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FreeBird3 07-10-2012 02:55 AM

Too young to be THIS nostolgic about life?
I'm 34 years old and, for the past few months, I've become very nostalgic about my life. Specifically, I'm feeling very nostalgic about my middle school to early high school years (i.e. 6th grade through 10th grade).

I've been listening to music from those years and even went as far as purchasing several Sweet Valley High books from Ebay. Yes, I know those books are silly, but I have fond memories of those books and the time of wonder and innocence so to speak. I was more of a Sweet Valley girl than a Babysitters Club girl. :)

My concern is that I do not believe my behavior is 'normal' for a person who is still (technically) young. I would understand behaving this way if I was in my 70s or 80s and looking back on life.

I've even gone as far as to waste several hours on Facebook looking up old classmates and old school crushes to see where they all ended up in life. I haven't friended them, but just want to see what they all look like.

I think I'm missing "the past" because those days captured a time were time felt endless, my parents were not old (i.e. they were young and healthy), and the idea of ONLY holding hands with a boy or getting a kiss on the cheek was the biggest joy of all. I was also slender back them (though my young self didn't believe it back then) and felt healthier (because I was healthier). I wasn't a popular girl in middle school and high school and didn't have a social circle of friends to hang out with, but I had my Sweet Valley High books and I helped out at my family's business/store during my free time.

I guess I just want to know if any other women (around my age) have experienced this deep type of nostalgia. I don't think I'm depresed per se. Perhaps I'm just really bored with my life. I'm an adult now, but my life isn't "exciting". Granted, my life wasn't exciting back in my middle school and high school days either, but the difference was that was a time of inoccent about life, men, etc....before all the adult responsibilities kicked in.

I'm going to talk to my therapist about all of this next week. I just feel like this isn't normal. I've been thinking/behaving like this for awhile now. I don't know what's going on with me. I guess I just want to live in the past, so to speak, because life felt "safe" and "good" back then.

napalmtree 07-10-2012 05:06 AM

I'm not around your age, but I've been feeling that way a lot lately. I haven't bought any memorabilia but I do watch music videos from my childhood and look at 90s nostalgia sites.

For me, it's profound regret at how my life turned out. I also feel incredibly old, even though I'm only 25, because I've 'failed to launch.' I'm part of the generation that is mostly moving back home after graduating college, overwhelmed by debt and unable to find a real job. So I look back on my childhood and long for it.

We look back on the past with rose-colored glasses, though.

Scarlett 07-10-2012 09:43 AM

Actually 90s nostalgia is a bit of a trend right now.


electrongirl 07-10-2012 11:15 AM

I'm 36 and so the same things and I don't think it's wrong or silly.

I also get very nostalgic for my home country and always look up things about it and look at photos etc.

btrinny 07-10-2012 11:22 AM

I think its somewhat common. I'm 35 and I know alot of my friends still run in the same circles and hang out on the weekends talking about the good old days. I also think it's more common now because of Facebook and such. It's funny to see when long lost friends post pics from back then.

SensualSiren 07-10-2012 03:30 PM

I'm 27 and do the same thing.

thinkfit 07-10-2012 09:38 PM

Honestly I do the same thing, and I'm only 19. I think for me it's the same kind of reason as napalmtree - I yearn for the past because the present is not what I thought it ought to be, if that makes any sense? Like I'd rather not get into it, but because of holding myself back (blahhh weight insecurity naturally) I'm really far behind where a girl my age should be in life. Because this isn't how I pictured my life AT ALL when I was younger, I always wish I could go back and fix the problems I've created for myself today. Very very bittersweet nostalgia!

Sinoia 07-11-2012 12:41 AM

Don't worry, it's normal =) Stages of maturity and progression, self awareness and personal growth are not necessarily tied to physical age, though generally there is a correlation. A great deal is down to environmental and physical factors also.

For instance, if you suffer a trauma, or are going through an emotionally stressful time, you may be 20, or 30 or more and you will look back to what you know and find comfort or self endorsement in it. It is the yardstick by which we feel we can select our paths onwards.

Sometimes it will be something comforting, such as a memory of kinder, more rewarding times. This gives us hope. Sometimes it will be remembrances of something humiliating or painful. This gives us caution.

