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MrsJim 05-02-2001 09:25 AM

Myoplex RTD
I bought them mostly for convenience - I don't have access to a blender at work and have a tendency to get powder all over the place when I use a shaker!!! Now I think I'll keep 'em at home and use 'em after my workout.

There's a guy I work near who's also doing BFL (don't know for sure if he's signed up for the Challenge - he looks pretty buff already to me!). Instead of using Myoplex, he buys Designer Protein at Trader Joe's and makes a paper funnel to get all the powder into his shaker bottle without too much spillage.

16 grams of sugar is a lot but I agree not nearly as much as a Slim Fast. I still maintain that a SlimFast is equivilant to drinking Ovaltine... :)

Had a great upper bod workout today - cut the weight down and concentrated on FORM and doing the exercises slowly and carefully. As a result it took me 51 minutes to complete the circuit but I really feel much more worked...

susanje 05-02-2001 09:36 AM

Nah..Ovaltine tastes much better!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Myoplex does shake up badly without a blender. I have done the ready to drink ones when I "must"...but I'm not a big fan of them or the bars...just on taste alone...but I use em when I must. If you add some ff/sf instant jello, they taste much better.

I had a decent ubwo yesterday but the men at the gym are good some days and idiots the other days. Yesterday I added a 5 lb weight to one exercise for my eights, took it up a notch to six (thus removing the 5 lb weight) but needing it for the drop set of 12s and some guy just comes along and swipes it. Another guy asked me "how long" I was going to be. I said "As long as it takes me." I HATE THAT

I wanted to throw a barbell. I hate losing my focus like that....I did pretty good overall though...added 2 shoulder routines and that felt right to me. There were areas that doing chest and back didn't seem to be covering.

Up until very recently (3 years ago) I never had upper body fat. I hate it!!!!!!


jenjen 05-03-2001 11:54 PM

Hi all. Just a quick note.

I really have gone off track this week. I have eaten okay, but just haven't made the time to exercise. My last day of class is Saturday, so after that I will refocus. If I wasn't such a procrastinator & think I would have been able to do it all.

Oh well. I'm still doing better than I did 2 years ago. To me, that's what really matters.

Hope y'all have a great Friday. I'll try to check in Sunday or Monday.

By the way.... I LOVE OVALTINE!!! Haven't had it in ages, but just thinking of it, I can taste it!

susanje 05-04-2001 01:09 AM


Today was the last day of class (finals begin Monday) and I have been stressed all week. The profs threw a few parties and had food delivered and catered. I had NO plan to indulge but when I opened my lunch...my container had opened and my fresh strawberries and chicken was a matted mess. I had a hamburger at that point and later on 2 chocolate chip cookies and a latte. Some women who know I've been watching what I eat and have been INCREDULOUS that I never indulge in sweets were giving me a hard time about it. I felt awful too!!!!!!!! It was the first time in 9 weeks (6 official and 3 unofficial) that I had unauthorized food on a nonFree Day.

BUT my home elliptical came tonight and I hope we can put it together this weekend. I need it. I can't wait til this school stuff is OVER.
Hang in there! As will I!

MrsJim 05-04-2001 01:29 PM

Nearly the end of Week 2 for me...
I'd give myself an A+ for workouts and a B for eating.

My problem has always been night eating - I'm as good as **GOLD** during the day but it's really tough not to nibble a bit at night...grabbing handfuls of cereal or dipping a spoon into the cottage cheese...had to tell myself not to do that. After brushing my teeth and taking a long bath, those impulses to binge usually subside quite a bit. I've really been trying to work on that!

This weekend I'm going to try and pick up a blender for my shipment of Myoplex. I have a few envelopes and some bars of Lean Body for Her left - Lean Body mixes up pretty nicely in a shaker but I'm getting the impression that Myoplex isn't as easy! Besides, I like to add ice to mine to make it more like a milk shake.

Ovaltine - Jim loves the stuff...he's a chocolate milk addict! I don't keep it around the house but when we go out for breakfast he always has a big glass of chocolate milk with his pancakes and eggs... :eek:

I had a terrific morning - woke up at 4:00, at the gym by 4:45, did my lower body training, then 35 minutes of Spinning class...rushed home because it was so gorgeous out Jim and I decided to bicycle in to work!! Yee haw!!

susanje 05-05-2001 11:44 AM

HI Everyone,

Got back on track yesterday. Good food day and KILLER LBWO yesterday morning (I cannot walk today). Still haven't put the home elliptical together....hopefully by tomorrow.

A friend of mine is doing the Body Logix challenge. Very similar to BFL but instead of a free day every week, they alternate free day and free meal. One week it's a free day, all day. The next week it's just one big giant free meal. Maybe after finals I'll switch to this system so the free day doesn't make me sick.

How is everyone?

