How has the opposite sex reacted to your weight loss?

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  • I don't know what i'm doing wrong but i get a lot more positive comments from women. One of my lesbian friends even said to me last week " i could fancy you in that dress". ACtually i happen to know that she did have a thing for me at one time but i put that notion right out of her head because there's nothing worse than be pursued by someone you've not interest in.
  • I think that, in general, more men pay attention to me now - at least when I'm dressed up, which is kind of rare. Overall, though, strangers seem to be nicer and less likely to be dismissive. Also, in the past it seemed to take professional colleagues a while to warm up to me. Once someone really got to know me I was taken seriously, but it often took a bit of time to get there. Now it doesn't seem to take as long; I seem to have more credibility out of the gate. That goes for both men and women.

    My husband met and married me when I was 220 lbs (give or take 10 or 15). He's happy that I'm much happier with myself now, and I think he likes the way I look, but I don't think it makes a big difference to him either way. Nothing about our sex life has changed.

    It's weird in some ways to read the posts from others about how they went from being invisible at a higher weight to someone who gets noticed at a lower weight. I understand it, but in some ways I feel the opposite. I felt like I stuck out (in a bad way) when I was at a higher weight, but at a lower weight I blend into the crowd. I just look normal now, just like any other person you might see walking by. That's one of my favorite things about being thinner; I feel like I don't stick out anymore, and as a result I'm so much less self-conscious. I used to be hyper-aware of my body every minute when I was out in public. Now I hardly think about my body at all, and it's a relief.
  • I honestly feel like my boyfriend has noticed my fitness level more than my outer appearance. He's noticed that I can keep up with him, have more stamina and a LOT more energy.
  • Quote: Yayyy!!

    It almost makes me a bit scared because I would start to wonder if this same person would date/talk to me if they knew me when I was bigger? Oyy!
    And that right there will be my issue! It's like "Would you still want me if I looked different...makes me wonder if I should delete all my previous facebook photos after all is said and done lol may I should completely erase my past and forget about it XD
  • You don't want to erase this journey. How hard are we all working to hit our goals? No one is forcing us. It is not something that HAS to be done to live. This is not something you can do/accomplish and keep the results because of someone else. It speaks to our characters. One **** of a uphill battle and you go it alone. Rep the sweet benifits, one day... The attention we get now WILL be only a memory. Be you 300 or a buck oh five. Appearance may attract attention but who you are keeps someone in your life.

    Buff any chip that's forming out you shoulder. So others appreciate your appearance, GOOD! You women have been puttn in work, they better drink it in !! Lol but honestly what someone finds visually attractive you can't be upset about be it thick or thin. You like what you like let them do the same. But is a person goes on saying horrible thinks about plus size then, ya no good. We've been there, we know the struggle.

    End rant lolz

    But honestly... They open doors , I get free stuff a lot. This cute guy that works at the fitness centre I go to lets me in for free when he works... And I noticed he'll watch me weight train and move really slow or stop talking when I walk past him!!! I don mind it, but sometimes the rare male is SUPER inappropriate and that upsets me.
  • My weight loss hasn't been too dramatic. I dropped about 40 pounds. About 20 pounds into that, I started turning more heads, if I may say so myself. It was a pretty noticeable shift. When it started happening, even my brother commented on how much I was getting checked out. He said something like, "It's weird seeing another guy check out my sister, but I can understand why. Objectively speaking, you're hot." Sweet yet also kind creepy haha.

    What's weird though is I don't get hit on more. That's always depended more on if I send out interested signals.
  • Quote: You don't want to erase this journey. How hard are we all working to hit our goals? No one is forcing us. It is not something that HAS to be done to live. This is not something you can do/accomplish and keep the results because of someone else. It speaks to our characters. One **** of a uphill battle and you go it alone. Rep the sweet benifits, one day... The attention we get now WILL be only a memory. Be you 300 or a buck oh five. Appearance may attract attention but who you are keeps someone in your life.

    Buff any chip that's forming out you shoulder. So others appreciate your appearance, GOOD! You women have been puttn in work, they better drink it in !! Lol but honestly what someone finds visually attractive you can't be upset about be it thick or thin. You like what you like let them do the same. But is a person goes on saying horrible thinks about plus size then, ya no good. We've been there, we know the struggle.

