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airportchick11 12-16-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Slipfree (Post 4901152)
Hi everyone,

Airportchick, how are you feeling?

Looking forward to seeing more Newbie -12 Ways IP has changed me.

Mondays make me tired :(

NSV-coming into school, a group of my girls from last year stopped me. One of them said, You look different. I said, well, I have lost some weight. Then the other five, all started talking -saying they knew it and how good I looked. So funny. They are the first kids to say anything. Gotta love 8th graders.

Jig, great to read your check in. Sorry to hear that you are soo stressed about grad school. Wishing you luck on reaching your New Year goal.

Great NSV!! Especially from 8th grade kids!

I am feeling better, in a way. I can breathe!! But since about 2 pm today I have been sneezing and blowing away, I swear I have a cold! This is getting a bit ridiculous!!!! I have went off program just a bit. Not going crazy at all, and it's funny that having an orange is a cheat...lol Pounding the water and keeping hydrated. I did have to clean the house in bits today but I did get it done, the hubby helped so that was nice. Weather outside today was gorgeous and I made a point to sit in the sun for about 10min 3 times. It felt soooo good!
I'm stressing a bit because I have Christmas shopping to do. UPS seems backed up on some things I have already ordered so I'm not trusting any online ordering at this point. I've been surfing the internet and getting ideas, making notes so when I do get a chance, I have a plan of where I'm going and what I'm getting.
The whole family wants ham for Christmas. :( I was going for turkey. So I've been working on 'their' menu, and mine. I can't get out to do much right now but I think making these lists will make it all easier when I do get the chance to run around. :dizzy:

LUCCILOVE 12-16-2013 08:31 PM

Had my WI today lost another 3lbs. Very happy.

JIG hang in there and congrats on WI

Slipfree 12-16-2013 08:33 PM

I achieved mug cake success! Needed something sweet to finish my day.

Airportchick- I am eating ham on Christmas Day at my brother's. No choice. If that is my worst issue over the holidays, I can live with it. You need to rest up and let the Meds work. Things must be loosening up,ergo the sneezing and blowing. You still have a week until Christmas Eve.

Slipfree 12-16-2013 08:34 PM

Yay, Luccilove! Great WI before your trip :D

stephascope 12-16-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Slipfree (Post 4901177)
I achieved mug cake success! Needed something sweet to finish my day.

Airportchick- I am eating ham on Christmas Day at my brother's. No choice. If that is my worst issue over the holidays, I can live with it. You need to rest up and let the Meds work. Things must be loosening up,ergo the sneezing and blowing. You still have a week until Christmas Eve.

Please share the recipe to your mug cake success. My last attempt was definitely a flop but ate it anyway to not waste those expensive IP packets.

Slipfree 12-16-2013 08:44 PM

Stephascope :mug cake- chocolate drink mix, 3 tablespoons of egg white, 1/4 tsp of baking powder, 2 ounces of water and a bunch of cinnamon. I cooked it for 1 minute and 20 seconds. Tasted like the IP brownie, not fantastic but edible.

KookySuki 12-16-2013 10:32 PM

Congrats Lucci and Jig on your losses and Slipfree on the NSV! I'd take that as a huge compliment coming from 8th graders. Keep up the great work everyone! :broc: I wish they'd put the dancing broccoli up at the top because we can't eat carrots in P1, but I eat a TON of broccoli.

Kawaii1002 12-16-2013 10:46 PM

bizarre dinner
So I had a REALLY bad day today... not that it was horrid, I just totally flubbed up and went from breakfast this morning to oh 5:00 PM without eating anything at all (but I did have 100 oz of water)... came in the house and was going upstairs to finish making the bed, and got really dizzy. I ended up faceplanting the stairs. Gave myself a nice bump on my face, but nothing broken. Glad I was walking UP the stairs, not down!!!!

So I ate as soon as I got my face situated... (my protein meal with 2 cups of veggies). So I'm still two packets down. Decided to have soup and a pudding.. I know Im not supposed to have them together, but I refuse to stay up till 2 AM so I've spaced them evenly!

What I made for dinner was the chicken soup, 1 cup of mushrooms and 1 cup of zucchini. I steamed the veggies in the microwave (yay ziploc steamer bags), then threw them 1tablespoon of water and all into the large cup of the magic bullet. added in the water for the chicken soup, then put the powder in too.. blended the stuffing out of it and it made a super thick creamy soup that is amazing!

I added a touch of sea salt and garlic powder and my oh so weird tastebuds are thinking that it tastes like a sour cream and chive potato chip... WEIRD!!!

Took the banana pudding, put 5 oz of water into the small cup of the magic bullet and whipped that thing until it was mousse.. then put one tablespoon of caramel syrup on top. It sunk in, but it'll still be a wonderful treat..

What weird combos have you come up with that ended up being amazing?


WOOHOO for you that your kids noticed you! It takes alot for a teacher to hit the radar of a 13-14 year old, so totally take that as a WIN!!!!


Feel better soon! I'm rooting for you!!


