What is your FAVOURITE TIP to lose weight?

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  • My favourite tip is to EAT SLOWLY!

    We are always in a hurry. that`s why we usually don`t have time to do everything slowly. It`s just the way of living.
    But stop and think about your health!!!
    Moreover, don`t you want to ENJOY food?
    Try to TASTE food. Enjoy EVERY moment eating.

    It is not only a pleasant process, it is really useful for our health and prevents overeating.

    What is YOUR FAVOURIte Tip? Lets share the best tips
  • Hmmm. I don't know if I would call this a tip, a plan, a method or a what. But my very best "tip" is to COUNT CALORIES. For me, it is the ONLY thing that allows me to control my portions and to set limits. It also makes me AWARE of anything and everything that I put in my mouth. Ya know, accountability.

    My second best "tip" would be to plan ahead. Always. Eating healthy without a doubt does not come easily and naturally and by chance. Therefore it MUST be planned for in advance.
  • I mega mega agree with Robin! so I'll add one ...

    In the beginning ... just move ... to start, you don't have to join a gym, you don't have to have a plan, you don't have to have a prescribed workout regimen, you don't need special equipment. You just need to move more than you usually do.

    I have a friend who says something like this ... if I'm going to spend a couple of hours watching a hockey game on TV, why wouldn't I get on the floor and do some exercises?
  • I would say drink plenty of water and no Diet Soda. The artificial sweetners make me want to binge. So just lots of water ... 1200 calories a day and 30 minutes of movement a day... EVERYDAY.
  • Keep healthy snacks with you whenever you go out. You NEVER know if you'll be out longer than you think and you DON'T want to fall back into bad habits (like the drive thru!). I ALWAYS have my trusty baked sweet potato with me, some water, and and apple. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.
  • My tip would be: Pre-cook your proteins and vegetables!

    I stay on plan better 90% of the time when I have prepared my food ahead of time. I usually spend one night a week baking enough chicken breast, microwaving enough vegetables, etc. to last through the week. That way, I never have the excuse "Well, there was nothing to eat at home...so I ordered a pizza!"
  • Make a commitment to healthy weightloss. That way, if you have a bad day (week) you get right BACK to all these other great suggestions.
  • Quote: Make a commitment to healthy weightloss.
    Oh yeah, I absolutely agree - this really MUST come first, otherwise all these great tips are basically useless .
  • Definitely agree with Robin - you just can't eat well by accident.
  • I agree with Robin, and along those lines - log everything. I can count calories in my head, but it is too easy to forget a nibble of this and a handful of that. I have to commit to logging my food, my exercise, and my weight. It helps so much with accountability.

    The charts and graphs are helpful. Looking back over my journey is inspirational. When I feel that my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, looking back at how far I have come, how many miles I have walked - really puts it in perspective for me.
  • Create a home food environment that goes along with your goals. Only keep food in the house that you're happy you're eating and know that you won't binge on. It's way to easy to eat too much of the unhealthy stuff or too much of the "healthy" stuff that you don't have much control over. If I've got a whole bag of pita chips, it's way too easy for me to eat too much at once in a weak moment. Unless I plan to eat it, and am willing to accept the consequences, I just don't keep it around.

    I love lookng at the stuff I buy at the grocery store on the conveyer belt once I've loaded it all up. I like looking at all of the "good for you" stuff I've chosen to buy. It makes me feel like I'm doing good things for my body.
  • Get help with EMOTIONAL EATING, "diet" mentality, all or nothing thinking, perfectionism, etc.

    There are great books out there and also therapists who specialize in weight/eating disorders.
  • Another tip: Eat fruit, and lots of it. Besides the fact that it's so good for you, it REALLY helps you if you struggle with sweet cravings.

    "Two whole pieces of fruit a day to keep the sweet cravings away" -- that's my motto.
  • Don't have junk food in the house. It can't tempt you if it's not there.
  • Ok, this may sound silly to you all, but the easiest way for me to avoid the office donut box/birthday cake/candy bowl first thing in the mornings, is to brush my teeth in the morning with some really good minty toothpaste. Somehow, when my teeth feel clean, I just don't want to eat anything gooey.