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ledom 10-23-2001 10:35 AM

PMD #70 - Prevention Healing Diet
This Diet is currently being promoted on newstands as the Prevention Healing Diet. The booklet will
be on sale through Nov. 23, 2001.

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed 42 fat
grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine

This Diet is currently being promoted on newstands as the Prevention Healing Diet. The booklet will
be on sale through Nov. 23, 2001.

aleka 10-24-2001 10:33 AM

Hello everyone!
ledom, You must look fabulous!!! All that exercise has really paid off:cool: That's wonderful your student lost so much weight on Suzanne Somer's diet. DH & I did that WOE last year. DH lost a lot of weight, but I only lost 12 lb., which I have since gained back. Her WOE is food combining and mostly staying away from anything and everything that has any sugar, including some vegetables like potatoes, beets, carrots, winter squash, etc., eating fruit by itself, you cannot eat bananas at all, staying away from anything made with white flour, any carbohydrates you eat have to be made with WHOLE WHEAT. You cannot eat proteins and fat with carbohydrates, you can't put margarine/butter on your toast. You can eat a lot of meat and fat. It does take getting used to, but once you learn it, it becomes second nature. I stopped eating this way when my Dad became ill. I did not have the time to prepare meals, I just grabbed anything on my way home from the hosp. I don't think I can go back eating that way again. That is the gist of that plan.

judi, How is it going with Bentley? Is he behaving? I feel sorry for Marley , I'm sure with all the running around Bentley is doing, he'd like to smack him a bit :lol: Is it still raining and dismal where you live?

I have to leave in a short while to meet a friend for lunch. She is the one who I hadn't seen in 30+ yrs. and she came to my Dad's wake. She was my best friend in Jr. High. We've been having lunch about once a week since. Take care. Alice

judi 10-25-2001 02:27 PM

Hi ladies
We had a little break in the rain for a few hours and I planted the rest of the bulbs.

Bentley (the sweetie pie) has gone home to be with my D who missed him. Yes, Marley made a few growling charges at him, especially when he learnt to walk up the stairs and come into the bedroom where Marley was hanging out during his visit. He has been especially cuddley since the little Boston went home...I think he thought he was going to stay here and was relieved to find out he wasn't.

The diet has been so-so, (so so BAD) yesterday I ate the whole top layer of a box of mint melties, it was a small box but still it was the whole TOP layer. They are chocolates made by Purdy's, I usually don't buy them until around Christmas.:(

Today I am going to make a German lentil soup with Morningstar "bratwurst" (imt.) in it. It is a soup kind of day. I have been looking at various sites for soup recipes.

Alice, how did your lunch go with your friend?

Glad to have you back Ledom.

ledom 10-25-2001 04:59 PM

Hey ladies
Good to hear from you. All is well here, the workshop is over, dinner was a success and I am hoping to get back to a more regular routine. Yesterday I just gave in to tiredness, and the insane quality life has taken on in the past week and ate and drank all I wanted. Got just a little happy, tipsy at my party last night and it was fun. But today I am back to my sober, responsible self.:o Well almost respnsible, this afternoon I took a looooong 3 hr. nap - I was pooped.

Alice, fabulous is a relative word to describe how I look. Compared to a while back maybe, but it is probably not the word that would just pop into someones mind.


The kittys were so funny with my guests last night. Ricky Martin is a party animal. He doesn't have much use for being inside unless he is hungry, but with a house full of people he didn't want to miss out on anything. Beatrice on the other hand stayed outside until everyone left.

I have been back on my diet today, but no exercise. Tomorrow I'll start that up. It is time to get going again.

ledom 10-26-2001 08:58 AM

Me again. I got up and did my routine and it felt so good to get back to it.

It is turning cold here now. I am not sure when I can get back in the kayak, but I sure miss it. The weekend we are to have lows in the 30's though the daytime will be in the 60's. The leaves are truly gorgeous now so I'd like to get out on the water for some photography.