Congrats on ALL your losses! You're rocking it like a rockstar! Only one more week till you get to rest from your MBA class...You can make it through!

Slipfree 12-16-2013 11:18 PM

Oh no, Kawaii! So sorry that you fell. It is a busy time of year, but we really do need to take care of ourselves. I hope that the bump is better soon. As for spacing out the packets, sometimes you just have to get them in.

Hoping for a snow day tomorrow :)

lisa32989 12-16-2013 11:21 PM

Veggie purées are he only way I ever had the IP soups.
And puddings are so fun to play with. Lots of links in the first post of the daily chat for veggie purée thread and recipe threads. I know I wouldn't have stayed p1 as long as I did without those great threads

Slipfree 12-17-2013 06:51 AM

No snow day :( Early dismissal instead. Hate to drive in snow.

Going to come home and cook some food for my Christmas events: Book Club on Wed. Party on Fri. And Family Carol Sing on Sat.

Hope you have a wonderful safe IP day.

KookySuki 12-17-2013 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Slipfree (Post 4901322)
No snow day :( Early dismissal instead. Hate to drive in snow.

Going to come home and cook some food for my Christmas events: Book Club on Wed. Party on Fri. And Family Carol Sing on Sat.

Hope you have a wonderful safe IP day.

I always hated when they wouldn't just call off school or work when I lived in OH. It never made sense to me to get everyone out on the roads and then let people out early in the still dangerous conditions.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday festivities! It seems like it's getting easier to resist all of the cookies, non-IP foods. I've been watching everyone in my office eat lots of sweets and feel good that I'm not putting all of that junk in my body this year. I feel way better without sugar in my life. :tree:

Slipfree 12-17-2013 01:43 PM

Kookysuki, The boss actually made a pretty good call this time. I was able to get home pretty easily. I live about a half hour from school and the roads were still okay. So glad that you are feeling better without sugar, people have been great at work about not bringing treats into my room (we eat lunch here, no faculty room) I really appreciate their help.

My Principal made my day today! Said that we could wear jeans for the rest of the week. So happy because jeans are my pants that fit best!

Jig 12-17-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kawaii1002 (Post 4900521)
Here's mine:
  1. I fit into my kitchen chairs with arms.
  2. I've gone from a size 34 pant to 26 (uncharted territory!).
  3. I bought small pans rather than the ginormous ones that I used to cook "planned overs" in which always gotten eaten as seconds, thirds, etc. Now we have no leftovers unless it's with the kids "Carb foods".
  4. I've gone from a size 5x to a 2x in tops.
  5. I tend to cook two or three nights a week but make a batch of food that is good for hubby and I for two or three days (Gasp, ACTUAL PLANNED OVERS)
  6. My self image has completely changed. I used to be a person who didn't believe that I could change the way I was, that I was destined to be "the fat one" for my entire life. I now think that I can do/be whatever I put my mind to.
  7. I've lost just about 60lbs since October 2nd. That's more than I lost all last year working with a personal trainer and exercising EVERY DAY (weight training/cardio alternating every day)
  8. Water is my best friend, followed by romaine lettuce.
  9. ALL of my food allergies have resolved themselves, and I can now eat beef and drink milk (half and half for my coffee).
  10. My blood pressure is now 90/60 (which is what it used to be when I was a teenager)
  11. I don't have to lean over into the passenger seat to lift my leg into the car anymore.
  12. I have made wonderful, supportive friends on Oct. Newbies. (stolen from slipfree, but its soooo true)

Well after a stressful weekend, I've made it to the homestretch of this current MBA class I'm in. Only one week left. I thought I'd share my 12. Seemed like a good break from the stress.

Here are my 12 ways that IP has changed me so far.

1) Down over 50 lbs. Lowest weight in years.
2) I no longer breath heavy after simple tasks like walking up stairs.
3) Sleeping much better
4) Blood pressure has been drastically reduced
5) I get constant compliments from friends and family about how good I look
6) My belts that used to barely fit, now barely fits. (Except now its too big, not to small).
7) Food has weakened it's hold on me. I am accountable for what I eat.
8) I have most likely eaten more veggies in the past 3 months than the previous 3 years
9) My tiny mom can wrap her arms all the way around me when I give her a hug
10) Every loss and success only pushes me to do better.
11) I have a great, supportive group of people on here!
12) Prior to learning about IP, I had come to the conclusion that I was always going to be fat. I have found new hope for my future (Probably my favorite in this list).

Hope you all are doing well! This is one of my favorite times of year and I'm going to enjoy it as much as possible.

Slipfree 12-17-2013 02:15 PM

Jig, I love your number 12. New hope for your future, doesn't that just say it all!
Your list includes some wonderful accomplishments. All of us will have so much to celebrate in this upcoming year :D

I love this season too. I have wonderful holiday memories. Talked with my 7th graders about this being the giving season, not getting. Tried to get them to appreciate what their parents do for them. I know that I am grateful to my parents for making this time of year-full of love and traditions. Plus, I have a bit of a Christmas Music obsession. Before the age of political correctness, I played it in my classroom starting right after Thanksgiving.

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