Happy Thankgiving!!!!!!!!!!

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    I hope you all are having or have had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    How is/was everybody's Thanksgiving???? I'm working...

  • I did....

    & I thoroughly enjoyed every single one of the 2200 calories that I consumed today!

    -Back on track tomorrow
  • I had a great one! I'm taking the day off, lol! I pigged out bad, but I'll be back on track tomorrow
    I hope no one beats themselves up too bad about pigging out; it's only one day
  • i was wondering what everyone would do. i certainly didn't stick to any kind of plan. i didn't engorge myself as much as i used to.. but i still was pretty stuffed. i also plan on eating my leftovers. i couldn't get anyone to take ANY home. good thing i have two piggie boys that live at my house to eat it up, so i don't feel totally horrible.
  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I ate more than I intended, but it's just one day and I'll be back on track tomorrow. I didn't bring home leftovers. I feel my treadmill calling, so bye all.
  • The only thing I feel remotely bad about are the roasted sweet potatoes, baked in a caramelized brown sugar/butter sauce. Could not leave them alone! I didn't have any dessert though. I ate the rest of the sweet potatoes while everyone else had pumpkin pie with cream! Oh yeah, I forgot...I do love a crispy turkey skin so probably ate a bit more of that than I should have.

    I only have turkey left-overs so that's not so bad. Just got to decide what exotic dish I can conjure up for dinner tonight!

    Hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Mine was a bit o a bummer. Obviously, it's not celebrated here so my hubby had to work, kids had school and I had a house full of the kids I childmind. Next year, I WILL make everyone have the day off!!
  • Glad you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We're going to celebrate ours on Monday, when we're off.