3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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prisspot 04-24-2014 04:42 PM

Hi Lisa,
I am thinking about the ideal protein thing. I came across your pic and post on the forum and wanted to congratulate you on your success. You are an inspiration! I don't know where to start with this. I am insulin resistant and have an awful time losing weight. I crave the carbs like crazy and I know that's totally off limits. My son is getting married in November and I must lose this weight! I however, am not one with unlimited funds, lol, so...I was wondering if there is an alternative to the IP program and if you might coach me along here and there when I have questions? :?:

Thanking you in advance.

SophieLT 04-24-2014 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by bpbo (Post 4988005)
Starting Ideal Protein tomorrow for the second time...Really need a buddy. The program works. I lost 68 pounds but have since regained it and it is all due to not continuing the weight loss the way I knew I needed to. No make wrong...it just is what it is. Would really love to have the companionship with you gals and motivation to make this happen. LETS DO THIS TOGETHER!!


Originally Posted by Deepblue (Post 4988968)
Hi, my name is Lali. I have started today with Ip . I did it before, a couple of years ago, but did not finish it well and since then I have regained the weight and more. I have been trying to diet on my own for the last few months and I managed to lose some weight but it is not enough for what I really need to lose. I don't know why but I have not felt any dizziness or anything during my first day. I had a chocolate shake for breakfast, an IP chicken soup with two cups of broccoli , some chocolate soya puffs for snack and I still haven't eaten supper. I had my supplements too.
I need to lose about 46 pounds desperately. I turned 40 almost a year ago and since then it's been very depressing looking at me in the mirror. I look old and sludgy, tired...horrible!:mad:
I am very excited to have found this forum, I have been reading it for two days in a row :dizzy: and it has so many ideas !
Thank you very much to everyone! ;)


Originally Posted by Cath138 (Post 4989958)
Hi :-)
It's my second time on IP. I intend to go throughout all the phases this time :-) just need to kick that peanut butter addiction -_- is it normal to lose less the second time around?

I'm in the same boat as well. Did IP back in 2011 and lost 80 lbs. Went back to exactly the same eating habits and gained all back except for 10 lbs. So, here I am again but with a different mind set. I am going to have a game plan on how to maintain. This time will be different.

Fearciuil 05-04-2014 11:16 AM


ChipnDip 05-04-2014 11:25 AM

I've been on IP for about three months. These boards have helped me tremendously. DH tried to join me with alts and after 11 days and on,y 1 pound gone, he gave up. I spoke to the person I bought the protidiet stuff from and she was very helpful suggesting we up his packages to 6 in the first week. He may have struggled because his body went into starvation mode. He has agreed to reboot tmo. Fingers crossed, I hope it works this time!

momotrips3 05-04-2014 12:20 PM

New here and to Ideal Protein
Just wanted to check in here. I just started IP 5/1/14 and am very excited. I saw a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a while and they were slivers of their former selves - positively thin! I didn't even recognize one of them - literally. These were ladies with quite a bit to lose and a man that is considered a big bear. Just amazing. Another acquaintance started an IP clinic almost a year ago and has been having wonderful success! I HAD to pay her a visit since she was changing the lives of people I know left and right. I know this is a very strict protocol, but see that it is made easier because the results are instantaneous. Since I know all of these people through a religious/social community, I know that we will all be able to support one another even after the weight is gone - maintenance is where we'll really need to lean on one another. After seeing these several people, several more have started IP or have appointments to start in the near future. The woman who runs the clinic says it is really a mission and a ministry to her to give people the tools to take back their lives. So cool! I'm thrilled to get any more information anywhere I can so I don't nag my counselor to death! Happy to be here!:D

collegestudent123 05-04-2014 06:32 PM

I'm starting May 11th, the day after my birthday! I have about 25 pounds to lose, but I really just want to stick to this protocol without cheating. Im so excited and am looking forward to talking here with all of you.

Michelle36lbs 05-04-2014 06:38 PM

Hopefully starting Tuesday.
I am just meeting with someone tomorrow to start the program. I'm really excited to start.

Does anyone have any suggestions on questions that I should ask my consultant tomorrow?? I don't want to forget anything. :)

Thanks a bunch.

IPColorado 05-04-2014 07:10 PM

Good luck to you all -

Are you supposed to just weigh in each week with the coach, or is it ok to check every few days in between?

I just want to encourage all the newbies (I am one of them too!) - I am down 7 pounds and I still have a day before I weigh in for my first visit.



ChipnDip 05-04-2014 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by IPColorado (Post 4997894)
Good luck to you all -

Are you supposed to just weigh in each week with the coach, or is it ok to check every few days in between?

I just want to encourage all the newbies (I am one of them too!) - I am down 7 pounds and I still have a day before I weigh in for my first visit.



It is best to only weigh once a week so you don't get discouraged by the up and down. Many of us weigh more often. If you do, at least make sure it is the same time of day. Getting on the scale multiple times a day will mess with your mind! Only you know how it will effect your motivation. Also remember that some weeks pounds may be small but inches will still be lost and vice verse.

