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Chynna 01-09-2002 01:42 PM

And Mrs. Jim....yeah! glad I reminded ya to drink your water! At least I can help some way or another...:lol:


lhendricks 01-09-2002 02:11 PM

try blending the cottage cheese.....
with a small amount of liquid first. I like it but in beverages clumpy white flecks are NOT appealing.

Chynna 01-09-2002 02:44 PM

oh, thanks!
Oh, so mix it with, say, a little water first and that'll help blend out those gross chucks? I figured if I could get it smooth, I could add it to yogurt, shakes, etc. Thanks for the tip!

Didn't try the shake yet...ate something else instead.


MrsJim 01-09-2002 03:16 PM

Cottage cheese and yogurt
Hey Chynna, if you're gonna mix CC and yogurt together, do what Pam B suggests and use a blender to mix them, she says it gives the mixture sort of a cheesecake taste.

I don't think you need to add water if you're doing the CC and yogurt thang. :dizzy: Doing so would probably make it too runny!

And get a digital camera, gal! They are muy cheapo now!! I got Jim one last year for his birthday - bought it at half.com for about $170 - an Olympus. Make sure you invest in some rechargeable batteries and an AC adapter and you'll save tons of bucks and time (no more film to buy, no more trips to the developer's). And if you take a crappy photo, just delete it!

Chynna 01-09-2002 03:21 PM

Mrs. Jim,

Thanks for the tip. I'll dig out the blender and give it a try.

I have another little question...hubby doesn't really know what I'm doing (he's tired of hearing about all the "diets"...so I didn't say anything). Anyway, he called from work trying to be the sweet guy bringing dinner home so I didn't have to cook. He's bringing home Arby's roast beef and fries. No, heck no to the fries, for sure, but can I ax the bun and maybe cut the beef in half and be okay? I didn't have anywhere near my protein today since dummy me cut the Egg Beaters into three meals:o

$170 is cheap??? Oh, it must be nice to be rich :lol:


lhendricks 01-09-2002 03:33 PM

my one sticking point....
no pictures. Not now, not ever. I understand all the good reasons for having them but I'm just not going there. I have pictures at 219 pounds, fully clothed, and that will do it for me! Cheers for those braver than me...

My suggestion was for using the cc in a protein shake. It gives some substance and flavor with fruit but you need to treat it carefully.

Vanilla yogurt mixed with cc (no blender) and sprinkled with cinnamon or nutmeg is delicious!

MrsJim 01-09-2002 03:49 PM

Rich??? I wish!!!
I believe there are digital cameras out there for less than $100 now...I just looked at it this way: I didn't want to have to buy a scanner (I was using our neighbor's when I did my webpage) and Jim and I are total procrastinators when it comes to taking film to the developer's, not to mention picking it up. And I really HATE the icky photos - for some reason I can't bring myself to toss them out so they were just piling up!

As far as Arby's I wouldn't even go there. Not even the meat as it is processed - it would be one thing if it was cut right from a lean roast but basically Arby's meat is chopped and formed with a bunch of stuff you probably don't want to know about. Lotsa sodium in there too.

You might want to let your DH know what you're doing...let him see the book...or (better yet) get your mitts on a copy of the "Body of Work" video (You can order it from EAS for $2.95) and watch the first part of it with him! Maybe watching Bill discuss the origins of what became BFL will motivate him into wanting to cross the abyss himself!

Meanwhile...is it too late to call him and tell him you don't want Arby's today...maybe he can get you something else?

PS - Just checked Jeremy's suggestions for Fast Food choices and here's what he lists for Arby's as acceptable:

* 1/4 Roast Chicken Deluxe (with water, no fries)
* Roast Chicken Salad

Hope that helps!

Chynna 01-09-2002 05:29 PM

too late
Yup, it was too late to let him know not to bring it because he left the message on the machine and I can't get ahold of him at work. Okay, plan B...I'll "pretend" to eat it at my desk and then pitch it :lol: Of course he'll think I'm really hungry when I eat my normal meal shortly thereafter. Well, I did clean the house and now I'm really, really hungry!:s:

Oh, I'd love to see that video. I'll have to order it.

Thanks for the cc tips, too, gals! I still haven't tried it, but tomorrow will be the day! I've got frozen fruit and everything. I'm ready!

I'm so dang tired today. I'm sure it's from my major screw up with the eggs. I haven't eaten enough today at all. Oh, well, tomorrow will be better.

Okay, $100 is better. I do see the logic of the no film, processing, etc. I'd LOVE to have one!


2BFIT1 01-09-2002 10:05 PM

Mel~Your Victoria Secret post was too funny. It made me laugh outloud.Thanks~I needed that. :lol: :lol: :lol:

lhendricks 01-11-2002 11:12 AM

W5 draws to a close....
It's great to be back on program after three weeks of sickness and chaos. I need to set up some time with my trainer next week...some parts of my weight program aren't working out. I'm reaching my 10s really quickly in cardio because of having been ill.