The important thing is to know that our memories can simply be tools for progression and learning and then should be seen as what they are ... things that are past, not things that will stall us in our path onwards. Learn from them, love them and then move on from them.

But, the most important thing is, do not worry about them or let them be a basis for "furture fears". We may feel nostalgic for the past, this is healthy, there was a young and innocent air about us then. We may feel guilty or traumatised by things we did or caused, this too is healthy because we make mistakes or commit injustices ... we need to move on and forgive ourselves for them and learn so we do not do the same again.

Learn to like who you are and how you fit into the world, and if you do no fit well then know that you are not alone.

katkitten 07-12-2012 04:52 PM

I think this is perfectly normal :) I'm 34 and my sister is 40 and we have 80s nostalgia days all the time where we watch the corey movies or other cheesy 80s movies lol

Arctic Mama 07-12-2012 07:21 PM

I have little bouts of nostalgia here and there, sure, but then I remember all the parts that sucked and how much better my life is now that I'm a happily married parent. Not everything stunk and some stuff, like music I remember listening to or the magic of certain books or shows, that's fun to reminisce about.

But I always try to end my thoughts with refocusing on my gratitude for all I have now. That keeps the nostalgia lighthearted without any of the downsides (like discontent with today).

novangel 07-12-2012 10:09 PM

Yes, I long to go back so I can truly appreciate my youth/family (I took it for granted) and turn a different road upon adulthood. I don't even recognize what my life has become; it feels like I'm living someone else's. It suddenly changed overnight when I was 32 and I never fully adjusted. I have been somewhat nostalgic ever since. I'm almost 38.

Most of all I miss my Mom. :(

lucky8 07-13-2012 07:04 AM

Yeah im 27 and im going thru a stage like that, duno if its because im getting married or cos im having job probs and lifes getting all grown up and serious but i think its normal ..........think some call it a quarter life crisis?

stillmeadow 07-13-2012 07:48 PM

Totally normal. Bruce made millions with Glory Days


astrophe 07-13-2012 09:59 PM

Totally normal.

Shoot, Dante's divnine comedy covers it. The mid life point. You have hit the middley bit, you can see half your past behind you and half your future ahead.

I went through that around 35/36.

It's a natural time to take a sort of "where do I come from? Where am I? Where am I going? assessment of self.


helwa588 07-14-2012 04:22 AM

its perfectly normal. im 24 and i spend some days just watching stuff from the 90's on youtube because it takes me back to a simpler time. power rangers season 1 is coming on dvd in august for the first time. and i already pre ordered it lol.

Marms 07-14-2012 02:28 PM

I've done this my whole life. In college, I kept think about how great middle school and high school were, even though in reality they weren't After college, I really missed the college life and still can't believe it's been 11 years since I graduated. The past is always rose colored.

Elladorine 07-14-2012 05:17 PM

I think it's pretty normal. I'm 36 myself, and one of my friends recently gathered some Judy Blume books for me so I could reread them again! :)

And now with the internet, it's easier than ever to indulge in nostalgia since people, places, and things from our past are typically just a click away. Just two days ago I decided to download a bunch of songs I liked from the 90's, and I think I get so much out of it since it takes me back to a simpler time when my biggest yearning was wanting a CD player. :D

I'm also a huge animation fan, and collect both old and new Disney films. My excuse is that I'm an artist, but it's something I've always enjoyed as makes me feel like a kid again.

There's nothing wrong with dedicating time and effort on memories from your past, as long as it doesn't interfere with being happy with your life in the present and future. :)

Precious Little 07-14-2012 09:34 PM

I agree with the others who say this is totally normal. I think it's a sign of coming to terms with your life, where you started at and where you are now. I'm around your age and have been going thru this over the last year or so.

I guess what triggered it for me was having a massive clean out of personal items, (and a lot of rubbish) I felt were holding me back.

LadyPetite 07-16-2012 02:42 PM

I'm 27 and I reminisce about my late teen years. There's nothing wrong with that. I, too, was a Sweet Valley girl. Heck, if you Google 1bruce1 (I can't post links yet), there's a livejournal site by that name that recaps all the Sweet Valley books. Great and hilarious if you're looking to kill some time.

I listen to songs from the 90s and think to myself how great music was back then (and the 80s) compared to now. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that and wonder how old I sound when I say it. :)

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