Relationship troubles D: !

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  • Don't second-guess that; you did what you felt was right. Our "vibes" feed off the signals we get from other people. Don't worry about that not being what was on his mind. If it wasn't, he would have not let time lapse between getting together with you and being in touch!

    Stay strong and don't feed into that with food - get some extra exercise here in the next few days and think to yourself how you're making yourself stronger! HIS loss, not yours...
  • Usually when you break up with someone if that issue can't be resolved then that's it- don't be fooled by "the good times" if he comes around again- seriously he's obviously a waste of your time.

    At least you can say you tried
  • We have our intuition for a reason, you'll have to learn to trust yours. Good luck!
  • I think you did the right thing.
  • I agree, your gut was right and you're better off!

    BTW, I love your avatar! What's it from?
  • You are better off without him. Usually if it doesn't work out the first time then it probably won't work the second time around and just from your explanation it's clear that he does not have enough respect for you. Man troubles are horrible when it comes to losing weight so try not to let the whole thing get you off track. Best of luck.
  • You definitely made the right decision. Don't waste your time with guys who can't be bothered to spend time with you or appreciate you.

    Let that situation give you the willpower to keep going with your weightloss and health, and someone worthwhile will pop up when you least expect it.

    I know it's hard to avoid comfort eating when you are feeling low or depressed but you can't give in. I find that yoga is really helpful, or exercise in general. I always find myself feeling invigorated after a good session.

    Keep it up girl.