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alibee 09-27-2002 09:19 AM

Howdy, it's burnt tongue girl! (Ow.)

I just thought I'd share a pic with you from this morning:
That's me and my puppy, Nicky. He likes to hide his face in the morning, so he put it in the crook of my arm :)

aphil 09-27-2002 10:44 AM

Hello all...good day so far!!!! Cute picure Alison!

Snowey 09-27-2002 01:41 PM

Good morning Chickies,

How is everyone today? The weather here has turned gloomy after a beautiful day yesterday. The hubby and I took a late night walk and of course I was a bit nervous about a bear coming out and surprising us. I see a few little bears cubs the other day,, they were so darn cute(from a distance of course).

Dont have anything exciting planned for today. Just do some laundry(exciting eh?) and go for a walk.

Alison ~~ such a cute pic of you and your puppy!

Well do have a great day girls and keep smiling!!


aphil 09-27-2002 03:12 PM

Just wondering if anyone here saw the show on Dr. Phil yesterday, about the lady suing McDonald's for her child's weight problem...I just wanted to slug her for being so stupid, and for clogging up the court systems with this garbage.
She was all talking about "They don't disclose how much fat and calories are in a Big Mac, and if I knew this, we wouldn't eat there 3 times a week, and if we did, we would get regular sized meals, and not super sized." Hello? I have the nutrition info on about every fast food chain there is-right there on their website, and they have sheets at the restaurants a lot of the time if you just ask...and is McDonald's forcing them to super size their meals?...um...no. And I do not know of a fast food chain nowadays that does not have chili, salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, or some other healthier choice available. This lady just really ticked me off with this crap. She just does not want to take responsibility for her and her child's actions like we all have.
Exercise has went well today, eating has been so-so...not bad, but could be better-I guess there is always room for improvement.
Well, better go-lots o' work to get done for the weekend!

Suzanne 3FC 09-27-2002 03:22 PM

I wish I'd seen that! I wonder if trancripts are available, I'm too curious, lol.

What a cute puppy, Alibee!

alibee 09-27-2002 03:31 PM

Warning: rant ahead!

Aphil: Oh my lord, I am totally with you. I was reading Time magazine (well, re-reading) about dieting, where they were comparing Ornish and Atkin's approaches. Seventy percent of the article was talking about hormonal causes of obesity, which was really ticking me off, especially since they said that the average amount of calories that people ingest PER DAY in the US is 3700. 3700 calories! How many people do you think are affected by a fat gene? Probably a small percentage. People are always looking for excuses with the fact of the matter is, if you're eating 3700 calories a day, you're going to be overweight. It's not a gene, it's your mouth, plain and simple. Then they went off and talking about how we are "programmed" to be fat because back in the days when agriculture wasn't as easily controlled, there were periods of famine that "taught" human bodies to store excess calories. Argh, that's just another excuse. My boyfriend has to do a psychological evaluation on a woman who wants to get her stomach stapled. I told him that if I had my way, he'd go into that meeting telling her to try restricting her calories a bit and working out before completely messing around with her body like that -- everyone wants a quick fix when the real way to get what you want is to work at it! (He's a psychiatrist so he can't really rant and rave like I'd like him to, but oh well, at least he agreed with me :) ) We're a society of undermotivated, lazy people. Ugh, ugh, ugh. People don't even want to work at RELATIONSHIPS anymore, which explains the fact that our divorce rate is 50%.



Originally posted by Suzanne 3FC
What a cute puppy, Alibee!
Hee hee. He's my baby. I'm one of those people who has a dog instead of a kid and talks about him/shows pictures of him/coos over him/calls him pet names like people with kids do. I disgust me. (The step-kid is enough for me at this point... plus, I'd like to see a ring on my finger before I go around making little me's!)

Wow, I ranted a lot longer than I meant to. Eep. :)

Snowey 09-28-2002 07:23 PM

Hey where is everybody???

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and feeling good...

I am doing good today, except for a stupid pain in my head that wont go away....so Im off to take more aspirin..

