I have found my goal dress

  • 1.5 years ago, the last time I was at goal weight, I bought a dress while traveling. I got it in Amsterdam. It's pale pink, SUPER tight, stretchy, flapper style, amazingly cute. However, I didn't have an event to wear the dress to and then I gained weight and couldn't wear it. I have NEVER WORN IT. I will wear my pink flapper dress. I will show off my seriously curvy booty and knock my boyfriend off his feet.
  • cool, don't forget to post a pic, would love to see it.
  • YES! Post a pic once you wear it
  • preferably with one foot planted firmly on said comatose bf's chest.
  • Quote: preferably with one foot planted firmly on said comatose bf's chest.
    THIS. Lol! I think you need to make sure you have some killer shoes to go with it!
  • I'm doing the same thing! I have a gift card I got for Christmas and I'm going to go buy something a few sizes too small and work to where I can fit into it! Looking forward to looking good for my guy!
  • what awesome motivation! i have a pair of my skinny jeans, that fit a couple years back when i lost weight, nailed to my bedroom wall. they look funny hanging up there, but its total motivation! you will definitely fit in that dress and look amazing! you better post pics!