I hope every one has a good Friday. I plan to make my butternut squash chili this weekend. One thing that has been working for me recently is that I change off two suppers every other night. One night is apple pancakes, the other night a big salad with tuna. Both are filling, but low cal. I do better when I settle into an easy preparation routine. The soups that ya'll have been talking about sounds really good.

judi 10-27-2001 03:25 PM

apple pancakes
Mmmm Ledom...those pancakes sound great, just the fall thing.

Glad your party was success and that you enjoyed it as well as your guests.

The cat "Ricky Martin" WOULD be a party animal, while "Beatrices" have known to be more sedate. Is she named after Dante's Beatrice?

My D is 23 on the 29th, boy, I can hardly believe that. If she gets a good start on a history essay she and her boyfriend are coming over for dinner tomorrow. In any case I plan to make a 3 layer coconut cake that I have a recipe for in a "Cooking Light" magazine from a few years back. (My diet or healthy eating took a bad whopping this week...mint melties and all.)

I went and had my nails done, french manicure with sport tips. I kind of miss my long nails of the past few weeks but they weren't practical for me, I couldn't type on the computer and kept ramming them into the car door. They look nice, very nun like...pristine...as a former chronic nail biter I am going to keep up the effort with my nails.

Alice, did you have a nice visit with your friend? How is the Boston doing?

Hi Shebacat!

ledom 10-27-2001 10:28 PM

Hi Judi,
Yes, your little girl is grown up. I hope she gets to come over tomorrow. My D is a senior in high school this year. She plans to attend the University I teach at and we are both getting excited about it. She took the ACT test today. I know I'll miss her living here next year, she will move into the dorm. I commute about 35 miles to work and I think she needs the dorm experience.

I played catch-up on rest today. I took TWO naps, one this morning and one this afternoon. I still feel as I can sleep well tonight too.

Well, not much newsworthy here. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. What are you up to Alice?

aleka 10-28-2001 10:04 AM

Good morning ledom & judi
How is your weekend going judi & ledom? Mine is going great. Sat. we went down to our cottage to rake some leaves that seem to pile up around the back door. We are hoping that if we raked them in the fall, there will not be a HUGE pile next spring.
This morning we went out for breakfast. Friends of our's came in after us, so we sat with them and had a nice visit. My eating has been just so-so this weekend. I saw a bag of Halloween Oreos and the bag kept calling my name, and would not let me out of the aisle until I bought it:D

judi~A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your D. Your cake sounds YUMMY!!
My lunch went very well. Afterwards we went shopping, which was the best part. It is really nice reconnecting after all these years. It is nice to see the woman she has become. Hopefully we will be able to meet this week too. It must be very quiet without Bentley around. I'm sure Marley is pleased as punch now that he has the house to himself again. Lacee is doing fine. The other day I was pouring some dry dog food in her dish. Somehow I managed to spill quite a lot onto the floor. She was like a vacuum cleaner inhaling the food:eek: I have never seen her eat her dog food so fast. I don't know why I bother putting it in a dish. Evidently it must taste better with all the dust and dirt.

ledom~I'm glad that your dinner was a success. Ricky Martin sounds like he's very comical, he must really like people. Beatrice sounds like she's shy. That's good you are getting some much needed rest. It's amazing how much you sleep when you really need to. I read this "diet" in one of the women's magazine. One of the things you do, taking a 20 min. walk after eating 2 of your 3 meals. It does not matter how fast you go, as long as you walk. I think I may try that tomorrow.

Take care. Alice

LADY WINDSONG 10-28-2001 05:50 PM

HELP please
I read the profile for this diet plan.
I think it sounds doable.
Can I please have some tips and food ideas for this.
I am quite new to this whole aspect.
Thanking you kindly,
Lady Windsong

ledom 10-29-2001 10:08 AM

Happy Monday morning,
Lady Windsong - welcome. Yes this diet is very doable and it works, and it makes you feel good too. My diet day goes something like this. 1/2 bagel w/ pb&jelly or cereal w/ skim milk for breakfast. Clif bar or other 250 cal. energy bar for a.m. snack. Amy's Bean burrito, or some 250 cal. entree I can zap in microwave at school for lunch, cottage cheese/fruit/almonds for pm. snack, salad w/ tuna or apple pancakes, or black beans and rice for supper, popcorn or fruit & cheese for bedtime snack. Those are just some ideas. I would recommend getting a calorie counter and a notebook to keep track of everything at first until you kind of get the hang of things. Water and vitamins and exercise help things along.

