Are you creative and imaginative? Inquire within!

  • I need a glorious, awesome description for a pixie glade. Any and all ideas welcome, please!
  • A what?
  • Hehe...the place where pixies live! Or rather in my case, one pixie
  • Well that explains everything....
  • Oh by the way...saw the new picture....getting more gorgeous every rock kiddo!
  • Awww EZ thank you so very much
  • Pixie glades... Hmm...

    I would picture somewhere light, airy, lots of old, solid trees with sunlight beaming through the leaves creating that dappled look on rich emerald green grass. Flowers, there have to be flowers, particularly ones that attract hummingbirds, scattered all about. Large bushes around the perimeter, both for appearance and to keep the pixies safe. Small creek running through one corner with rocks scattered through - the pixies, or pixie here, need somewhere to sit as they are hanging out in the creek. On that same topic, some natural stones arranged for seating, or maybe mossy tree trunks, though I like the look of stone better I believe. Hmm. I'll keep working on the picture in my head.
  • I'm not the best with words so I attached a pic...

  • Abby, that is beautiful!
  • Shannon, its a pic of your words brought to life. Now that's amazing! I wish I could take credit for taking it
  • And don't forget a few toadstools.
  • Yeah, toadstools. Every good pixie glade needs toadstools. Different heights and sizes.
  • And maybe a bridge for the trolls
  • Bridge. Good idea. Has to have a bridge, too. One of those mossy stone ones.
  • Thanks so much!!