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ledom 08-31-2002 08:47 PM

Prevention Millennium Diet #95
Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed
42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed
42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.

go to prevention.com and put diet into the search engine and it will take you to the diet in another click or two

the website gives more details on the diet

ledom 08-31-2002 08:51 PM

Happy Labor Day Weekend,
Is your hometown busy this weekend Alice? Mine is! We took my mother out for her birthday dinner tonight and had to pass up our first two restaurant choices because of the lines.

Well, I survived my first full week back at work. I ended it feeling really tired. D is home and it is good to have someone bouncing around here. The cats and I were getting lonely. I can see that I am going to have to put myself out a little and find some new friends and/or activities. She is happy to be home too, first week was a rollercoaster for her I think.

Well, hope everyone is well. Check in when you get a chance judi.

aleka 09-01-2002 11:03 AM

A Happy Labor Day Weekend to you too ledom,
Glad you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend. It is rather busy around our area. We have these horrible summer neighbors, who we live right behind. This weekend is party central over there. We have to shut our windows at night, so we run our A/C and put a fan on, and that drowns out a lot of the noise. I for one will be extremely happy when everyone goes home tomorrow.:hat:

Tonight we are having friends over for dinner. DH helped me cook most of yesterday afternoon. I made a baked ziti casserole so that I can just stick it in the oven and I can visit. I also made this blueberry icebox pie, something that I've never done before. I saw the recipe in the newspaper and it looked rather interesting. I sort of made a healthier version by using Splenda instead of sugar. I only hope it will taste ok.

That's good that you survived your first week back to work. Hopefully that will be the hardest week you'll have.

That's nice that your D is home for a few days. Will she be able to come home often? Well...a belated(?) Happy Birthday to your mother:hb:

Take care and enjoy the rest of the time with your D.

ledom 09-01-2002 02:17 PM

AH Alice,
I am the type that does a slow burn when I feel that others are invading my space with loud noise. Glad you'll only have to endure a short time longer. At least you can drown out some of the noise and you know come Tuesday those folks will be gone.

You know what? I think I am going to post on that 6 week challenge thread Mrs. Jim has started. Though I am not a BFLer, I think there are many things that are similar to PMD and the idea of a challenge lasting 6 wks. might give me some motivation.

On another note - lurkers, please log on and introduce yourselves and join in if you'd like. You are certainly welcome. Actually I am a lurker on another 3fc thread and I have never felt right about joining in, though I am sure I'd be welcome. I know that the way we muddle along here on this thread can't be too inspirational, but the conversation is sometimes very good I think. We'd love to expand the circle.

aleka 09-02-2002 09:48 AM

Hey ledom,
That 6 week challenge would be a good incentive for you to get motivated again. The BFL eating plan is similar to PMD, especially the 5-6 small meals. You go girl!!!!

Dinner went very well last night. Had a good meal, if I do say so myself,:smug: and a very nice visit.

judi, hope you are having a great time in CA.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday, ledom.

ledom 09-02-2002 11:21 AM

Alice, I'm glad your dinner party went well. I sounded so good - you were smart to get it done so you didn't have to cook while your guests were there. And a hubby who helps - nice!

Not much new here, I am happy for the day off but will spend it paying bills, tidying up, etc. Next week looks like it will be busy with several evening activities, bookclub, I'm teaching a night class, and I hope to join some members of the canoe club for an afternoon paddle.

Yeah, I am going to do the challenge even though I'm not sure what BFL is all about. I guess I'll investigate a little - I need to pump new life into my diet.

aleka 09-03-2002 11:42 AM

Hi ledom,
Your schedule looks interesting this week, especially the afternoon paddle. Have fun at your bookclub. Which book will you be discussing? Good luck with your night class.

Went to the Dr. this morning for my yearly. She is starting to wean me off of Premarin, if I do ok she may take me off it altogether. I am not using Prem/Pro. Wish me luck! If I do need something, then she'll recommend something more natural. She said that taking the HRT maybe the reason I'm having such a hard time losing weight, plus she told me that I probably wasn't eating enough:?: So, I'll have to start counting calories just to see how much I am actually eating.

