Social Distancing in the age of Covid

  • Good Morning.

    I check in with my coach this morning for my first weigh-in since starting IP last Monday. (It's going really well!)

    My problem? Yesterday I saw a photo of my coach surrounded by, arms around, mask-less people that were not her immediate family. Though on the initial consultation, she wore a mask with me, I am now concerned about being in close proximity to her. (FTR, I'm 60 yo, not yet vaccinated. and a primary caretaker for my elderly MIL.)

    Any suggestions? Should I mention it to her that I saw the photo??

  • It depends. Was the photo taken after the start of COVID-19? It might have been taken earlier.
  • I would have a problem with that if it was taken recently. Like Dunkleosteus mentioned, perhaps ask if that picture was old, if your coaches office is in a Doctor's office they might all have been vaccinated? It's good she wears a mask around you, remind her to be mindful of 6' distance, wear an N95 in office yourself, but most importantly - communicate with her your concern. I think a lot of people have tried to "be nice" lately with their COVID concerns so they don't offend others, when you can politely address things and avoid future risks.