South Beach or Other Frozen Meals

  • Hello ladies...
    Looking for some advice. Have any of you used the South Beach Diet Frozen meals during this plan? What Have you heard about using them for meals? They are pretty tasty but as with all frozen stuff I know the sodium is high. Just curious as I have a freezer with a bunch of them in it.
  • I was told by COD to stick with what's on the list because you didn't want to "mix different diet plans". That being said, I would use them up as they all have a lot of sodium. Just stick to a few per week and increase your water on those days. Then when they are gone you can just get stuff from the book.
  • I agree with Biz - just eat maybe 1/2 per week and make sure to drink plenty of water on those days.......make sure to count them as PS too just in case you weren't sure!!! I "think" some of those SBD ones may have a little more fat too - you may want to look and if it is high add 1/2 fa just to compensate - that is just an idea though....
  • I've been using frozen meals from South Beach, Amy's Organic, Lean Cuisine, etc. As long as they're around 330 calories or less, I don't see that much difference in them. As Cassie said, they're ALL pretty high in sodium. Extra water helps. I don't use more than two frozen meals a week though.

    Personally, I like the South Beach products. I use their bars sometimes, and they have little 100 calorie packets of wheat crackers that are really nice with a 35 calorie wedge of Laughing Cow Lite cheese. ;-)
  • Thanks for all the help! The South Beach meal I ended up having today was yummy. My doc had recommended that program to me initially so I bought them at that time but I prefer the LA plan being that I had been successful on it previously. So I was hoping to be able to squeeze a few of them in. But yeah the sodium content scares me big time. Lemon water tongiht for sure!! I got my bars from Ebay today and they are super yummy. They didn't melt at all during shipping which really suprised me in a good way. Never tried the honey nougat flavor the first time around and i really like them.
  • When I was looking to possibly try a SB meal I checked the label and they seemed to have a lot more sodium in them, so I decided not to try them. Good luck.