Welcome to the group and tell us a little about yourself.

I had a so so weekend. Exercise was there, food - I kind of lost my momentum but I am hopeful for today. I think I have been too out of synch for the last two weeks and now that everything has calmed down I am out of sorts. Time change this weekend has left me addled. Hopefully a week of meeting my classes regularly, etc. will help me back to an even keel.

aleka 10-29-2001 10:15 AM

Good morning everybody!
WELCOME LADY WINDSONG I have just started to follow the PMD plan instead of combining it with something else. I haven't gotten the hang of eating the 6 small meals yet. What I do at breakfast is have a small bowl of cut up fresh fruit, or an apple. Then sometime later I have a bowl of oatmeal w/a tablesp. ea. of raisins and craisins, cinnamon, and 2 tablesp. of sugar free maple syrup. I usually have soup for lunch, and for supper I have whole wheat pasta, or some sort of meat with veggies, and brown rice, or a boca burger with low fat cheese, veggies, and brown rice. If I do get hungry in the afternoon, I will have a piece of fruit. I try not to eat anything with white flour and anything with a lot of sugar. I don't know if this helps you or not. I just sort of fit this WOE around the foods I like to eat.

I did my first 20 min. walk this morning after breakfast. It was very invigorating since it was in the 30's BRRRRRR!!! I didn't take Lacee because it was too cold for her and she doesn't have a sweater.....yet. I'm going shopping Wed.;) It is supposed to get warmer this afternoon, so I will take her then.

Our hot water heater started to leak yesterday afternoon. It is not leaking very much, and we were able to get our showers in this morning. A plumber is supposed to come "SOMETIME TODAY".

My MIL gave me a great book to read. "The Horse Whisperer" by
Nicholas Evans.

Happy Monday to all!!!! Alice

LADY WINDSONG 10-29-2001 06:57 PM

Thank you
Are you doing this and WW points?
I really need to get started doing SOMETHING!
The desire is here, but is ther spirit going to follow.
I will need to go to the store and set in some items for my lauder.
Fruit, juice WW bread. Anything else.
Change will come.
A nice brisk walk. Good for you.
Is there a list of foods that are allowed with this program?
I like knowing how much and when to eat.
4-5 of this 2-3 of that.
Thank you for all your help.
Have a nice evening.

judi 10-30-2001 12:58 AM

Hi ladies!
Welcome Lady Windsong!

I have been off the diet for the last few days and no exercise. I am mad at myself. Tomorrow my WW friend is coming so I am going to make us a WW soba soup that I found in my new WW cookbook, the recipes all prepare in less than 30 minutes.

I count WW points just to keep track of what I am eating.

On the positive side I dusted and reorganized all my bookshelves. When I was in the middle of it I thought why the heck to I ever start this job but now it is finished I am happy with it.

Tomorrow is a new day (good thing)!

ledom 10-30-2001 06:49 AM

judi, I bet you could get me organized if you were here. I am the type that when I start to clean or organize gets bogged down in looking and thinking about each little thing I run across. I can never get to the end of the job.

Yesterday was so hard. I didn't exercise, but was able to punch through a pretty fair diet day. Now it is morning and time to exercise and I have a huge case of "I don't want to". I plan to though, when I finish here. I'm struggling this week!

Alice, I love to shop to. One of my favorite things in fact. Have you started your Christmas shopping? I have done just a little.

Windsong, good luck getting your groceries together. You might be able to find a copy of the Prevention Magazine with the Prevention Healing Diet in it for some more details on the diet. It is supposed to be on newstands through Nov. though I haven't seen it recently here. You might check at the library. Even if you don't find it, the information you need is really all in the opening post. The magazine article tells why each of the food groups is important and I think it gives a few recipes, but basically I think part of the diet is figuring through it yourself using the basic guidelines.