Beautiful day in California....hope the rest of you are enjoying beautiful weather!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to hit the books so my ability to enjoy it is fairly limited. :(


MrsJim 05-05-2001 01:56 PM

Really looking forward to my free day!!
Since today is Cinco de Mayo, I'd love to go out to Mexican food - I mean the combo-platter refried beans and rice with a taco and a margarita on the side with plenty of chips style - NOT the whole beans and rice with salsa on a whole wheat tortilla type...
but I'm saving that for tomorrow...my FREE DAY!! Yipee!! Generally I would never order the combo platter - usually I'd get the basic healthy burrito or a salad with whole beans on the side.

I'm trying to structure my free days to keep myself from having what I'd call "12 hours of free-for-all grazing" and just focus on having a couple of special meals or treats...making sure I drink a lot of water and stay active all day and out of the kitchen (tough to do since my home office is located there)...

So tomorrow, my special free day treat (I hope) will be some REALLY good Mexican food...I really like the free day...gives you something to look forward to once a week!!

Take care - like Susan says, it's WAY too nice in the Bay Area to stay indoors for long so I'm outa here pretty quick!

MrsJim 05-06-2001 11:13 AM

Down to 154 today...I'm a happy gal indeed! :)

It's supposed to be in the 80's today so I am going to be spending a lot of time outdoors...

Jim and I just lucked into getting 3 nights in July at Yosemite Lodge (unheard of since that is the most popular time there) since a group cancelled a block of rooms for that week right before I called the reservations desk to find out about October (as you may know, Jim and I were married in Yosemite and wanted to spend our third anniversary there this year). Only problem is - that's the last few days of the BFL challenge - I will miss two days of working out at the gym but I have to admit it will be worth it to go to Yosemite in July! See ya!

Punky 05-06-2001 06:36 PM

Body for Life??
Is Body for life and fit for life the same thing? Or by the same author? I just picked up fit for life and a yardsale and was just curious.


islandmama 05-06-2001 10:52 PM

-That is so awesome Mrs. Jim!!! You know that you have lost another pound and a half of BODY WEIGHT, but you have undoubtably lost more bodyFAT than that since you are building some muscle there too. That is really GREAT- keep it up. And for goodness sakes, enjoy your mini-vacation!!! I am sure (with your outdoorsy attitude) you will find other active fun things to do!

-Punky-- no it is not the same. Body for Life (aka-BFL) is a weight training program written by Bill Phillips. You can find his book online at Amazon.com , or any bookstore. It is an AWESOME program, and you can find out more about at www.bodyforlife.com ! We would love to help you out if you decide to try it out. You do weight training routines 3x a week for about 45 minutes alternating upper body one day, with lower body on the next weight training day. On off days, you do 20 minutes of INTENSE interval cardio first thing in the morning on an empy stomache. You also eat 5-6 small mini-meals a day, which keeps your metabolism roaring all day long, and prevents you from ever feeling hungry.
You can also take supplemnets, like meal replacement shakes 2-3 times a day, or even once, to help you reach all 5-6 meals. No slimfast or anything like that though. WAY too much sugar (which turns into fat anyway!). There are other supplements you can take too, but you don't have too. I take Glutamine, which helps with soreness, muscle recovery, and boosts the immune system. I also use shakes, Myoples lite, and Met-rx. And, I take Hydroxycut. A thermogenic with a Caffine/Ephedra/Aspirin stack. Many don't like to take these because of the ephadra, and the bad new about them, but I researched them myself, started out slow, and have no undesired effects from them. But then again, I have no contra-indication for taking them (no heart problems, etc.).
Well, that's about it, unless you have other questions. Feel free to ask anything!

EVERYONE ELSE- I am down to 186! Yes! That is a total of 24 pounds since I started trying to lose weight, and a total of 14 pounds since I officially entered the challenge. I love it!


susanje 05-07-2001 01:21 AM

Hi Punky,

No Body for Life is different. I think I also have the fit for life book (what don't I have????????) :lol:

mrs jim: GREAT NEWS on the Yosemite Lodge! I'm a city girl myself but I have heard from friends that it is a wonderful place.

Christy: Good to hear from you!

Everyone is doing so WELL!!! My elliptical is put together (hubby moaned but I can whine louder) so now i can do my cardio in the morning. I'm so psyched!!!!


Doing the finals lunacy...24 hour final tomorrow...not looking forward to it.


Coming into week 7--more than halfway!

Have a good week!

MrsJim 05-07-2001 09:35 AM

I'm really thrilled - I went a bit nuts yesterday on my 'free day' but not as much as I could have. We did have a big Mexican dinner yesterday. It was so much fun ordering whatever I wanted for a change - haven't done that in I don't know how long! Knowing that I was going to be back on track today helped a lot...

When I saw "Fit for Life" mentioned I just had to chuckle to myself. I tried that a looong time ago. I don't remember an exercise component in it at all, unlike BFL.

