Best time of day to stop eating?

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  • Is there a time at night after which you don't eat? Like, no eating after 9pm? 10pm?
  • I stop eating after dinner, which varies, but is usually around 6:30 or so. Plus, that gives my food some time to digest before my evening walk or yoga practice.

    I'm usually in bed by 9.
  • Dr. Oz recommends stopping 3 hours before bed.
    I believe him, but that hasn't helped me much to actually do it.
  • I stop eating after dinner, which (depending on my work schedule) might be anywhere from 5:30-7.

    I started doing this to eliminate the muchies/snacking after dinner, because it was very difficult to stop once I started. After doing this for the better part of a year now, I'm honestly not hungry after dinner and have little to no desire to snack. It helps that I have none of my old, processed snack foods in the house anymore.
  • I don't think there is a certain time your should eat past but it just depends what it is. If it is something somewhat healthy like a yogurt I think you could have that an hour before bed if you wanted..I usually eat a little snack before bed because I cannot sleep with a growling tummy
  • I have my last bit of food around 8:30-9, and I go to bed around 12am-1am. It used to be hard for me to go to bed with an empty tummy, so now I drink a diet soda, hot tea or water an hour or so before bed to help.
  • I stop eating when I run out of calories. Usually that is around bedtime.
  • I stop right after dinner. Sometimes I have a SF pudding or something, but usually a hot cup of Vanilla Sleepytime Tea and I am out by 9. Up at 420 to work out and do it all again,so rarely am I hungry after dinner anyway
  • I don't feel it really matters that much in terms of weight loss... for me, the calories are what counts.

    If I'm hungry before bed, I will have something to eat. However, I generally prefer to have stopped eating by 8PM, just so that I don't have to deal with any acid issues. I usually go to bed between 11PM/midnight.
  • I don't eat again after dinner, between 6pm and 8pm.
  • I try not to eat after 8 if I can avoid it. I've heard stories of celebrities eating "whatever they want" but just not after 6 pm but if I ate whatever I wanted I would probably eat like 10,000 calories a day.
  • Stop eating most nights after dinner (5:00 pm), but will snack on 1/2 cucumber right before bed...donno but this curbs my "right before bed" urge to splurge!
  • I eat little meals throughout the day, and usually don't ignore my hunger at night unless there's nothing in the fridge interesting enough for me to eat.
  • I was just wondering what other people's opinions were on this matter. I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. We eat dinner between 5 and 6 and I try to have my water intake (64oz) finished by 8pm.
  • I usually stop whenever my calories run out. Depending on how I plan things out, that could mean no eating after dinner (which I usually eat 7-9pm), or I could have some calories left for an after dinner snack. I don't like to eat two hours or so before I go to bed, though.