On the issue of 6 small meals a day. I know that has been a part of the diet you had trouble with Alice. But, it is one of my favorite things about PMD. I guess because really I am eating all day long. When I started out if I felt hungry I could remind myself that I would be eating again soon. Also, it just seems to feed your body steadily so that you don't have energy dips throughout the day. The diet talks about that a little, saying that it keeps your metabolism burning at a steady rate.

OK, having said that, I am in the middle of one huge energy dip that has lasted about 4 days now. I am going to go put on my work out clothes and coax myself through some exercise!

LADY WINDSONG 10-30-2001 07:08 AM

Happiness is......
Finding all of you.

Starting anything new is frustrating and questionable at first.
I can't imagine eating beans 5+ times a week!
Do you get to eat potatoes?

As for exercise I am layed up with a pulled hip muscle. OUCH!

Cleaning out is something I have been doing FOREVER! I do have the I want it so I better keep it just in case syndrome!. My give away pile is growing thoiugh.

Judi, you just took a bend in the road. You WILL get it back on track.

I will be a snail this week, then I will inch up to being a butterfly.

Need to really re-think what I have been doing to myself.

Glad you are going to be here for me and I for you.


aleka 10-30-2001 10:11 AM

Good morning everyone!
Yesterday I had a very good day of eating, and I did get my 2-20 min. walks in. I've already gotten my first 20 min. walk in for today. It is soooo windy that it seems a lot colder than it really is. I had my mittens and wool hat on. When I go later this afternoon I'll also be wearing my ear muffs. I had debated on whether to walk or do a 20 min. exercise video. I remembered how great I felt yesterday from being outdoors, I opted to walk.

Yesterday afternoon I took Lacee with me. When we got to the end of our street we met up with a lady walking a Newfoundland. Lacee was ready to "take on" the larger dog. Thank goodness the lady and dog were on the opposite side of the road. I kept telling Lacee that the bigger dog could have her as a little snack.

Lady Windsong~How did you pull a muscle in your hip? That must be very painful. I pulled a muscle in my back many years ago, and it still bothers me at times. I hope it feels better soon. Personally, I only eat potatoes occasionally. I usually eat sweet potatoes (yams) instead. I am happy that you found us too! It's really great being there for each other. I don't count WW points, but I do have an older copy of the WW points book, before they changed some of the point values. I use this book for a lot of my portion sizes, and I also use the book to make better choices when I dine out.

ledom~I think the reason I am having a problem with the 6 meals, is that I am not used to eating that many times during the day. Sometimes I just forget, or I'm not hungry. After being ingrained in my mind to only eat 3 meals a day, no matter how hungry you are inbetween, it will take getting used to. Except for what they tell you in the suggested menu for PMD, I honestly don't know what to eat, except for a piece of fruit, or cut up fruit.
Any suggestions? Your cottage cheese/fruit/almonds sound good, so I think I will try that. If I could master the "rules" of Somersizing, I surely can master this;) How did your exercising go today? Yes, I have started my Christmas shopping. I am a great catalog shopper. I have ordered quite a few things already and I am waiting for them to arrive. Some have already. I still go shopping for gifts too. When I really put my mind to it I can be done by Thanksgiving, or shortly thereafter.

judi~Don't be mad at yourself, we all have those days. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. That's what Mondays are for:lol:, at least that's what I tell myself. Are you still hiking with DH & Marley?

Take care. Alice

ledom 10-30-2001 04:52 PM

Windsong, I think you can have potatoes. You just need to figure the calories and work them in. I imagine the sweet potatoes are probably better for you. I have mostly black beans, I cook a batch and a batch of brown rice at the same time. Rice and beans with a dollop of sour cream and salsa is a standby for me but I also use them in recipes, I have a black bean casserole that I make and the soup I have on hand now has black beans in it. I do try to have my beans at night instead of when I am at work if you know what I mean.

