can eat. Now- I am only 1.5 weeks into starting this and I have already lost 5 lbs (without trying). Just thought you might want to know what else is out there since your so hungry.

best of luck!

Jank52 03-28-2010 09:24 AM

CM - I did SB and lost 5lbs in two weeks and I was amazed because what I noticed was I was NEVER EVER hungry! I did not miss the bad carbs but had trouble when I tried to introduce the dairy like yogurt and some carbs back in...I got so confused lol that I just quit altogether. Maybe I need to do some more reading and give it a go again!

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