Oct. Newbies- Feeling Fabulous in February

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  • Slip,

    I wish I was there! I live about 3 hours away, though if I didn't have to be at work, I would've been there. Have a pretty important meeting at work today, looking to expand our company a little bit so couldn't miss that. I've been watching the live stream all day though.
  • Had my WI yesterday, down 1.6...so frustrated at my body and my brain.. Emotions have had me snacking on extra stuff that is on plan, but not allowed... I didn't journal last week. Every week I don't journal, crappy numbers...this is ridiculous! Why am I so afraid of getting into the 200's? Just realized that that emotion has been boiling under the surface. I THOUGHT I was excited, but not really... Need to figure this out...
  • Kawaii,

    Let's focus together the next couple weeks and plunge into the 200's together! I committed myself to start at least a small daily workout every day after work.
  • Kawaii- I am sorry that you are feeling frustrated and afraid. I think 1.6 is great. A loss is always good. I know that you can do this!
  • Had my weigh in today and down .6. So slow, but I did mess up during the Super Bowl, so it is my own fault.
    My BFF is coming for 3 days this weekend, I am so scared to go off plan. We (together) are big wine drinkers, so it is going to be hard!!! I am going to stock up on mineral waters and zero calorie drinks. She only visits once a years so I will just take it one day at a time.
  • Kawaii1002-I know how you feel. I felt the same way just as I was going to be under 200. A part of me sort didnt want to and the other part wanted to so mind fought itself. Then I decided - it is going to happen and just let it go. It is a good thing but life changing emotionally. It was all in my head. I have been in the 200s for so long I did not think it was real when I went under. Maybe dont focus on the number _ I know this is easier said then done. It is a shock but in a good way. It is great u still lost at ur WI!!! You can do this!!! We are all here for you - u are not alone. We are all going through the same exact emotions as you are at some point.

    Wine4me-I would take it day by day with your friend in town. Enjoy yourself but dont beat yourself up if you go off IP. You are human and it is happens. Just get back on track once she leaves.
  • Jig,

    Thanks, I've always kind of aspired to "stay" close to you in losses since we started out so close to begin with. You were the only person that I've met here (or at my center) that had as much weight to lose, so staying on par with you (not competitively) was motivation that I was "keeping up" with my "brother".

    Thanks for being there for me. I'm going to do this. I wrote at the top of my food journal "If I didn't write it down, I don't put it in my mouth." That's at the top page of EVERY page of my journal. Weighed myself on the scale tonight, and I'm down another 2lbs from WI yesterday. Obviously, scales vary, but it was kinda crazy to have *me* standing on the scale and it said 312.


    I'm going to rededicate myself to being 100% OP. No extra protein (which is where I was going wrong the past couple weeks. An extra slice of Turkey lunch meat, or having an egg, but not tracking it). That's what I had meant about eating things that were allowed, but not on plan. I'm being accountable to myself, and I'm not going to let my emotional state get the best of me. The best way to deal with this is to accept the fear, and move with it, not paralyze myself with it. I am so much better than a stumbling block on the road to getting healthy. I don't have any long term goals at this point, but I've got a short term goal of making the springtime challenge (5.8lbs to meet that goal) and a second short term goal of making it into the 200's. I haven't been there since my freshman year of high school...

    And that really was an AWFUL time (when isn't high school heinous). Maybe I'm still carrying some of the emotional baggage from that timeframe. Makes a certain amount of sense to me..

    I appreciate all the kind words from everyone. Thank you so much!!!
  • Kawaii: Oh man, your post about not wanting the two hundreds, really hit home. I thought I wanted to be in the 100's but I was a fraid to get there, it had been so long since I had been there, and at the back of my mind was always, what if I stop losing weight. Stupid thoughts I know but they were there. I really had to talk myself into "this is what I want" and "I can't get to goal at this weight". I think weight loss is more mental then anything else, once my head is in the right place the weight comes off. Hang in there, take your journal everywhere, you know that works for you, keep doing. You will get there.

    Jig: You sound so determined to get tp the 200's, good for you! With that attitude you will be there in no time. And great job with the exercise.