I DID do my workout. It was a good one and I felt much better after finishing it. But then a bad thing happened. D had a minor car accident in the school parking lot so I spent a couple hrs. dealing with that before getting to work. Car damaged but kids ok, in the scheme of things I guess it isn't such a bad thing, but it was a lousy start to our day.


judi 10-30-2001 11:48 PM

Evenin' all!
I have a hard time with the little meals too...I like to have two
"monster size" meals a day. A big breakfast and big dinner with maybe a fruit for lunch. I know this isn't good for me because I get too hungry for the dinner and end up overeating. Though since I have been on PMD evening snacking has dropped off because the foods are nutritious and I don't feel hungry. I am going to work on the 6 small meals but for me this takes so much "thinking" about what I will have.

I also don't have a hard time having 4 fruits but have a harder time with 5 veg usually only having 3 veg a day. As a vegetarian it is no problem to eat beans 5 times a week, I vary it sometimes it is lentils, split peas and diff. types of beans.

Another thing since I have been on PMD my desire for refined foods (cakes, pastries etc.) has fallen off. So even if I haven't lost a lot of weight I know I am eating much healthier.

Alice, it sounds like Lacee is a small dog with a large attitude. Sounds like my D's Boston. Lhasa's are like that too. I kind of like it though. Just have to keep an eye on them.

It looks like we are going to sunny California for a week, so if you don't hear from me next week very much that is where I will be. I will be glad to get away from the rain.

Ledom, I will help you organize your bookshelves and you can help me exercise.:)

I like shopping too. I have started some Christmas buying too. I love Christmas. I like decorating the house, baking and the whole thing. I plan to stop at a few of the factory stores on the way down.

aleka 10-31-2001 07:49 AM

I did get my 2 walks in yesterday. I will not be able to get both in today, as I am meeting a friend for our weekly lunch. I will get a walk in afterwards, when we go shopping at the mall;) Yesterday's eating went well also. For supper last night I made a Tex-Mex casserole w/black beans & brown rice.

judi~Along with having a difficult time with the 6 meals, I also have trouble getting my fruit & veggies in. I guess this is something I'll have to work on. I have no problem getting the beans in though. Have a great trip to Calif.

ledom~I am glad that your D was not hurt in the car accident. You and she must've been shaken up quite a bit. Yesterday for my mid afternoon snack I tried the cottage cheese, nuts, & some blueberries. It was really good!! How much cottage cheese do you use? I used the serving size on the carton, the serving size for the nuts, and without adding the fruit, (which I did add) I was over the 250 cal.limit.

Lady Windsong~Another thing I have done occasionally is take the beans & rice along with salsa and a dollop of sour cream, and roll it up in a flour tortilla. I try to stay away from anything with white flour, so I don't do that very often. I only wish I could find whole-wheat ones. I hope you are having a good week.

I hope that you all have a great HALLOWEEN

Take care. Alice

ledom 10-31-2001 09:30 AM

It has been a while since I have figured the calories so check, but I use canned fruit, a serving of apricots for example is 60 cal., lowfat cottage cheese, I believe is 90 cal. for 1/2 cup serving, and 7 or 8 crushed almonds. Actully I might stick in extra fruit. I feel that if I don't go over 300 cal. a meal I am doing good, but I do try to make sure most of them are in the 250 range.

aleka 11-01-2001 09:13 AM

We had rain late yesterday afternoon. Early evening when we let the dog out, we noticed there was SNOW mixed in with the rain. By the time we went to bed there was slush on our front steps. Thank goodness it was all gone by morning. It is supposed to get warmer in the next couple of days, reaching almost 70 by Fri.

ledom~Thank you for your help in the snack dilemma. I found my booklet I got recently at the grocery store that renamed the diet. At the very end there are some snack recommendations. One of them is 1% cottage cheese with 1/2 a chopped apple. That sounds good. Also there is a recipe for a snack cake made with blueberries at 180 cal. a serving. I think I will make that. That sounds like a good snack with coffee at night.

Hi :wave: judi and Lady Windsong. I hope both of you are having a good day.

Take care. Alice

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