I've been experimenting with doing more cooking and eating just fractionally smaller portions. I'm still never hungry and getting all the stuff I need. Tomorrow night I'm going to cook for my mother, steak with all the fixins'

Have a great day, everyone!

coca cola 01-11-2002 11:58 AM

I feel dumb for busting in on your thread, but I am very interested in learning more about BFL, but the official website doesn't seem to answer my questions about what exactly it is, what it entails, and how in the world people are getting such dramatic results in just 12 weeks.

Is there a website that would it explain it in detail? Thanks for any help you could give!


Chynna 01-11-2002 12:38 PM

don't feel dumb
Coca Cola,
Don't feel dumb for "busting in" because this is the best place to learn about BFL. I'm new to it too. Today is day 5 of my first challenge. I had tons of questions and the gals here are WONDERFUL.

Did you buy the book? That explains everything you need as far as basics go. Then you'll want to spend some time going through past posts here and checking out many websites...like Mrs. Jim's! There are tons of other useful sites too, such as www.hussman.com, but I'll let Mrs. Jim or one of the other gals fill you in on the others.

This is a great group and they are very helpful. I know I'd still be starving by not eating all my Egg Beaters f it weren't for them :lol:


MrsJim 01-11-2002 12:46 PM

Weeee're baaaack!
Wow...a whole darn day with no access. I was going through withdrawals!! :dizzy:

Oh well, today is day 82 of C3 for me. And I'm pleased to say that I'm sitting at my desk proudly wearing my NEW SIZE FOUR DKNY JEANS!!!! Yee Haw! :cool:

Coca cola - welcome! So you want more info? I really recommend going to your library and checking out the book. They should have it. It's an easy read!! I bought it at Barnes & Noble for about $15 last year. You can also check out www.leanandstrong.com - most of us BFLers hang out there as well. DO check out the Transformation Gallery at L&S and browse through the user profiles. I also recommend hunting down the latest issue of "Energy for Women" which has a SUPER story on one of the most inspiring people in the US (IMO) - Pam Brown.

The official BFL website does have a lot of info BUT it is really necessary to read the book (I mean, after all, they DO want to sell books, right?) to get a real 'feel' for the program.

Lisa - I'm so glad you're feeling better! Now time to get back on track!

I got a demo for a training program that Pam B. recommended called The Trainer's Edge (www.thetrainersedge.com). I haven't loaded it onto my PC yet but it looks really cool - I'm going to try it out for the 7-day demo period to see if it's worth investing the 200 smackers for it. I'll keep you all posted!

Chynna, Sil, Mel - hope you're all doing okay - let's hear from ya!

Chynna 01-11-2002 01:44 PM

Doing good!
Hi Mrs. Jim, :wave:
Tried to post this before, but it wouldn't take. If it gets posted twice...sorry.

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS on the new size jeans. That's wonderful!

I'm doing pretty darn good. I'm SO sore from my LBWO and that cardio is a killer! I used to do an hour on my exercise bike and it was NOTHING like this 20 minutes. I love being able to do so much in such a small amount of time. :)

The eating is going well, too. I had the whole box of Egg Beaters yesterday, although I had to take a long time to eat it. Boy, that's a LOT of food! I love having chicken and rice with a little low sodium soy sauce or salsa! I even tried those egg white pancakes with sugar-free syrup. So much to try. Gonna make banana bread tonight! I still have to go out and get Udos and some protein powder, though...

Oh, I heard about a bar called Zone (tastes like mint Girl Scout cookies!). It's got 22 carb, 16 protein. Should I add more to that if I eat it? And I'd only have one when I'm dying for something sweet because I think it's got 12 g of sugar.

One more question while I'm at it. Instead of a whole free day, can ya break that up over the weekend at all? Just curious.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! :angel:

MrsJim 01-11-2002 01:55 PM

Never fear about multiple posts, if that happens you can always delete them (or PM me and I'll do it).

Now, on to your questions.

First for bars (MRBs). I try to stay away from them myself, except in an emergency (if I'm on the road, for instance). In that case, what I do is eat 1/2 a large Worldwide Pure Protein or MetRx Protein Plus with a carb - usually an apple - and that will be one meal for me. Actually I've only used MRBs once during this Challenge. Best to stay away from them IMO - loaded with sugar and glycerin (which is like sugar but for some reason the companies aren't required to list its presence on the label - I think the FDA is taking measures to stop that though).

As far as breaking up your free day. Personally since this is your first Challenge, I'd say stick to the book and get your ya-yas out one day a week! However, I do know that there are a few people on L&S who do break up their free days. Just don't try to spread a free day out over the course of the week. Steve L. has the best way to break it up IMO - he has a free meal on Saturday night for dinner, then another free meal at Sunday breakfast.

For me, having one continuous Free Day on Sunday starting when I wake up at around 6 am (for me, that's oversleeping!) until I go to bed around 9 pm works best for me. That doesn't mean I'm EATING the whole time I'm awake - that's just the time window (however, during my first challenge, my Free Days were totally insane...just eat eat eating all day...I've mellowed out considerably since then!).

If you haven't already done so, if I were you I'd post my menu on Tall Jen's (TJ's) Daily Menu Thread so she can critique it for ya at L&S, as I've stated before she does this every day Monday through Friday. Do that until you get comfy with the BFL way of eating! It's INCREDIBLY helpful!

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