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paperclippy 07-24-2005 09:43 AM

The sorting hat was Gryffindor's, you're right. I hadn't even thought about that!

skinnyjeans 07-25-2005 09:50 AM

But wouldn't he need that hat with him when he killed someone to make it a Ho?rcrux

techwife 07-25-2005 07:47 PM

Has anyone mentioned gryffindor's sword yet? Also, what do you think he made into a horcrux when he killed harry's parents? Do we know whether or not Harry's father was related to Gryffindor?

Just some theories...

AmberM 07-26-2005 12:49 AM

I was discussing the horcrux issue today and the way we understood it (could be totally wrong) is that he just needed to kill at one time...not necessarily when he had the item for the Horcrux. I don't know what exactly you have to do to make a horcrux but he was in Dumbledore's office and both the Sorting Hat and sword are there. Harry's father is a pure-blood...never thought about him being related to Gryffindor though. The only thing with that is that Harry was almost put into Slytherin his first year and wouldn't he have been in Gryffindor automatically (like Malfoy was so quick to be put into Slytherin) if he was descended from Gryffindor. It could be the sword too...I was just trying to think of something else. I thought the Hat would be more important to Voldemort. He could have taken something from Harry's home too. JK Rowling said we could figure it out if we read close enough in the book. She also Refused to answer when asked if someone else was there when James and Lily were killed....quite interesting.


techwife 07-26-2005 08:16 AM

Hmmm...I'm wondering if Harry, himself, is a horcrux. As I understood it, a horcrux can be made when the person making it kills someone. Such as when Nagini was made (I assume Nagini was made in the first chapter of GofF...but it could have been made earlier and when the gardener was killed, something else in the Riddle House was made into a horcrux...). I wonder if it's possible to maybe make a horcrux by accident. Say, for instance, if the Potter's had something of Gryffindor's that Voldemort wanted to take and make into a horcrux. Well, he killed James and then he was going to kill Harry, but it backfired and Voldemort took off. Then maybe the object he was going to make into a horcrux was forgotten about and Harry was made into a horcrux...which is why...if James is a decendent of Gryffindor, the sorting hat wanted to put Harry in Slytherin because part of Voldemort's soul exists in him. That is, assuming James is a decendent of Gryffindor, which I'm not positive of. But, if Harry is one of Voldemort's horcruxes, then that would explain a LOT...having a slice of Voldemort's soul inside him and all. And it would explain why Harry or Voldemort has to die in order for the other to exist.

Just more theories...

diamondgeog 07-26-2005 04:00 PM


Just finished last night. Perhaps about Snape, perhaps. This will allow him to get deep, deep, undercover so perhaps at the cruical moment he gives invaluable help to Harry. A big problem is that he is so undercover that Harry HATES him now. Hates him perhaps more than he hates Voldemort.

Also interestingly perhaps Draco is not 'lost' forever. I have to say it was a very good read. Not great. More of a bridge book to the 7th. I think she underwrote Ron and Hermonine and their interactions and for that matter Harry and Ginny. Just generalizations. Also left out is why Dumbledore did not make it a higher priority to take an active interest in Voldemort when he was younger. Obviously someone with great magical power and his personality should have been taken way more seriously. Even if not for the magical world then at least for the muggle world and the damage that could be done.

I am a lifelong fantasy reader and this was so far from the first fantasy I have read that I put it in context of my overall experiences.

A couple of books I would like to point out that I think would definetely appeal to female readers (I am male). The Rhapsody series by Haydon. The Witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsyth. Green Rider by Kristen Britain. The Assassin's Apprentice series by Robin Hobb.

Do not get me wrong I am a big Harry Potter fan. I just happen to think there is fantasy literature that is at least its equal and that people who like Harry Potter might like these books as much and perhaps much more. The Assassin Apprentice series is extremely fulfilling. Do not get distracted by the title it is even more the interior of people and less violent than the Harry Potter series.

shanberg 07-26-2005 04:53 PM

Does anyone think that maybe Harry's scar is a horcrux? maybe when the spell backfired, the magic that Voldemort was going to use to make the horcrux caused the scare, making it one?

diamondgeog - Have read all those books you have listed, except for The Witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsyth. Green Rider by Kristen Britain. I think I have heard of the Green Rider, but not the other one. I love sci-fantasy books too! One of my favorite writers is Terry Goodkind. And the Rhapsody books are fantastic! I am going to get the last one printed tonight!

diamondgeog 07-26-2005 05:06 PM

The cool thing about the Witches of books is that they are all out. Also the main characters are twins and very different. Both very resourceful in their own ways. One of them makes Xena seem like Phylis Diller.

I do not think Harry is in any way a horcrux. Remember Dumbledore kept saying that Harry's great strength was his ability to love and to remain 'innocent' even with all these horrible things happening to the people he loves most. I think any part of Voldemort inside someone would drive them a)insane and b) make them VERY different than Harry is.