Bye for now


aphil 09-29-2002 03:26 PM

hi everyone,
Suzanne-they do have transcripts available for that show-go to www.drphil.com and the name of the show was "fight over fat."
They also had a section of the show at the end about airlines, and wether or not extremely overweight peole should have to buy a second seat, and wether or not that is fair, and wether it is rude for someone to complain because an overweight person is taking up part of their airline seat.
I think I have a pretty good solution to that one...If elt teh overweight person should not have to pay for a second seat, and I also felt that the thin person had the right to the comfort of his "entire" seat during the flight. Solution? Have a couple seats in the back of the plane that are a few inches wider than the normal size, and reserve them for really overweight and pregnant passengers-who can also take up more room. When going to the airport, the airline personel should make sure that a thin person is not using the ticket and taking advantage. Probelm solved.
Alibee-I totally agree with you about the article. I know of very few people who are actually overweight because of genetics, underactive thyroid, etc. Thare are a lot of people who like to have a reason that they are fat besides the grande moccachino they have every morning and the Big Mac they eat every day at lunch. It is much easier to not own up to their own doing.
Today has been a good day...I am finishing up a Christmas quilt, that cost me about $40 to make, and I have had an offer for it already for $100...:)
Grandparents took the kids last night, and they will not be back until evening, and while I was out last night, the battery went dead in my car-but I took it in stride, and was happy/thankful that is happened in the Wal-Mart parking lot, where they have payphones, and actually SELL car batteries, so I didn't have to walk a far distance or try to figure out how I was going to get the battery with no car...so it worked out well. Can't ask to break down in a better place.:) I called Jason at home, he came up on his Harley while I bought a new battery, we put it on, and I was out of there!
I have eaten well today, and got some running around done without the children...went to the Goodwill thrift store and found a brand new Jogbra sportsbra with tags still attached in my size! Today has been good!

VermontMom 09-29-2002 04:54 PM

:) Helllo hello everyone!!

Geez, I have neglected to say hi for a couple of days! I could give you excuses, but blah blah - you know. Nothing bad, just busy!

Nancy, eek, a bear?! Now I do remember you mentioning bears in your area from last winter/spring. They're pretty happy and placid at this time of year, right? I hope?!?

Yes, You are to be congratulated for staying OP all this time, and having such a super attitude about it all. I'm sure you're smaller each week, even if the scale doesn't show it yet. IT WILL!!!:D

Did the pain in your poor head go away yet?

Amy, the exercises that I have been doing for my legs is this; lie on side, making sure hips are even (not rolled forward) Raise leg 4 times; then hold it up and "pulse" (little lifts) 8 times; that's repeated through three times. I wear a strap-on ankle weight (1pound) for those; the increases I'm trying to do is more repetitons. These exerxises are part of a audio tape (used to be a video, but I wore it out!) that is a whole body toner-type. Any suggestions for something different? We DO have a Joe Weider-type home gym in the garage; I just need to get really motivated and clear all the junk off/around it away.

Alison, you are hilarious. We love your sense of humor! And your CUTE baby!

Hi t-girl, always glad to know that you are still in our midst!!!:D

Hi 'Nola! How are you doing? I'm so glad for you that you are now getting nice weather. Ride that cycle, girl!!! Ride Safe!!!

Hi Kina! How are you today? Hope you are feeling your usual positively-motivating self!

Hello tryin'hard! Good to hear from you! Yes, praise to you for maintaining that incredible loss for so long, even through the stress of two jobs.

Hi to anyone I missed - here's to us all eating right (well, most of the time!:o ), exercising as much as we can sensibly, drinking our water and loving ourselves and our lives!

Your friend, Holly

aphil 09-29-2002 08:03 PM

just a quick response to Vermont Mom...
The exercise you are doing for your legs targets the outer thigh/saddlebags area-keep on doing that, it is a good one. If you aren't doing anything for the other parts of your legs, here are a couple.
Calf raises-these strengthen your calf muscles and define them, as well as prevent shin splints if you get them when walking a lot or jogging. Stand up, holding the back of a kitchen chair for balance. Raise up on your tiptoes for two counts, and down for one...repeat about 12-15 times for a set, then rest them a few seconds, and do a second set. Afterwards, stretch your calves so they don't cramp up.
Also-for inner thighs, a good one is to lie on your back like you are going to do crunches, and hold a throw pillow between your knees. Squeeze your thighs together and hold for 5 seconds-repeat 2 sets of 12-15 with a few second rest inbetween.

