Divisive topics - please take elsewhere

  • 3FC is first and foremost a weight loss support forum. We do have a General Chatter section for people to talk about a variety of topics unrelated to weight loss.

    We ask though that you refrain from topics that can get heated, get divisive, cause hurt feelings and strain among the community.

    One thing I've always heard is that you never talk Religion or Politics at the dinner table. Political topics are off limits at 3FC because we have had threads that have resulted in hurt feelings. If you want to talk about political topics, there are lots of forums on the internet for that. Google "political forums" and pick your poison

    Religion on the other hand, we understand that people can find help with their weight loss in their faith. It is why we have a subforum titled "Faith Based Support Groups"

    So we do not want to limit forum users to talking about their religion, their beliefs, etc because we don't believe that would be supportive overall to their weight loss efforts. Again, there are also many forums on the internet where you can talk about religion, religious practices, beliefs, etc, and they are also a google away.

    Overall, please remember that we are all different but we all share common goals of weight loss, weight maintenance and support of others in those efforts. Please be respectful of beliefs of others and if you think something you post might be hurtful to someone else, even if it is about a totally different topic than the ones discussed here, please take a second look at your post before hitting submit.

    If other divisive topics come up, we may include those here.