Also WAY too risky. And I just thought of this. Voldemort didn't even consider Harry until he first hears of the prohecy and then he has been trying to kill him ever since. I do not think you can make a horcrux by accident or inadverterly. It is some of the most advanced magic in the world and has to be done with a lot of intention. So the last place you would want one is in something you were going to kill which would nullify the point of it. And I do not think we have proof that a horcrux can be part of a living object. To the contrary so far it seems to be limited to inanimate objects. It was the diary not the snake for instance.

shanberg 07-27-2005 08:09 AM

Have you read the book yet? I don't want to ruin anything for you, but Dumbledore thinks the snake, Nagini, might be one, and he/she isn't inanimate. Also, in the first book, there is a green light that shoots out of Voldermortes wand as he tries to kill Harry. In all other books that follow that use the killing curse, I don't remember any green light issuing forth (although I could be wrong and will need to look this up).

Xena as Phylis Diller, huh? I might have to read those books just for that!!!

diamondgeog 07-27-2005 09:05 AM

If the point is to be immortal why would you put one in a living being? I'd give thousand to one odds against it, but I have been wrong before.

The Witches books are a good mix of coming of age, adventure, and some interesting thoughts about the world and living. Me and my wife both like them very much.

paperclippy 07-27-2005 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by shanberg
Also, in the first book, there is a green light that shoots out of Voldermortes wand as he tries to kill Harry. In all other books that follow that use the killing curse, I don't remember any green light issuing forth (although I could be wrong and will need to look this up).

I'm pretty sure there's green light whenever someone uses the killing curse.

BellaLumina 07-27-2005 05:41 PM

I just finished the book yesterday (my sweetie and I were reading it aloud together, and remarkably not cheating and reading ahead) so I had avoided the spoilers...

Anyone else find comfort in Dumbledore's portrait? I wish it had at least winked or something when they were meeting in the room! I can't possibly see him as having a horcrux, but the portraits do still actively participate in whatever's going on, so he's not completely beyond explaining why on Earth he trusted Snape!

I haven't read the theories about Snape not being a Death Eater but I think he's evil and has been all along. Bad bad wizard!!! LOL But I'm going to go read the theories and see if my mind is swayed at all! :p

barbygirl43 08-01-2005 03:57 PM

Okay I read the book and I was extremely dissappointed. All in all, it was well-written and a good read but a couple of the things in the book struck me wrong.

Dumbledore dying? I expected as much. Not sure if it had anything to do if the guy playing him died after two or not. He'd been being in poorer and poorer health and with Sirius dying in the book 5, Dumbledore would be logical to be next. Of course he had Fawkes so I'm wondering if his song wasn't bringing him back to life and that was a dummy dumbledore they buried or not since she referenced his song while they were visiting Bill.

Snape being the half-blood prince. Seems like the logical choice. Although they said the half-blood prince was there 50 years ago. (That would make Snape and Harry's parents 66--since they were 16 when taking advanced potion making). I don't know how wizards age but it seemed a bit old and having Harry.

And Harry in the end while trying to cast spells on Draco and Snape. All throughout the book you read about them practicing their nonverbal spells and whatnot. In the previous books Harry was great at using his new skills he'd learned to fight off the evil. This time, he not once tried to use a nonverbal spell to stop them. Why not? He has a very level head and has proven his smarts time and again in previous battles.

This book (as did Order of the Phoenix) leave me with more questions than answers again and yearning for the next book.

barbygirl43 08-01-2005 04:36 PM

I just read all your theories and such and I like the idea of Snape in love with Lily. It would explain a lot about his behavior. You also have to wonder if his "hatred" of half-bloods had to do with him being one and despising that he wasn't pure.

The part about him still being on Dumbledore's side also makes sense and I think JKR wanted us to believe he had truly went back to his death eater ways and to hate him more.

I still don't much care for Draco and it will be interesting to see how he gets out of this.

techwife 08-02-2005 08:07 AM

RE: the horcruxes...I still think that Harry is one, which is why he's always been so 'in tune' with the goings on with Voldemort. I think he was made one by mistake, but then Voldemort will try and 'take over' Harry's body...or something like that...not enough coffee yet this morning.

Dumbledore: I flat-out refuse to believe he's dead. Remember Harry saw a shadow or ghost of a pheonix when the tomb started on fire...like, the pheonix rises from the ashes thing. I believe that Snape and Dumbledore are in cahoots and DD had Snape make up a curse (like he made up that septumsumpta thing that Harry used on Draco in the bathroom...Snape's own curse, I think) that only they knew about that was reversable or something...not making DD die, but appear to all that he's dead. This way he can pursue the remaining horcruxes undetected because to everyone he's dead...and Snape will be on the run and will be able to help him. This explains when the dark mark appeared above the astronomy tower, Harry wanted to take him to Madame Pomfrey, but he said, "No way, take me to Snape." or something to that effect. Then when the death eaters were there, DD was all tough guy, like nothing was wrong with him, even though he'd been through the wringer in the horrible lake in the cave, then when he saw Snape, he relaxed and said, "Severus, please..." Like, please, get this overwith.

Well, those are my theories...of course, only JKR knows for sure where the last book is going to take us.

I felt sorry for Ginny...but I think she understood and will be waiting for Harry to finish off Voldemort. I mean, I'd hate to be the boy to follow that act... :lol: She's had the hots for Harry since the first book!!

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