    Wine4me: Take it day by day with your friend, and enjoy the visit.
  • So I will update you on some random IP stuff. Please let me know if you guys dont want to read about IP updates. I will totally understand. I do not get this info from my clinic - they are slow on this stuff. I am on other IP clinic newsletters etc. Hope this helps people plan accordingly

    Discontinued IP Items:
    The following ideal protein foods are being discontinued: Strawberry pudding mix, banana pudding mix, lemon pudding mix, spaghetti bolognese mix, vanilla crispy squares, garlic and onion soy nuts, and Ideal Tisane.
    Limited time! Ready to Serve Cappuccino! Stock up while it is available!
    You can now enjoy the rich flavors of our new Ready-to-Serve Cappuccino Drink that’s perfect for any time of the day!
    Our Ready-to-serve Cappuccino Drink, available for a limited time only, is a delightful blend of espresso and creamy velvet.
    For a touch of luxury, try this flavorful cappuccino drink! It contains 20 grams of protein per serving and can be served hot or cold.
    New probiotic hits the IP shelves! (30 day supply = $18 at the clinic!)
    Flora Health is Ideal Protein’s new probiotic supplement.
    It is supplied in bottles of 30 capsules and the suggested use is one capsule daily, which can be taken at any time of the day with or without food.
    Each capsule of Flora Health contains three (3) strains of beneficial bacteria (1.5 billion cells) that normally inhabit the intestinal tract including bifidobacterium bifidum, bifidobacterium longum and lactobacillus acidophilus. A healthy “gut flora” is necessary for good digestion, absorption of nutrients and will help promote normal bowel habits.
    I never have had this but in case there is one near you--

    Among our favorite things: Jimmy John's Unwrap:
    We like to order the #4 turkey with no cheese/no mayo - and extra crispy lettuce. Add hot peppers, cucumbers and dijon mustard and enjoy! And they deliver to most neighborhoods. Check out your neighborhood Jimmy John's!
  • Cool, thanks Lucci!

    I like the cappuccino powdered drink that IP currently has, but for some reason, sometimes when I cook it, the powder turns into almost like a velvety texture which makes it undrinkable to me. Anyone else notice this?

    Also we just had a jimmy john's open close to me. Usually if I'm out and about and don't have IP food or veggies with me I get a subway salad but I'll keep this in mind.
  • I just used the cappuccino powdered drink with the crispy rice to make cookie/muffins. It was really good.

    I have Jimmy John's around me never tried them. Might have to one day and same with subway salads - never had them-have had their subs though.

    Just tried these today. Taste just like fries. I did use too much oil and had to cook them an extra 10 mins. So yummy

    Turnip Fries -(Phase 1-4)

    1 Turnip (I did not use a whole one. I measured 2 cups once cut)

    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

    1/2 teaspoon onion powder

    1/2 teaspoon sea salt

    1/4 teaspoon paprika

    2 tablespoons olive oil (I think this is too much)

    Preheat oven to 425°F.

    Peel the turnips, and cut into sticks or wedges.

    Place into a large bowl, and toss with olive oil to lightly coat. Place seasonings in a resealable plastic bag, and shake to mix.

    Place the oiled turnips into the bag, and shake until evenly coated with the spices.

    Spread out onto the prepared baking sheet.

    Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, turn over then bake for an additional 10 minutes or until golden brown.

    Serve immediately.

    (Walden Farms Ketchup Optional)
  • Hi everyone,

    Back at school today, nice to get back into a routine.

    Luccilove, thanks for the info. I need to get some of the puddings to use in waffles. I will also try you turnip fries, maybe tonight with my flank steak.

    We do not have Jimmy John's around here, that I know of.
  • Here is a coupon for Walden Farms-- not sure if it is the best deal out there but you never know. I got mine from netrition.com and local grocery stores

  • Luccilove, that is a great deal compared to my clinic. Thanks for sharing!
  • Got the code from a weight watchers magazine. It is a good deal I might order stuff as well. It is a better deal then where I get it online.