VermontMom 09-29-2002 08:31 PM

Thank you, Amy! I will definitely incorporate those into tomorrow's routine.


aphil 09-29-2002 10:09 PM

Sorry my other post was so short, my husband was shooing me out the door...I have another for the front and back of your thighs...you can do two things, whichever is more convenient to you...if you have a two story house, walk up and down your stairs a few times (5-10) each day you work on your leg routine.
If you do not have a two story house, you can use your weight machine you have at home, and do two exercises for the front and back of the thighs-for the front thighs, do the one where you are sitting with your knees bent, and lifting the leg weight bar/straightening your legs. The back of the thighs are worked laying on your stomach, where you have your legs straight, and lift the leg bar/weight by bending your knees, like the same upward motion as you do when you do bicep curls for your arms.
I hope I explained this alright...if you have any questions...let me know. the front and backs of thighs are also worked when you walk a lot for exercise.
Today was a good day...my calorie total is 1420-here is what I had today:
breakfast-Bakers breakfast cookie
lunch-Healthy Choice Stroganoff meal and vegetables
snack-fruit salad
dinner-grilled chicken breast and a baked potato with 1T light margerine
snack-hot cocoa
Just to give some of you an idea of what my diet is now and then...
Well, better get ready fo rbed, I have to do an early workout, an dmy mother and stepfather are coming over about 10am to visit.
have a good night!

alibee 09-30-2002 01:00 PM

Hey y'all... question for ya.
Do you ever notice you get ravenously hungry around TOM? I have pretty much eaten a horse before it's even 12:30. Eep! (Okay, okay, not a horse, but ya know. A lot.)

VermontMom 09-30-2002 02:08 PM

Alibee - MY OH MY, YES!!! And for me it's wanting SALTY foods, all stuff that we never have in the house anymore, like chips, crackers, etc. (except when some evil person brings them in the door!)

tryin'hard had an excellent suggestion for helping deal with a part of this - she tries to really step up her exercise routine the week before TOM - to help deal with the physical discomfort, and maybe help decrease cravings. I've yet to be pro-active enough to mark my calendar to do that the week before...but it seems like a good idea. Hey, it could also help to counteract any extra calories we scarf down during that time.

I've found myself getting away from some of my good habits!!! I was so good for so long in not taking second helpings, nor eating anything in the evening...I've got to work on that. I am NOT going to let weight creep back on!!!

This week especially will be a challenge, as our Fire Dept's Harvest Supper is this Saturday, and I am responsible for overseeing the production of at least 300 servings of desserts...mostly pies and crisps we are making together at the firehouse on Thursday afternoon, but I also bake alot of additional cakes and cookies at home, freeze them, then bring them on Saturday. I usually let the family have a little something from what I've made, then pack it away. It surely is hard to resist, but I have to tell myself (and listen!) "just because it's there, doesn't mean I have to eat it!"

Thanks for the additional exercises, Amy. I did include the calf raises in today's workout. And yes, I will use the stairs as often as possible. That is something that we easily take for granted, just going up and down all day...but my sister, who lives in a one-story condo, hardly ever goes near stairs, and when she is here, is sadly out-of-breath from going up one flight...:( not good.

Hope everyone is doing well and happy today! It is my first day off of two; did a half-ton of laundry, now need to vacuum, general pick-up, clean bathroom (yes, you guessed right - it is cloudy and cold outside, so that is why I am not riding the motorcycle!:lol: )
Though I did ride to work yesterday, and it was 36 degrees in the morning! I had to stop after 14 miles to warm up my hands - I will invest in a pair of electrical warmed gloves, I think.

Have fun!!!


alibee 09-30-2002 04:58 PM

VM -- PHEW, because today's been crazy -- I've been eating when hungry (as usual) and have already had 1100 more cals than I usually have by this time! What the heck!

Oh well. :) Even though I also did the same thing Saturday night (excuse me, how did those 2.5 donuts make their way into my mouth?), I'm trying not to feel too bad about it.

Eek. (That's the sound of me actively trying to not feel guilty.)

And the worst part is, I couldn't make any smart choices about what I was eating, really, because I wasn't prepared. Usually, I love love love to munch on rice cakes, but I am out (shopping tonight), and I ate my whole lunch. Someone brought in Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, and I ate one after lunch (noonish) because I was still hungry, then another at 3:30. And THEN I realized that the cal count was for HALF A MUFFIN! One of those dinky muffins has 430 cals! And let's not talk about fat! I could kill the person who brought those in! Totally unfair! I protest! So, 800 cals of those 1100 cals were from two lame ol' muffins! Do you realize how many rice cakes that is!? (23 rice cakes, folks. The big ones.)

I am going to stock up tonight, let me tell you.

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