Is your house making you fat?


    Some interesting thoughts here.
  • Very interesting ideas.
  • great article. i've noticed that since i've turned off the t.v. during the day (and not watched the food network) i have less of an urge to snack because i don't see food on tv every two seconds. also, since i live in a loft and our t.v./computer is upstairs away from the fridge it definitely helps (when i use the computer downstairs, my back is literally to the kitchen, so it's right there and i snack more cuz it's easier).

    another thing that i learned that was not mentioned in the article is that square plates are worse than circle because there's more room for food (too bad, because i LOVE the look of square plates).

    thanks for the post.
  • I think it might partially be true... but I think mostly they want you to redecorate your house.
  • Quote: I think it might partially be true... but I think mostly they want you to redecorate your house.
    Well just think, with all the redecorating it will burn that many more calories. heeheeheehee
  • i can totally understand about the size of your dishes and cups. the more dish i have the more i load it up, same with cups.

    i like the spoodle idea!
  • Very interesting. Last summer I bought all new dishes. Granted they are yellow and blue. But I use the salad plate for my dinner plate. And, we have always used small 4-6 oz glasses for juice.
  • I think that it's an interesting article. I've heard the thing about colors in the kitchen. I used to work at McDonalds and when the outside was painted the use of red was said to induce appetite.
  • Great Article, I bet my house is not helping me too much!!