Anyone have a hard time this Holiday week-end?

  • Hi All,

    I do we'll all week and start to lose my resistance as the weekend goes on. Doing my best but get so upset with myself when I fall off a bit. Always on the weekend (usually Sunday). Did anyone else struggle this weekend? Anyone have some tips to be stronger?
  • I did well until today. Forgot to eat any meat and ended up eating 5 packets! I was tempted by the huge batch of pancakes I made for the family today but I did not succumb! At least none of the 5 was a restricted, and I ate all my veggies. But today was difficult, no doubt about it.
  • I always have more trouble on weekends because I'm out of my normal routine. I try to stay busy, but it doesn't always work. If I have extra snacks, I try to make them veggies or a boiled egg.
  • I have wi today. Hope I didn't blow it completely by a few small cheats! Will check in with my results later have a great day all!
  • Yup, I find that it is harder when I am home. I haven't gone off program but I have to willfully stay OP. I just try to stay busy or make a glass of iced tea, or clean something. My house is squeaky right now after this weekend. Luckily my husband doesn't mind if halfway through cooking a meal, I tell him that he has to finish cooking because I can't do it!
  • My husband has been pretty great with this too. I guess we are pretty lucky. Tomorrow is our anniversary and more challenges!

    I had my weigh in and lost 3 lbs so I guess that is good.

    Stay strong! we can do this!