After our bike ride yesterday Jim and I went to hang out with a friend of ours who owns a small bike shop - he commented on how good I was looking :) and asked what I was doing. I explained a little bit of the BFL program and right off the bat he said it was way too much work for him! It's hard for me to fathom how many people just don't care for exercise at all.

Back on "Fit for Life" - I couldn't resist quoting Michael Fumento in "The Fat of the Land" under his chapter "The Profiteers":

"Food combining is a fad that is still with us. It says that foods eaten in different combinations can somehow fool the body into absorbing fewer calories than the individual foods contain. The king of these fads is Harvey and Marilyn Diamond's Fit for Life...In it the authors propose that it does not so much matter what you eat, but when you eat it and in what combination foods are consumed. Their plan includes recommendations such as not eating anything but fruit before noon, and never eating protein at the same time as carbohydrates. (And while you're at it, don't have sex during the full moon, else you conceive a child who becomes a werewolf.) The Diamonds offere nothing but ancedotal evidence to support their claims. "It would be difficult to choose the most ridiculous diet book ever written," wrote Dr. Stephen Barrett and the editors of Consumer Reports in their book 'Health Schemes, Scams, and Frauds', "but surely Fit for Life...would be right up there." William Jarvis, president of the National Council Against Health Fraud, clearly agreed, saying "Fit for Life seems unprecedented in the amount of misinformation contained."...

"C. Wayne Callaway, M.D...in his book 'The Callaway Diet' relates that when he met the Diamonds in a TV debate "they seemed to view me as one of the most despicable creatures known to man: a medical expert." Callaway asks, "But where are the Diamonds now?...How many of your friends are marveling about the way Fit for Life has given them great results?" I'll tell you where the Diamonds are, Dr. Callaway. They're probably sunning themselves on their yacht, which ought to be called the S.S. Sucker, in loving memory of all those folks who bought their book."

I know that has nothing to do with BFL but I just love that last line!

Anyway, time to hit the shower!!! Later, all!

P.S. Susan - can't believe you've never been to Yosemite! It is just awesome...

susanje 05-07-2001 05:28 PM

Mrs Jim,

I think your post hit on why I was so incensed when KRON4 Daybreak called Body for Life a "DIET CRAZE".

It was a good promo for people to tune in but I would NEVER call this a craze. A craze is eat 20 grapefruits a day or this soup or this drink or take this pill and lose weight without a lot of effort.

Body for Life is WORK. It's commitment mostly but it is also dedication and hard work. You don't get those results by doing a CRAZE. I'm not still sore from Friday's LBWO because I'm doing a CRAZE. This stuff is tough some days when I don't wanna. I think that is why the free day is such a blast (and such a good idea) because we earn it. We earn every single bloated free day.

I had fun on my free day also. I had junk junk junk. Got up this morning and had a GREAT workout on my new elliptical trainer (hard work!) and back into the week of BFLing. I find that if I drink water on Sunday and workout as soon as I get up on Monday, my free day hangover goes away much quicker.

Well, I've never been to Yosemite. I am not quite sure what people do in places like Yosemite. It's a defect from being born and raised in NYC. If I book a vacation, it is to NY or Chicago or Rome or Paris (used to be San Francisco, but I live here now!). I never think of the wilderness as a vacation spot unless I'm photographing. Hubba Hubby and I took a wonderful vacation to Vermont a couple of summers ago. We rode our Harleys up and photographed covered bridges. It was WONDERFUL. Maybe we should do that more often. It was incredibly beautiful and relaxing. We stayed in a bed and breakfast with skylights and a jacuzzi tub where they delivered breakfast to your door in a picnic basket. Hmmm...maybe I should rethink this vacation thing.

I do have a back home vacation planned for the end of July...3 days in Boston and 3 days in NYC. I can't wait. I hope to be buff by then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must return to my criminal law final....break is over!!!!!!!!

How is everyone doing?????????????????????

MrsJim 05-07-2001 07:09 PM

Hey, I saw that thing on KRON too!
I was really ticked off, because they started showing the promo for the segment at the top of the 5:00 a.m. news, then didn't show the segment until almost 7:00 a.m. - and then it was a mere 2 minutes long! :( I'm sure I wasn't the only PO'd person tuning in.

Not to mention that they really didn't have anything to say about it other than a few sound blurbs from trainers and gym rats. What a waste of time! All that time waiting for nothing.

I believe they're calling BFL a 'craze' (bad term there, I agree) because of its current popularity - if they used the word "fad" I would have really been ticked off.

Jeez, Susan, if you enjoy riding on Harleys and photography, you GOTTA go to Yosemite - the scenery is unbelievable and taking Highway 120 (Tioga Road) east through Tuoloume Meadows to Mono Lake is a blast!


susanje 05-07-2001 08:45 PM

Mrs Jim,

I know I passed signs for Yosemite when I moved out here but how far from here is there? We do want to do some riding this summer. Now I'm becoming terribly interested. :D

4 finals til summer (in the middle of one right now).



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