The lost has returned

  • I just posted a mini-goal of a whole .8 pounds! I started WW at work a few weeks ago and wasn't sure I'd really give this a full shot, but after shockingly loosing something in the first week....I decided to give it a full whirl or at least more attention. This morning I remembered 3FatChicks and here I am!

    I packed on more weight after my father died in November, I finished my BA and had a major break-up, then I found out I'd be loosing my job the end of April (they came back a month later and said "oh by the way you stay until the end of August"). I have been on the extreme emotional roller coaster. I know I turned to double stuff Oreos, spicy Doritos, and half gallons of Heavenly Hash ice cream and shut people out, I know that's how the extra weight got onto my hips.
  • I'm sorry you've had a rough go..but welcome back.
  • Welcome back! My condolences on your loss. It is now time to take care of you! Check out the WW forum!