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ledom 05-16-2001 10:21 AM

on your loose pants Mrs. Yogi. That is a SURE sign that all your exercise and low-cal intake is paying off. Have a nice holiday with your DH.

It has been awfully quiet around here the last few days. Hope everyone is doing ok.

I kayaked Mon. and Tues., much fun. I need to stay home and get something accomplished for the rest of this week. Things are going pretty good dietwise. I am journaling today just to help me keep track. I am starting to look at the scales again and am thinking of weighing. I just don't want that to really matter in the scheme of things though. In the U.S. a new medical study about heart disease, cholesterol, and abdomen fat came out yesterday which has made me think of this process again in terms of health as opposed to vanity.

Hope to hear from some more of you guys soon.

ledom 05-17-2001 08:32 PM

judi, lana, shebacat, alice, Mrs. Yogi? Where are you? It's kind of lonely here. Hope you are all well.

I am making up for my stressed out semester by playing hard the last couple of weeks. As I had hoped, my kayak is bringing me new friends. This week I met two people through a local message board for paddling. Another woman about my age and one of her paddling buddies, both from out of town, came over today and went out with me. We have many ideas for trips and it is very exciting. I am planning to buy a small tent for camping on islands and such.

Diet was going great until D brought home a giant chocolate chip cookie from work. Arghhh! She has got to get it out of the house because I am having a hard time resisting it!

judi 05-18-2001 04:44 AM

Hi! Sorry I have been MIA but it has been an insane week around here...sigh...I won't even go there.

Well, the jury is in I lost 3 pounds this month. My slim friend on WW has lost 11 this month she has only about 4 more pounds to go and then is on maintenance. She NEVER cheats.

Sounds like the days off are very nice Ledom. That is so great!!!

Mrs. Yogi way to GOOO on losing your pants!

How are you doing Alice? How is the puppy training going? Tonight I watched a very funny movie called "Best of Show" about dogs and their dog owners. I recommend it for all dog lovers.

Hope everyone is doing o.k. Shebacat, Lanaii, Bannod... I will write more later when I don't feel so emotionally exhausted...just one of those weeks.

Take care girls!

Mrs. Yogi 05-18-2001 02:31 PM

Ledom, Judi, sorry, I've been distracted on another forum (ye gads!) . I hang out on http://forum.lowcarber.org/ as well, and have my own progress thread there called "Mrs. Yogi's Final Fifteen" (look under "My Journal/Bootcamp" it's kinda fun. I'll have to cut and paste from there I guess to keep you updated!)


"Went to the mall on the way home to pick up my "skinny pants" that have a new zipper now. They're size 16 Jones Wear, a beautiful light charcoal wool plaid with satin lining, dreamy to wear... I'm no longer bursting out of them, and they'll go nicely with my new slinky black cotton cardigan that I picked up at the upscale store on sale. I look gooooood... if I say so myself :)

Last night dinner was an omelette w/ low fat havarti, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and a few baby red potatoes with butter. Had hummus and a pappadum for an appetizer. (Two small glasses of wine to celebrate getting my pants back - oh heck, let's live a little!)


Usual Breakfast

Lunch will be pappadum and hummus (I was out of chicken and will be having shrimp and fish tonight, so had to improvise) with a humungous salad (lettuce, boiled egg, tomato, avocado, red pepper, celery and red cabbage) w/ lemon juice and a splash of soy for dressing and steamed broccoli and cauliflower that I did up last night while I was doing the omelette. Mmm, getting the growlies just thinking about it!

For dinner I'll have more steamed veg, curried prawns and halibut and the rest of the salad w/ fruit salad for dessert. Oh and it's Friday so I'll have a bit of good chocolate and another couple of glasses of wine, all this will be after my workout (xtrainer, upper body weights and a steam if I have time) while I'm watching the finale of Beggars and Choosers, my favourite show of the moment! Anyone who gets Bravo or HBO can check it out. It's right up there with the Sopranos in my never to be humble opinion ..."


Been having a great workout week, feeling great, decided against the trip to Seattle due to not enough time, but that's OK, more gym time he he. DH home on Sunday, then hockey again - will it ever end?

Ledom, I agree, the vanity thing is out. Let's face it, we'll never look like Christina Aguilera so let's give that one the heave-ho right now! I just love feeling so great.

You ladies have a great weekend now, you hear? Must go, eat lunch, then get some work done around here!!!

judi 05-18-2001 09:32 PM

Mrs. Yogi, I love Jones wear. It has been a long time since I fit into any of it. Your new outfit will be great.

