How Many Calories Would You Guess?

  • Hi chicks!!!
    I found this web site that is asking you to guess how many calories in 2 different foods.

    # 1 Banana Muffin and
    # 2 bowl of homemade pasta with a light garlic and basil sauce
    (they have the pics so you can have an idea)

    Unfortunately it doesn’t tell you the size of the portions... so it is really a difficult guess.
    My answer was:
    “I would guess the muffin is around 290/310 cal and the pasta around 420/450 cal”
    It was very interesting reading through the answers. People have really different estimates.

    Here is the link in case you want to check it out:

    You can see the answer here:
  • Interesting- I guessed the muffin too low and the pasta too high lol! But neither were off by more than 100 calories.