The first week weigh in is always exciting!

lizajuse 05-04-2014 08:06 PM

I am a couple of days late introducing myself but HI!! I 29 years old, mama to one beautiful (almost) 2 yr old little girl, 3 dogs, and a bunny. DH and I will be married 3 yrs in the fall.
I live on an island 30 miles out to sea in New England, but hopefully will be transplanting soon to the Sunshine State!
I started IP because I want to lose weight. I feel like I've just let myself go, and, although my weight's fluctuated most of my life, I want to get to a point where I can keep the weight off and know that I'm doing it in a healthy way. For both my sake and my family's sake.
I have seen this diet working for people in my life from a variety of lifestyles - my boss and his wife who are in their late 50s/early 60s; several of my girlfriends who are in their mid 20s; and everyone in between. So I am excited to do this, stick with it, and eventually get to my goal weight of 110-115 lbs. I am 5'2" which would put me at my healthy BMI of 20/21. Currently I am 165, with a BMI of 30.2 (which puts me at obese, officially. and that scares me incredibly....)
So, here I go. I am on Day #4 of IP and I definitely have my struggling moments. I made it through my friend's bridal shower yesterday by the skin of my teeth (I wanted to eat every dessert there!) but I had some pieces of turkey breast and some cocktail shrimp instead.
Anyways, enough details. I just want to let you all know everyone so far in this forum has been incredibly encouraging. Thank you!! :hug:

Fearciuil 05-04-2014 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by collegestudent123 (Post 4997865)
I'm starting May 11th, the day after my birthday! I have about 25 pounds to lose, but I really just want to stick to this protocol without cheating. Im so excited and am looking forward to talking here with all of you.

Hello, and welcome!


Originally Posted by Michelle36lbs (Post 4997869)
I am just meeting with someone tomorrow to start the program. I'm really excited to start.

Does anyone have any suggestions on questions that I should ask my consultant tomorrow?? I don't want to forget anything. :)

Thanks a bunch.

Welcome! My suggestion is to decide where to write down the questions you think of between weigh-ins, because you will have some. Posting them here in the Daily Chat thread is a great way to get answers, but you might have questions you specifically want to ask your coach (I did the first few weeks!) I put my questions in my phone.


Originally Posted by IPColorado (Post 4997894)
Good luck to you all -

Are you supposed to just weigh in each week with the coach, or is it ok to check every few days in between?

I just want to encourage all the newbies (I am one of them too!) - I am down 7 pounds and I still have a day before I weigh in for my first visit.



Welcome! Whether you weigh every day is going to have a lot to do with the way you react to the information. If it's the sort of thing that will cause you stress when you go up a bit (you will have days where you go up), then just do the weekly weigh-in.

lizajuse, welcome!

Ruth Ann 05-04-2014 08:12 PM

Welcome to all the newcomers! You've found the best site for support, motivation and ways to make IP work!

Congrats to all of you for making a decision to lose weight - it's a really good gift to give to yourself.

Check out the recipe threads and jump into any threads that interest you. There's usually someone around to answer questions if you have them and the people here are really generous with their knowledge.

Again, welcome!

WJMONTE 05-04-2014 11:14 PM

Hey all! Wendy from Louisiana here! I've been reading for about two weeks now everything and every link on this board and it's overwhelmingly awesome. I plan to do the alternative IP program so I am making lists and checking sites and etc to order what I need to start soon. I'm one of those "tried every diet out there girls" and most work for a time period till I had my gallbladder out last year now nothing works. Hoping beyond hopes this one does.
Let's see about me: mom to two teenagers, been overweight my whole life, my job has long long hours and not many breaks so meals are thrown together mostly. Did I mention I make wedding cakes. Yes. Cakes. All day every day. Luckily I don't eat them (much) but stick bread and pasta in front of me and it's gone.
I hope I can find some buddies on here starting out like me. Without the clinics to report to accountability here would be awesome!!


jgfromct 05-05-2014 06:23 AM

Two Weeks In
Hi I'm two weeks in about to start 3rd. I'm down about 8 lbs and near my goal so almost ready to start Phase II. Cheated big time at a Bat Mitzvah Saturday --just went with it and got back on the bike the next day. No dire consequences

Ruth Ann 05-05-2014 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by WJMONTE (Post 4998022)
Hey all! Wendy from Louisiana here! I've been reading for about two weeks now everything and every link on this board and it's overwhelmingly awesome. I plan to do the alternative IP program so I am making lists and checking sites and etc to order what I need to start soon. I'm one of those "tried every diet out there girls" and most work for a time period till I had my gallbladder out last year now nothing works. Hoping beyond hopes this one does.
Let's see about me: mom to two teenagers, been overweight my whole life, my job has long long hours and not many breaks so meals are thrown together mostly. Did I mention I make wedding cakes. Yes. Cakes. All day every day. Luckily I don't eat them (much) but stick bread and pasta in front of me and it's gone.
I hope I can find some buddies on here starting out like me. Without the clinics to report to accountability here would be awesome!!


Welcome Wendy! I would imagine being around cakes all day they would become less tempting over time. I know when I worked in a restaurant I really didn't want to eat any of the food. Just smelling it all day turned me off of it.

You can have great success using alternative products! And the whole board can be your coach - there are some wonderful people here who share their experience and wisdom freely. I couldn't have done it without all of them. So feel free to ask any questions you have and don't forget to check out the links in the first post of the daily chat - so much good info.


Originally Posted by jgfromct (Post 4998090)
Hi I'm two weeks in about to start 3rd. I'm down about 8 lbs and near my goal so almost ready to start Phase II. Cheated big time at a Bat Mitzvah Saturday --just went with it and got back on the bike the next day. No dire consequences

Congrats on almost being to goal. I'm always envious of the guys - they seem to lose so much faster!

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