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Kitkat3NY 06-26-2002 12:43 PM

Opinions wanted please!
Is anyone taking any of the supplements? They talked me into getting all of them and like an idiot I did, but I did notice that last week Wed, I decided to stop taking them and then I went all hogwild, and no matter how much self-control I tried to have it just wasn't like before I stopped taking the pills. Today I'm back on them and now i'm ok. No cheating, I have small desires here and there, but it's not like an all out craving. I'm on the

So basically all of them. I feel controled when i'm on these pills and out of control (which is why I joined in the first place) when i'm off of them.

So to finally get to my questions, who here has taken any of these supplements? Also, how do you feel on them, not hungry, no cravings, undercontrol or the same as when your not taking them?



lindaby 06-26-2002 02:26 PM


The friend who referred me to LA WL is taking the FB500 and either the TriMax or the Celluway, I can't remember which. She thinks they help. She is taking vitamins that she already had.

I am taking the vitamins and the calcium and EFA. I don't know if they help but I think they are good for me. The above mentioned friend said she thought I could get vitamins cheaper, elsewhere.


(Weigh in tonight! :dizzy: )

Kitkat3NY 06-27-2002 10:18 AM

Linda, how did the weigh in go?

Phatprincessdiva 06-27-2002 02:18 PM

Hi. I'm new to the board but I have been on LA WL for a month and have lost 16 pounds with their program. I started taking TriMax, FB 500, the VitaMax, and the Calcium tablets about a week into the program. I have to say that I feel that they help minimize my carb cravings and help to keep me on task. I bought some of my supplements through ebay to save money.
I did do some pricing at GNC to see if I could get the supplements cheaper. In order to get all of the ingredients in their supplements at another vitamin store, it would end up being a lot more money because you'd have to end up buying a lot more products.
My advice to save is to buy when your center is running specials, use the coupons in the back of the summer slim down menu suggestions, and to shop on ebay. Be sure to ask questions when shopping on ebay so you don't end up buying expired items or half empty bottles.:(

Kitkat3NY 06-27-2002 02:36 PM

Phatprincessdiva- congrats on the 16# gone! That's great work for 1mth! Also, thanks for the response. I'm not gonna even attempt to recreate the pills from LAWL on my own, if you say your seeing less cravings from them, than i'll keep giving them the benefit of the doubt. I can't tell if they are helping or doing nothing at all.LOL I'm gonna stick w/ them. Thanks!

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