Good luck with the challenge, and keep us posted on your progress.

Have a great day.

ledom 09-04-2002 06:45 AM

Good luck with your medication change.

Looks like a change of plans with the paddling. The group had to reschedule to Tues., the night I teach, but more are scheduled later in the month for Thursdays so I hope to join them then. I need to get out by myself, it has been too long since I have been in my boat!

This month we read Ricky Bragg's All Over but the Shoutin'. A good book, but not my favorite. I have already started reading next months book. How to Be Good by Nick Hornby - I like it a lot.

I haven't posted on the BFL thread again. It is hard to break in when I am doing something so different, but I still have this 6 wk. goal in mind. Maybe I'll post my goals here.

1. To stick with diet and exercise routine for 6 weeks.
2. To loose 1 dress size.

We'll see how it goes.

aleka 09-04-2002 12:52 PM

I'm so sorry that you can't go out in your kayak Tues. night. Sometimes you just have to go by yourself just to have time some time alone, not to think about anything, and enjoy the solitude.

I'm glad you are enjoying this current book more than the last one. Sometimes I find you have to be in the mood to read something to really enjoy it.

Please post your progress of your 6 week challenge. I know you can do it. We'll be here to cheer you on:cb: :cp:

Today I have started counting calories just to have an idea of what I do eat in a day. This isn't a typical day either, as I had errands to run this morning and just made a quick lunch. Usually I have a HUGE salad. I seem to have stayed within the same 3-4 lb. range, even with walking 40 min. 4-5 times a week. She also told me that the Premarin may be hindering my weight loss. Hopefully some good will come out of stopping this. Let the mood swings begin!:fr:

Hope you had a good day at work. Enjoy your evening.

ledom 09-05-2002 01:33 PM

Alice I bet your walking will help with any mood swings you might experience from getting off your meds. Good luck with the transition.

I am not doing too good so far on my 6 week committment, but I am still going to do it. Exercise is pretty good, I have to continually be on myself about food. I think I can, I think I can. I have weighed and REALLY, I think I can.

Went out in the kayak this morning for the first time in at least 3 weeks. It was wonderful as usual. The fall wildflowers are starting to make an appearance and I enjoyed consulting my field guide and taking pictures of them.

Time for lunch, I have to go find something healty. Have a good day.

aleka 09-05-2002 06:29 PM

Hi ledom,
It must be very pretty on the water with the fall wildflowers coming. I have noticed in some spots that the leaves are starting to turn color. It seems weird because it's supposed to be near 90 by the weekend and into the beginning of next week.

I did count my calories yesterday, and I was below 1200, and it wasn't a normal day. I think I ate more yesterday than I usually do. Today I had lunch with a friend, and I think I ate my calorie limit at lunch:yikes: Did you find something healthy for lunch?

Exercising is a step in the right direction for your 6 week challenge. I know you can do the food part too. I know you can...I know you can.....

Take care and enjoy the evening.

ledom 09-06-2002 07:17 AM

Good morning,
Alice, hope you don't mind if I unburden myself just a little this morning. Having D at college is really putting a strain on things. So far, she isn't happy, when D isn't happy, I'm not happy. I am not sure how to help her out. She is an only child, having trouble adjusting to being away from home. She and her roomate get along fine. Therein may lie a problem, unless her roomie can go eat with her she stays in her room and she they are so dependent on each other I don't see them making new friends. OR, she comes and finds me. There is the other problem, I miss her being at home and am thrown off my own schedule by having her at my workplace. If you remember she is attending the same place I teach. At least twice a week she comes by to have lunch with me, left to my own devices I am in a routine of having a decent lunch at my desk and getting some work done. With her joining me we go out and not only my diet but my budget is suffering and my concentration at work is compromised. At the same time I don't have the heart to say no when I miss her in the evening and I know she is having a hard time. Sigh. This is going to take some ironing out. Hopefully she will start making some friends, honestly I don't seeing her make the effort though. That's it.

