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Arctic Mama 05-15-2012 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by MiZTaCCen (Post 4333851)
Given the fact that I'm super heavy and it's pretty gross, I think I'll stick to pads and tampons for that reason. I really wouldn't want to have to clean my Diva cup after the water falls kicked in... :dracula:

You just dump the contents into the toiler and wipe it out with toilet paper. Is really easy and way less gross than tampons. I will never go back precisely because it is cleaner (hello, no peeing on the string! :o) and easier to dispose on/clean up.

It's not nearly as gross as it sounds, I promise.

MiZTaCCen 05-16-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arctic Mama (Post 4334859)
You just dump the contents into the toiler and wipe it out with toilet paper. Is really easy and way less gross than tampons. I will never go back precisely because it is cleaner (hello, no peeing on the string! :o) and easier to dispose on/clean up.

It's not nearly as gross as it sounds, I promise.

It doesn't sound that bad when you put it that way...my over active imagination was running while and all I saw were my hands being all bloody LOL...

berryblondeboys 05-16-2012 05:11 PM

Well,the Diva Cup arrived today (miraculously) and it's a no go. I have put it in three times and it slips.

Then, I went swimming and as soon as I started walking, It started to slip. I barely made it to the locker room and when I went to take it out it was barely hanging in there (and you can imagine how comfortable that was) and it was FULL of pool water (and menstrual blood). Obviously... not the way it's supposed to be. I will try it again tomorrow, but for strength training tonight, I'll use my usual Super Plus OB Tampon and Always pad for leaks (if they start to happen).

So what does that say about the condition of my lady parts????

era28 05-16-2012 05:26 PM

I tried the Diva Cup once and it got stuck. I had a similar story to the amazon.com reviewer, except my story involved tweezers to try to get the darn thing out. It took about an hour of freaking out before it budged. I would never use it again, I was traumatized.

berryblondeboys 05-16-2012 09:15 PM

Ok, I tried AGAIN and maybe this time it will be OK. Every time it seems to be differently situated in there. Honestly, I had no idea it was a cup that basically sits in the vagina to catch the blood. It's a much less messy job than the "Instead" which is exactly like a diaphragm...

What I'm floored by though is the questions I saw online about is it OK to wear the Diva Cup (or the like) while having sex. I TOTALLY don't get that! It doesn't cover the cervix, so what good will keeping it in do? But cause discomfort to him and or her or both. It won't contain blood either... As I said... I don't get it.

Instead is great for sex (or a diaphragm) as it covers the cervix and therefore no blood or obstacles in the way. Though, for as long as I've been married, we usually just opt to skip my period as I'm usually not in the mood anyway (and I'm the one in the relationship with a stronger libido).

TheBunneh 05-16-2012 11:08 PM

berryblondeboys Are you making sure that the cup is getting an air seal after it's put in? You should be able to pull on it gently and have resistance (it should not be able to just be pulled out like a tampon, it should need to have the seal broken by pinching on the end). Once in a while I'll have to reinsert it because it doesn't get that air "lock" it needs. I can jump around like a crazy woman when it's in and it doesn't move or leak at all.

nelie 05-17-2012 12:34 AM

With the Diva cup, you do need to make sure that it is fully open. I usually fold mine in half, pop it in, twist and it pops open. Once in a while it won't, so I'll twist a bit, take it out and retry if need be. It should make a seal. Did you buy the #2? I've never had kids so I have #1 and it works well.

Arctic Mama 05-17-2012 02:48 AM

Yup, make sure the cup has popped open and do a kegel or three to insure it is well seated. Spin the stem of it and if it spins freely you have a good seal. If I can feel mine slipping down after a good seal and going about my activities, that is almost a sure sign it is full and time to empty.

berryblondeboys 05-19-2012 10:50 AM

It just doesn't work for me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I used to have problems with tampons too and that's why I started using OB as they were easier to adjust/move to the right spot.

