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luvja 09-10-2008 05:14 PM

Does Smoking Slow Weight Loss?
Does smoking effect weight loss? I've smoked probably close to 10 years (I was a fool to even start, especially at the age I did). I'm only 22(in December) now. I do plan on quitting, but not at the moment. Once I reach my goal I plan to quit cold turkey. I think it may be too hard to quit smoking and lose such a huge amount of weight at the same time. I remember years ago when my Father tried to quit smoking, he started gaining weight like a mad man. That terrifies me. He did eventually go back to smoking, I quote, "I'd rather die of lung cancer then die from being fat", is what my Father said to me.
Has anyone found smoking to speed up/slow down weight loss?

And for the young ones on this site who have never touched a cigarette - PLEASE DON'T. HUGE mistake.

mandalinn82 09-10-2008 05:37 PM

Smoking, as an isolated factor, seems to increase weight loss a small amount. Quitting does slow down your metabolism, but usually the slowdown is temporary and your body adjusts.

greeneggsandtam 09-10-2008 05:37 PM

I think smoking is just another symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle.
Wow! That sounds judgy (and I'm a smoker!) Once I started losing a few pounds and then a few more, I became a bit more active. Which of course helps in the weight loss department.
Sometimes I think the more active a person becomes, they tend let go of unhealthier habits.
I know I just don't like to smoke when I have a soccer game at night because it's so stressful on the lungs and cardiovascular system and I don't like to smoke in the mornings because I know I'll be running during my noon hour.
On the other hand if I have a glass of wine, I tend to smoke.
I don't think smoking really slows down weight loss as much as it just hinders a healthier lifestyle.

ghost 09-10-2008 05:50 PM

Gosh I hope it doesn't slow it down. I don't smoke much. One half of a camel light every night when I feel a munchie coming on.

Glory87 09-10-2008 05:53 PM

Smoking apparently does assist in weight loss:


but man - is it worth it? Cancer, bad breath, skin that looks old, yellow teeth, difficulty breathing, coughing...etc

I agree that working on eating better and quitting smoking at the same time might be difficult, but it is just my opinion that quitting smoking should be the primary goal.

<-- non smoker, mother is a cigarette addict and it hurts my heart to think of losing her to ****ing cigarettes

junebug41 09-10-2008 05:58 PM

I lost my weight rather quickly and was a smoker almost 3 years into maintenance. I don't think it slowed it down, but it did slow down my physical progress. It just really sucked to have lost all that weight while I still couldn't run a mile, you know?

I am still tempted, especially when I'm out drinking with smoking friends, but I am always able to contemplate how painful the next day's run will be and this is usually a good enough deterrent.

xYourBelleMortex 09-10-2008 06:11 PM

Honestly I am not sure - my dad did the same thing- when he quit smoking began haunting me about quitting as well. But seeing that i have given up 3/4 vices - I think I can save smoking for after I drop the 6000000 pounds. If they took both away from me - the bodies would begin to pile up. The food addiction is subsiding. Soon enough the battle against the delicious nicotine will too.

tikanique 09-11-2008 08:34 AM

My brother convinced me that we should start smoking, so we could then Stop smoking, so we could prove to my mother that it could be done, so that she would stop smoking. Smoking made me so light headed it was like I was doing some serious drugs so after my 1st pack was gone, I quit. 23 years later, my brother and my mother still smoke.

Nevaeh 09-11-2008 11:44 AM

If it helps anyone, I quit smoking 9 weeks ago while losing weight. It can be done, I believe it is truly mind over matter. I smoked for five years and upon reaching the 6th year, I couldn't believe I was only 22 years old and had been smoking for almost 6 years. The years sure went by fast... honestly, the first week or two is the hardest. I had to remove myself from being around friends who smoke for a little bit. Now, I feel better than ever. And I have been steadily losing weight through the process. :)

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