I'm Not New But I Wanted To Say This

  • I have been a member here for ages so I'm not new, but I'm not really involved with anything right now. I've had some really great buddies over the years but we always seem to drift apart. I've been MUCH heavier and a little bit lighter but I always come back to exactly this spot.

    What I want to say is tomorrow I'm getting serious. I'm doing my shopping today and tomorrow I'm taking pictures and measurments and I'm making some changes. I just want to SAY it somewhere so that it's out there.

    Wish me luck!
  • Good Luck! Isn't it odd how our bodies seem to get stuck at certain numbers and just like it there?
  • Welcome back, and good luck to you!
  • Good luck! It sounds like you are on a good start. I know how you feel about saying your plans in here. It is kind of like "putting it in stone". It will give you more motivation that you haven't just decided to make this change to youself, you have announced it to the world! That is great!
  • Good luck, you're in the right place. I started almost a week ago, but haven't taken any pictures yet or measurements (need to borrow a camera and find the hiding measuring tape). You sound ready to go :-)
  • Hello Nicole and welcome back. I just came back last night myself
    I first joined in 2002 and lost from 242 to 189. For an entire year, I posted regularly and like you met some buddies here that became close friends during that time. Somehow as life went on, one by one, we got busy and started posting less and less until eventually no one was showing up anymore.

    I came back in 2006 when I suddenly realized I had put back on about 20+ lbs and didnt want to gain back the rest. I met a new group I hit it off with and same thing eventually happened. Now here I am again and back up to 231!! (notice my tracker is definitely from a past time) I havent changed it because I think seeing those lower numbers gives me motivation and reminds me of what I've allowed to happen by gaining this weight back.

    I read and read through posts last night but could never settle on a group that I felt was the perfect fit for me. I dont really want to drop into one with lots of people who have already gotten to know each other for a long period of time. I'd rather start out with a new group where everyone can get to know each other at the same time.

    Would you be interested in the two of us starting a thread for others maybe who are like us and back AGAIN?? I know that coming here played a huge part in my past successes and the posting always helped keep me accountable. If so, let me know. We'll think of a name for the group and see if anyone else drops in.

    Just a thought. If you've already found a thread to join, that's totally fine too!

  • First, thanks for all the well wishes and welcomes!

    Miki, I think you have a great idea. There are probably a lot of people like us who have bounced around and are now back trying to recommit.

    Would you like to start a thread for us in Support Groups? I'd love to find some people who are kind of in the same place we are.
  • Sounds good to me! Just have to think of a name for our group. We cant be the only ones who have slacked off but are ready to get back on track again.

    I have actually been doing better the past week and am soooo ready to start seeing results! The first time here I lost 50+ lbs and it was without a doubt due to the accountability I felt from posting with others who were going through the same feelings, frustrations, failures and also successes. Plus, Nothing helps more than friends who will give you a kick in the butt when you need it! ha
  • Hi again Nicole! I just made us a new thread in Support Groups under the Misc Clubs. It's called We're BACK, now let's get on TRACK. Hope to see ya there soon!
  • YAY! Thanks! I'm VERY excited!!!