Non-scale dietersq

  • Hi, I'm new to this site and was wondering if there are any dieters out there who are not using their scale. I've dieted before but was so obsessed with the scale that I would get discouraged and give up. Please share your stories and how your doing!
  • Hi & to 3FC!
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Ok I'm a scale person, but I know some people measure themselves to monitor how much they've lost.(hips, butt, waist, chest, shoulders, around the arms)
  • Hi! I've gone both hubby is an obsessive, weigh every morning kind of person. I'm currently weighing once a week because I think I started using the no weighing thing as a way to not be accountable to myself. Try it both ways and you'll find what works for you...