Wow Alice, only 1200 calories a day. That isn't much! I wish I could say the same. The last couple days I have just not been able to get control. I guess I have to hang up on that 6 week challenge until I get my head straight. I am feeling pretty miserable right now. Not eating right certainly brings me down both emotionally and physically. Not sure why it is so hard to do things right when it makes me feel so much better.

judi, how are you doing and where are you? Isn't about time for you to come home?

aleka 09-06-2002 07:45 AM

I don't mind you unburdening yourself at all. Maybe your D is uncomfortable right now being where most everyone is a stranger to her. She probably is very unsure of herself at this point. It will probably take people to approach her before she will make new friends. It's great she has you there to visit. If you usually sit at your desk to eat lunch, maybe you could bring something healthful from home to share with your D instead of eating out. Eventually, she'll start making new friends, once she gets to know people. I can relate to your D, as I am an only child and was very attatched to home, and not very comfortable meeting new people. Situations always find a way of working themselves out. Hang in there!

Actually, I don't have that big of an appetite...surprisingly, so I don't know why I'm overweight. All my life my thin friends could eat me under the table. Whenever I've told my Dr. what I eat. I can tell by the way she looks at me that she doesn't believe me.

Hi judi, are you on your way home yet?

Enjoy your day, ledom.

ledom 09-06-2002 08:08 AM

I know you are right about D and her situation. Thanks for your words of wisdom, I needed to say what I was feeling and have someone hear me. The idea of bringing food for both of us is a good one, I had thought of that but haven't acted on it. Next week I'll give that a shot. It is so weird parenting, you love your kids so desperately and at the same time you want them to leave you for their own good and leave you alone so you can have your own identity. As you can probably tell, D isn't the only one feeling conflicted at the moment.

Nutrition and weight are such mysterious issues. Have you always had a weight problem? I have! I weighed almost 10 lbs. when I was born. My natural weight is about 185 - where my body wants to be. When I was young I thought that was horrific and began dieting. Now I think I'd look pretty fabulous at 185. When I was younger if I had understood about exercise, being a firm 185....well hindsight is 20/20. Anyway, that just isn't fair that you don't eat much and still have problems with weight. I weigh too much because I eat too much, though age and an abused metabolism have taken their toll.

Anyway, have you ever considered visiting with a nutritionist? After lurking on the BFL thread a little bit I am amazed at what those girls are eating and how they eat. I can't quite embrace that, but they certainly seem to get results. Sometimes I think it would be so nice just to turn it over to someone else. Until I hit the jackpot that isn't about to happen. But isn't it fun to daydream about someone preparing your food in correct portions, running you through a workout program, counseling you on the perfect diet for you. Ah well.

After posting earlier I did get out and walk and I think I might even throw in a video before showering. If I can keep exercising I don't feel as if I am a total failure.

aleka 09-06-2002 10:56 AM

I am glad I could be of help. Not being a parent myself, sometimes I don't know if I am saying the right thing or not. But, having been an only child, I am an expert on that subject!

Yes, I have been overweight just about my whole life. I weighed a little over 6 lb. when I was born, and I refer that as my "skinny" days. :D I am 5'2" and in high school I weighed between 140 & 150, always dieting when I hit 150. I have yo-yo dieted for a good many years, and I actually think my metabolism is all out of whack, plus my age is a hinderance also. I would love to be back at 140, and toned. DH keeps telling me that my body is where it wants to be. Who knows, maybe he's right. Right now I am between 163 and 165 lb.

You know, I've been looking at the BFL thread, and I think they are able to eat that way because they are doing strengthing exercises, and they say that muscle burns a lot of calories.

I have thought of going to a nutritionist, but could not justify the expense. I do a lot of reading on the subject....now, if only I would put by knowledge to practice. Have you seen the book, Business Plan for the Body by Jim Karas? He has been on Good Morning America a lot because he is the person who got Diane Sawyer into shape. He really has sound advice. If you go into www.abcnews.com and click onto Good Morning America you could probably find his diet & exercise program.

I didn't get my walk in today, for some reason I just didn't feel like it. I did clean the house though.

You take care.

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