I will focus on the next 25 pounds and forget about more to lose. It makes the road seem so long. Twenty five pounds will make a diff. I am going to take a Polaroid of myself at every ten pound loss to see what kind of a diff. there will be.

I bought the book "Never Say Diet" and Richard Simmons book "Still Hungry After All These Years" for some inspiration.

Hi gals...have a good long weekend! Is it a long weekend in the US too?

ledom 05-19-2001 01:32 PM

You two...
are very inspiring! And I need a shot of inspiration. I have decided to weigh, maybe not until tomorrow, but I need to start keeping track with a weekly weigh-in. All day yesterday I was just so aggravated by the constant attention I pay to this issue and how hopeless I feel over it. At one point I just thought to myself, I don't want to think about this anymore. If only it were that easy! Anyway, both your posts were just what I needed to read.

Mrs. Yogi, I'll check out your other thread.

Judi, don't know what is going on but hang in there. You are a fabulous lady and I ALWAYS enjoy your posts.

shebacat 05-19-2001 08:47 PM

Hi ladies,

Sorry it's been so long....so much for the promise of posting every few days. Things have been very hectic. The company I worked for had a layoff two weeks ago, but I was not affected (at least not at this time.) There were several people that I know that were affected. One in particular I feel really bad for. She's a single mom who is trying to support her and her daughter. Of course, no support from the ex. One of my friends had nose surgery this past week, so I've been trying to be there for her support. Another friend that I work with was diagnosed with Diabetes. I was speaking to her late Monday afternoon, and I commented that she looked tired. She told me that she had been getting up 3-4 times every night to go to the restroom. She then commented that she has been extremely thirsty these past few weeks. I told her those were symptoms of diabetes and that she needed to go to the doctor to get tested. The next morning, I reminded her so she scheduled a doctor's appointment that afternoon. When she told me that morning that her eyesight had changed, I knew that was another symptom of diabetes. Sure enough, her doctor could not even get an accurate reading. He had her go to the ER where they showed her blood sugar level to be over 800. A normal person's sugar level is 120. The doctor told her had she waited a few days she would have gone into an insulin coma and might possibly have died. Then, on Thursday, I noticed my cat was straining when she tried to urinate. I take her to the vet, and she has a bladder infection. Now she's on another type of antibiotic. She also turned 20 last week.....Happy Birthday to my baby! With all this going on, needless to say, food and exercise have been put to the side. Ya'lls posts have been so inspiring that I'm jumping back on the band wagon tomorrow. Thank goodness the water aerobic classes start in two weeks. I'm taking water aerobics and then water jogging twice a week. I'm so glad everyone is doing OK and thanks for all the good book ideas! I need to take a trip to Barnes & Nobles to buy a few books for this summer....maybe get a coffee drink too. Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and I'll talk to ya'll soon.

3fcuser1058250 05-19-2001 10:45 PM

Hello Girls!!
I'm back well I was never really gone. I was lurking all week but it seems I really had no time to post, but all your posts were so interesting I enjoyed reading them all...

Ledom, good for you for meeting new and interesting friends.... camping is not my thing, I don't really like bugs...ewwww..... yes I'm a bit squeemish girls....I look real tough, but really I'm not.... and the ground is too hard... gimme a mattress... And the showers?? Where are they when your camping?? LOL... I would die the first day on Survivor... :lol:

Shebacat~!! my goodness what a week you have had....your poor friend, things coulld've been quite a bit more serious.....and your poor ole cat poor darling........

Judi, hand in there girl you're in our thoughts and prayers....

Mrs. Yogi, that site is quite interesting I'm really enjoying reading it.... I like low carb.... when I want to give my diet a boost I go lo carb, like this weekend, last nite we ordered THE best pizza, ate way too much of it....so today I have been really cautious.....Hey! congrats on those pants....and your new outfit....YOU GO GIRL!!

Other than Friday's binge, things are good.....I'm following WW not to a T ... so therefore it shows in my weight-ins...lost 5 lbs the first week....gained 4 the second....my g/f lost 5 and 5 the next week....SHE is following it to perfection.....I think she is also doing so well because she has never yo-yo dieted, unlike me.....and has never drank any water to speak of and now she's downing the water all day long.....We call each other every nite....and she keeps me motivated and on track....

Oh and Chickenpox is over and done with.....Thank you very much!! that's over and done with....

Well I do have to get going.....take care girls.....and I will always keep in touch.....

Bye for now....


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