Need to make money quickly!

  • hey guys...

    So, my tuition funding for this term was cut, and I need to come up with $2000 by the beginning of next week. Eeep! I'm not really sure if this is even possible. My credit is horrendous, so no kind of loan/credit card chance. I've been running ideas through my head of things to sell, and can't come up with anything.

    Does anyone have any ideas???
  • Maybe asking friends/family to lend to you?
    $2,000 in a week is a lot of money. D:
  • Have you asked at your school's financial aid office for any ideas? I'd recommend taking the semester off and getting another job to save up. Not fun or ideal, I know, but I can't think of many legal ways to make that kind of money in a week.
  • Yeah, setting out this semester may be your best bet if you can find a job or can you reduce the number of credits you are taking this semester? I don't know of any legal ways of getting $2000 in a week. But talk to finicial aid, they may have some ideas.
    Good luck
  • have any gold jewelry lying around? it's at 1000 bucks an ounce curantly. Electronics? Games? have a Yard sale? Borrow from the parents. Ask for an extension or payment plan. Car paid for? Title Loans are BAD for interest but might be money quick.
  • Is there a way to get a promissory note through the school so you pay that $2,000 over the term? If you explain your situation to the school, they will likely have a solution. That may be your only viable option save reducing your course load to match what you can pay for with cash on hand. If there was a good way to make $2,000 in a week that I knew of, I'd be doing it already!