Whatever I tried, it slipped and hung half out of my vagina - even when in bed. I could spin it on in it's place, but within 3-5 minutes it had slipped down. A big no go.... Not sure I'm willing to try another brand as how could it be much different? I think I must have a low cervix or something.

zoritsa 05-19-2012 04:02 PM

I use the Instead cup,but I have been thinking about getting one of the others.Instead cups can be a bit messy,since you have to grab it from the ring and almost get your finger to hook it,which doesn't bother me when I am home.I also think it's a bit to big around,and I get horrible pains now and then,that go away after removing it.I love that I can't feel it otherwise though and I had done some looking around online,and found women who use one a month...so they more cost efficient,because I can't go 12 hours like they say is possible before removing it.

nelie 05-19-2012 04:14 PM

Did you say you also ordered the Lunette? Although Diva cup works for me, I did read that some people have success with the Lunette when they don't with the Diva.

TheBunneh 05-19-2012 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jez (Post 4339417)
and you can clean the little holes (critical for getting a good seal that they are not clogged) with a pin.

Another option is a toothpick.

Emmcakes 05-19-2012 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sylvied (Post 4332637)
That is an awesome review. I feel bad for that purchaser but she's got a great sense of humour and a definite way with words.

Personally, I love my Diva Cup. I've been using the product for seven years and I have no plans to go back to pads. I love that it is reusable and has saved me lots of money over the years. It's great for travel particularly if you travel someplace where your preferred brand of disposable products is not guaranteed to be readily available (I spent 6 months in India after getting the Cup and it was so nice not to have to haul 6 months worth of pads over there to guarantee I had the ones that worked for me).

I didn't find it that hard to insert or remove but you do have to be comfortable with sticking your fingers inside yourself and maybe getting blood on them. And sometimes it does take a bit to remove it - you have to bear down like you're having a bowel movement.

The reviewer mentions attributing some of her issues to not having had sex in awhile. I was a virgin when I started using the cup and I still found it easier to work with than tampons (which I've never had much luck with and never liked but your mileage may vary). You do need to wet it before inserting for the first time so that it is lubricated because, otherwise, ouch.

There are multiple techniques for inserting. Different ones work better for different people.

Another advantage is that it is not absorbent like a pad or tampon so it doesn't leach moisture from your body - yay for the end of chafing and embarrassing pad rashes.

I had the occasional leakage issue with it before I started on the Pill because my periods used to be really heavy and painful. I would use a back up pad on my really heavy days then but I no longer need to do that either. In fact, I rarely need to empty it when I'm away from home. I usually empty it in the shower in the morning and clean with unscented soap. Then I empty it after work and rinse.

Now, my periods are really predictable (and were even before I started the pill). This product may not be quite as good a fit if your periods are not regular because, I've found, it's best to insert it for the first time, at home. But even using it for part of your period can save you money and lessen the waste from pads or tampons.

If I recall correctly, the Diva Cup offers you the opportunity to return it for a refund after 3 months if it's just not working for you so it could be worth a try.

I bought a Diva cup a few days ago and cannot insert it at all. I guess it depends on the person, I am a virgin as well and it's extremely painful. I've tried several times since I bought it. I also looked at the different folding methods and tried most of them (so far, the 7 fold seems to be the best). I read that a lot of people have issues with it and to keep trying. I'm not sure what they mean by that though, because it seems to me that if it hasn't work several times it probably won't in the near future:o

zoritsa 05-19-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Emmcakes (Post 4339464)
I bought a Diva cup a few days ago and cannot insert it at all. I guess it depends on the person, I am a virgin as well and it's extremely painful. I've tried several times since I bought it. I also looked at the different folding methods and tried most of them (so far, the 7 fold seems to be the best). I read that a lot of people have issues with it and to keep trying. I'm not sure what they mean by that though, because it seems to me that if it hasn't work several times it probably won't in the near future:o

I say wait a few months or even longer.When I first tried the Instead cups,I hated them.Then after a few years went by (I should have tried sooner),I tried them again and fell in love with em.

nelie 05-19-2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Emmcakes (Post 4339464)
I bought a Diva cup a few days ago and cannot insert it at all. I guess it depends on the person, I am a virgin as well and it's extremely painful. I've tried several times since I bought it. I also looked at the different folding methods and tried most of them (so far, the 7 fold seems to be the best). I read that a lot of people have issues with it and to keep trying. I'm not sure what they mean by that though, because it seems to me that if it hasn't work several times it probably won't in the near future:o

Did you buy the #1 size? I've heard people say that in order to practice, they use lubricant. It is much easier to pop in during menstruation due to the natural lubrication.

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