IP Diet Consult 2Morrow!

  • What a lot of great encouragement I've found in this forum! What can I expect from the 1st meeting? How long will it take to get packets so I can begin? Thanks for the help.
  • congrats on starting Ideal Protein
    I had my consult on a Saturday morning, and I picked up my packets on my way out the door. I highly recommend the puddings and the pink lemonade. The soups are not broth-types, but are creamy soups, so I didn't like them as much. I am really enjoying the food from IP, especially the chocolate and butterscotch pudding. Just put them in the fridge or freezer for 20 minutes and they get colder and are very similar to a mousse. Enjoy and all the best to you!
  • Thanks for the info and the food recommendations. I had great successs with a low carb diet designed for body builders in the past (was dating a trainer) but really like the concept of Ideal Protein since I'm not a big meat eater. Can't wait to get started! Wow...you're posting some great results!