New to 3FC.....been battling weight for 3 years now! Advice?

  • So I just started yesterday and still don't know well how to use it but am doing my best to learn. I was in the 120's range through out most of my life. I got pregnant with my daughter and was on very restricted duty so no exercise and when I gave birth to her I was the exact same weight the next day and have gained 15-20 lbs since. My family are a bunch a skinny minis and dont really get it. My mom is always talking about needing to gain weight and my sister is always talking about toneing her size 4 flat tummy. So as you can see I don't get a lot of support in the way I need. They say things like "oh, you look skinny in that", "did you loose weight?" I weigh 180 lbs and eat no fried food, VERY little red meat, no soda or caffine and still cant lose the weight. My biggest issue is sweets! Cant get enough! So with all that probably unnecessary info said any advise on weight loss you can give is much appreciated and needed!!
  • Sweets can be a big obstacle. My pitfall happens to be salty treats like chips... I have stopped buying them almost completely... if it's not in the house, I can't eat it. But when I do want to treat myself with chips, I buy a small bag.... that way I'm forced to limit how much I eat.
  • Quote: So I just started yesterday and still don't know well how to use it but am doing my best to learn. I was in the 120's range through out most of my life. I got pregnant with my daughter and was on very restricted duty so no exercise and when I gave birth to her I was the exact same weight the next day and have gained 15-20 lbs since. My family are a bunch a skinny minis and dont really get it. My mom is always talking about needing to gain weight and my sister is always talking about toneing her size 4 flat tummy. So as you can see I don't get a lot of support in the way I need. They say things like "oh, you look skinny in that", "did you lose weight?" I weigh 180 lbs and eat no fried food, VERY little red meat, no soda or caffine and still cant lose the weight. My biggest issue is sweets! Cant get enough! So with all that probably unnecessary info said any advise on weight loss you can give is much appreciated and needed!!
    Weight loss is simultaneously easy and difficult.

    The easy: Eat less. Move more.

    Your body burns calories just to exist. To breath, and to function. When we eat an excess of calories, our bodies store the excess for such a time that we might need it. When we eat fewer calories, our bodies dip into said storage and burn it up.

    In order to lose weight, we strike a balance... we eat just enough calories so that we can function, but reduce our intake by enough that our bodies begin to slowly and healthfully burn the excess.

    It doesn't always matter what the calorie is made of. A person can overeat on healthy foods and still gain weight. A person can eat only junk, but eat so little in general that they lose weight (not that this is healthy or anything).

    That's the easy and VERY basic explanation.

    People accomplish this by any number of means. Counting calories is certainly a cheap and easy, and incredibly effective way of doing it. Some people count carbs. Some people join groups and follow specific plans. (I'm a WW member, for example.) Others aim to train themselves to listen to true hunger signals and eat mindfully less. Some people aim for a certain balance of fat/carbs/protein on their plates. Etc. etc. There are many different ways to go about it. No one right way, and plenty of methods to choose from and incorporate into a plan so that it fits your life.

    The difficult:

    It can sometimes be hard to make healthier choices. It's a long, emotional journey. It takes time, effort, planning, energy, and loads of commitment. There will be mistakes. There will be difficult weeks. And even down at maintenance we have to be vigilant.

    However, I've never run into a person who regrets eating healthier, losing weight, and being fit. Despite the setbacks, the reward far exceeds the struggle.

    With a support group of people who are going through similar things...the burden is lessened. At least a little bit. We're able to reach out, and support. Ask for advice, or just have a venting friend.

    You've obviously made some changes to eat healthfully, but if you're gaining or have gained weight, then you're eating too much. You might consider Calorie Counting to see just how many calories a day for a week or two that you are eating without changing anything. Then after you get an idea of what's going on, you'll be better able to continue to make healthier choices that fit your life.

    Best of wishes!
  • Great post, Lovely. After years of dieting, intuitive eating.....eating between hunger and satisfaction.... is what finally helped me lose 40lb. It takes a long time, though, but well worth it because you don't gain it back. No foods are banned and that gives them all equal footage. Here is what I just posted on the IE thread.
    I find it so strange now that food isn't that important like it used to be. I used to love McDonald's and finally reverted to eating happy meals. Now I'd rather eat at home. And going out to a fancy place takes so long......driving an hour and then waiting to order and getting the order.....just not worth it.