What to Wear to a Job Interview????

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  • Please help me. I have my first interview in over 14 years coming up. What do I wear? I was way thinner last time I interviewed so obviously those clothes don't fit. What is proper nowadays? I am already freaking out. I need to buy something because the job that I have had for the last 8 years allows me to wear whatever I want (jeans, shorts, capris, etc). This would be an interview for an office position. Thanks so much!!!
  • Honestly? Wear a suit. You really can't go wrong with that.

    Macy's and JCPenny's have pretty affordable suits. I managed to grab clearance rack suits at $60 and $31.

    I know how you feel My jobs always allowed me to wear what I want so when it came time for interviews I nearly freaked out.
  • Yay for job interviews! Having had MANY intership interviews prior to summer I am a pro now

    Suits are good, but you should remember that it's summer time still and I personally just find a suit too stuffy for summer! No women in my office are wearing suits right now, cause it's just not really seasonal.

    One good thing about being a girl is that you can look formal without wearing a suit. Wearing a great top and a skirt is ideal. I would recommend a high waisted skirt (it does not have to be a pencil skirt if you're not comfortable wearing something that tight) and a nice top. Something with a little ruffle or embellishment that's not too bulky!

    Grr it won't let me post a link, but if you go to Banana Republic's website and click on the man men collection, the outfit in the middle is what I have in mind!

    Good luck!
  • Quote:
    One good thing about being a girl is that you can look formal without wearing a suit. Wearing a great top and a skirt is ideal. I would recommend a high waisted skirt (it does not have to be a pencil skirt if you're not comfortable wearing something that tight) and a nice top. Something with a little ruffle or embellishment that's not too bulky!

    Good luck!
    I totally agree with the high waisted skirt. So classy!
  • You may not need to wear a suit, depending on how formal the place is, but it is always better to over dress to the interview.

    If you don't have a suit or an appropriate skirt you could do black dress pants, a nice top (like one that could be part of a suit), and a cardigan.

    Good luck
  • Yay I can post links now! This is what I was trying to describe previously... i love the outift in the middle. something like that would look great!

  • I second the suit idea. You could go with a light-weight summer style suit and wear a cute blouse under it.
  • As an administrator, I recommend dressing a step up from the typical office attire. A suit or skirt and nice top are good. Nice, but understated accessories. Nice shoes - no flip flops or funky sandals, even if they are dressy ones. Is it an office that you can visit (without making a big deal about it?) It is a good strategy to learn how they dress and then just dress a little better so you look like you would fit in. Good luck
  • If you are going through the HR department, I think it's ok to call them and ask what the dress code is for the office.

    I definitely agree with overdressing for an interview, rather than underdressing. A suit is always appropriate, but it could also be a jacket over a dress, if that's easier. Or a nice sweater set with a skirt/pants is a good option esp. if you are different sizes on the top and bottom and it's hard to find a suit that fits nicely all over.

    I personally think that a skirt and blouse is a little too casual for an interview for an office job, unless you know for sure it's a jeans/very casual environment.
  • I think you should wear a suit or dress with a matching jacket. Be sure to wear pantihose and closed-toe shoes and carry a nice, small bag or an attache case, not both. Small earrings and a watch work well, and go easy on the make-up, but do wear some. If you have extra piercings, take them out. If you have tattoos do your best to cover them. My husband and sons have interviewed people for positions for years, and those are things they notice. Be sure your shoes are not scuffed, too! GOOD LUCK ! ! !
  • My advice, don't wear all black! I interviewed a young lady once, and while she was nicely dressed, she wore a black dress, black tights, black shoes...no color whatsoever...I thought she seemed a little depressed and the job called for an outgoing personality. Wear color, but keep it conservative.

    Good luck on your interview!!!!!
  • i would go with a wrap dress hides all lumps and bumps and shows just the right amount of cleavage.
    I am bid manager for an architect's practice and i always rock a wrap dress when needed I go for black with a chunky necklace for a splash of color
    Good luck hope you get the job!! xxx

    See profile pic! wrap dress
  • Definitely a suit.
  • As an hiring manager, I'd say a suit, also. You can get great three piece ones that you can mix/match with other things. I would stay away from super trendy styles and go for classic pieces. You can dress them up with a few trendy pieces, but I think classics look more grown up. Something like this grey suit would be nice. http://www1.macys.com/campaign/women...ort/style2.jsp

    That said, don't go too formal looking. This one is too much. http://www1.macys.com/catalog/produc...D3%26spc%3D244

    I would not wear anything sleeveless to an interview.

    Good luck!
  • My vote is for: A simple suit with a splash of color or a little pattern for the shirt, plus some appropriate accessories.

    When going for an interview it's best to slightly overdress.

    The funny thing about dressing for an interview is that you DON'T want the person interviewing you to be thinking about your clothes. You want them thinking about how you'll fit into the job.

    That means, if you're dressed right they'll think "They look well put together...that's good...now what's on their resume and how well are they going to fit into this environment."

    You DON'T want them thinking "Oh my god...jeans? Flip flops? A t-shirt?" or "Geeze that's so inappropriate." And therefore dismissing the great things you could bring to the company based on your first impression.