ideal protein

  • I just put a little ceasser dressing on my salad! God help me. Do you think it will kill the day?
  • Quote: I just put a little ceasser dressing on my salad! God help me. Do you think it will kill the day?

    I think the answer is "it depends on what you do next". How much dressing did you use? What brand is it? Do you know the carb count? If it was just a few teaspoons of dressing, and it was a brand with no carbs, I would count it as my oil for the day and move on. If it is a sugary dressing, I would make sure to choose lower carb veg and IP packets for the rest of my meals today, and expect that it might kick me out of ketosis (depends on how carb sensitive you are.)

    Regardless of what you did, you need to get right back on plan. Don't let a small slip up ruin the rest of your day.

    Also, if you haven't read it yet, there is a wonderful thread about the real cost of cheating. The link is on page one of the Daily Chat thread. I has helped me to overcome any temptation that has come along, because I now know how far it could set me back.
  • Thanks for the heads up!