Awesome water tracking app!

  • Hey all! Just wanted to let you know about an awesome app I downloaded on my iphone. Sometimes I forget just how much water I have had throughout the course of the day and dont always have my journal handy. This app lets you pick how much water want to drink and tracks each glass, bottle, etc. This makes tracking water so easy and watching the little bottle on the app fill up really keeps me motivated to drink more! Just a little tool to help make the process easier so I thought I would share. Plus, the app is free, which is a huge bonus.
  • What's the name? I use MFP but it only allows you to track in 8 oz increments
  • Quote: What's the name? I use MFP but it only allows you to track in 8 oz increments
    Oh jeez, I guess in my excitement for the app I forgot to give the name! haha Its called "Waterlogged". It defaults at 64oz per day but if press the info button you can make the daily goal whatever number you want!
  • Thanks!
  • Just uploaded it. Love that you can change it to the size/amount your glass is. Thanks for the recommendation!