purpleorc says goodbye to 120lb forever (long)

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  • What an amazing post! You go girl! You have pushed through so many ups and downs to get to where you are! Your story is an inspiration!
  • Thanks for sharing your remarkable story.
  • Awesome story, thank you for sharing.
    You are an inspiration to me!
  • Congratulations, you have done an amazing job!!
  • way to go purple
  • congratulations!
    thank u for sharing
  • wow, you really are an inspiration, whenever i want to tell myself to give up, i will think of you, you have proved that anything is possible, and even if never reach your goal wait (which you will!!) the obstacles and literal life changing feats you have been through, you should be more than proud of yourself for, i consider it an honor that i was able to read your life story! Thank you for sharing it!
  • What a champion. An inspiration to me as well.
  • Purple-you are the embodiment of perseverance! Just one more example of how we can accomplish our goals if we just don't QUIT! Even with some heavy obstacles in our way! You are a true success story!
  • Congratulations! What an inspiring story! Amazing!
  • What a great story, Thanks for Sharing.
  • Thanks for sharing your story, you have worked really hard. As a nurse I know how much my profession defines me and the fact that you have had to give it up but still had the courage to make such significant changes to your life is truly inspiring. I wish you good luck and good health as you continue on your journey.
  • What a great story!
  • My Dear PURPLE ~ You know how much I admire you; you amaze me every day. I am so grateful to be your 3fc friend; and to know a person who has had so many challenges, yet you have persevered thru them all. I am so happy for the success you have had, and know that you will continue to keep on, keep'in on. And, thank you for sharing your story and your life with all of us ...

  • what an inspirasional story!!! WOW!!!