How accurate is a body composition formula?

  • I've tried a few different formulas that I found online to calculate body fat percentages based on age, gender, weight, and body measurements. I know this isn't the most accurate method but for lack of another way at the moment, I thought I'd try it out. Does anyone know how accurate this really is? I was pretty happy w/ the number I got and it's close to what my scale says as well (I have one of those digital ones that supposedly measures body fat but I really don't trust it much). I guess I'm feeling that they are both somewhat accurate since they came out very close but I was wondering what other people think of this.

  • As far as I know, the only really accurate method is a special water displacement method, which one pays for at a clinic.
  • Quote: As far as I know, the only really accurate method is a special water displacement method, which one pays for at a clinic.
    I read that another accurate method is an autopsy. Lol! I am not going to try that one!

    All the scales and gizmos and callipers, I have read, really just give you an idea of %. I would take it all with a grain of salt. My last fat % measurement at the gym said the same as the one before even though I have lost weight.