    End rant lolz

    But honestly... They open doors , I get free stuff a lot. This cute guy that works at the fitness centre I go to lets me in for free when he works... And I noticed he'll watch me weight train and move really slow or stop talking when I walk past him!!! I don mind it, but sometimes the rare male is SUPER inappropriate and that upsets me.
    What you said really spoke to me!
  • Honestly, my fiancee has decided to also get back into shape! I told him how I had lost so much weight after I came to Job Corps, and how well I was doing, and he said "Well... I should do the same!" We both have pretty distorted images of ourselves, so even though the other tells us we're amazing just the shape we are, we still say we're gonna do this! Lol! (I don't know if that sentence made sense to anyone, and I'm sorry if it didn't!)

    Even my family has been praising me. My aunt, who inherited the same "MORE FOOOODDD!!!! LESS EXERCISEEEE!!!!" gene that I did, was recently diagnosed with a slew of health issues. From being alergic to cow dander (or anything living, really....If it grows, she's allergic to it!), to Type 2 Diabetes, to even breast cancer (which, unfortunately runs in the family). And both of my parents were VERY recently diagnosed with high blood pressure, high glucose levels, high HDL, and they're both considered overweight. So the push for my whole FAMILY to get into shape has been a big one, and the fact that I decided to do it all on my own seems to have boosted everyone else's inspiration! They're all constantly asking my sister (who's a registered nurse and seems to always be on a diet to lose a few pounds and stay in her healthy weight range) questions about what to eat,when to eat it, how much to eat, and how to fix their issues. Even I have seemed to become the family dietitian!
  • I have found that people especially men feel like they can say anything to you about your appearance or make sexual innuendos. And they are so NOT subtle or shy about flirting and saying things they never ever would have said before! And i am wearing a wedding ring and talking about my husband. I am surprised at this behavior because it's so unlike anything I have experienced. Objectified is the word that comes to mind.
  • Quote: I think that, in general, more men pay attention to me now - at least when I'm dressed up, which is kind of rare. Overall, though, strangers seem to be nicer and less likely to be dismissive. Also, in the past it seemed to take professional colleagues a while to warm up to me. Once someone really got to know me I was taken seriously, but it often took a bit of time to get there. Now it doesn't seem to take as long; I seem to have more credibility out of the gate. That goes for both men and women.
    This about sums up my experience too. Yesterday I stopped at Starbucks on the way to a wedding. A man who looked at least 10 yrs younger jumped up from halfway across the store to open the door. I kind of enjoyed it, even though I also resent the fact that if I were my old size, I would be invisible or get a look of disapproval.
  • Quote: This about sums up my experience too. Yesterday I stopped at Starbucks on the way to a wedding. A man who looked at least 10 yrs younger jumped up from halfway across the store to open the door. I kind of enjoyed it, even though I also resent the fact that if I were my old size, I would be invisible or get a look of disapproval.

    I was at Target over the weekend and the lines were ridiculously long. A male cashier saw me waiting and motioned me over to a different register. He said he was already clocked out and on his break but he saw me waiting and I was so attractive he skipped his break so he could talk to me.

    What? LOL. All new territory to me.
  • [QUOTE=IdealProteinNewbie;4993237]THIS.

    I was at Target over the weekend and the lines were ridiculously long. A male cashier saw me waiting and motioned me over to a different register. He said he was already clocked out and on his break but he saw me waiting and I was so attractive he skipped his break so he could talk to me.

    What? LOL. All new territory to me.[/

    Something like that would be confusing to me XD I'd be like aww shucks lol
  • My weight loss it's still on it's early stage so it's not noticable yet. Im the only woman at my job and Im the boss to 22 males.

    When I first started here they treated me with the respect my possition demands but I did noticed that they tried not to even look at me and lately they seem to look at me more.

    It's a very small change but I do notice it. Ive never been a pretty girl and life in general taught me to be hard in personality and since Im also shy I dont make friends in real life cause of selfesteem (sp?) but the people I do know have made some comments and I feel good!

    My husband did noticed when my work clothes started to look too big on me. A few months ago I had to actuañly travel to another city so I could find work clothes my size cause you cant find size 24 where I live and now I can buy the size 20 here! so he noticed but hasnt made any coments yet.

    He watches what I eat tho, when we sit down to have dinner and he notices me serving a plate too big for me, he takes it back to the kitchen and gives me a much smaller portion, I guess it's his way of saying "you're doing good, dont screw it up!" :P