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horsey 02-13-2008 02:03 PM

Clear the clutter in your home/kitchen and lose weight?
Clear the clutter in your home/kitchen and lose weight? Did anyone see the am show where they talked about the new book on this subject? The author was saying if you clean and organize your home, and kitchen, then you are more likely to clean up your diet and have an organized plan.

Personally I think this is true. When I've been inbetween moving, or just let my home get the most cluttered, that's when I've done the worst at eating nutritiously. I'm trying to get my kitchen better organized, with cut up veggies in the fridge, clearing the junk in the pantry, organizing the meats and having exact lists of what to buy.

I've done some limited feng shui (sp) studies and this book goes with that - clean home, organized home, clean mind and body.... I've been reading so many diet nutrition books lately from the library I doubt I'll go get this one, but the theories seem true... maybe it goes back to self discipline in more then one area of life. What do you think?

shelbysmom 02-13-2008 02:11 PM

well if that's true, I should be slim by monday!!lol We're redoing the floor in our kitchen,we're taking up the laminate and putting down tile. That's going to be a big job,dread it , but I can't wait!!

horsey 02-13-2008 02:27 PM

I didn't think about it that way, doing house work burns calories!

SCraver 02-13-2008 02:42 PM

YES! I think my messy kitchen has a big impact on my eating habits... I actually got a little upset last night - I was trying to bag some meat to put in the freezer that I just bought and there was *stuff* all over the kitchen counter and I had very little room to work and it depressed me... I am actually starting to work at cleaning my house up - scrubbing in the corners - throwing away the extra crap - etc.
A messy kitchen makes it hard to have the room, etc. to prepare healthy meals.

Lovely 02-13-2008 03:29 PM

I know it affects me.
I'm more likely to prepare healthier things when I have room in the kitchen.

NotTheCheat 02-13-2008 03:39 PM

I definitely agree. Keeping my house really tidy and clean is an act of self love. Eating really well and exercising is also an act of self love. If I don't do one or the other, it is sending myself the wrong message and the other one falters.

souvenirdarling 02-13-2008 03:42 PM

I think people who keep clutter around their homes are the type to hang on to emotional baggage, and emotionally eat.

Feng shui is actually very complicated, and you can have a sytem within a system within a system... every advisor will have a different plan. I do believee, however, our environment refects us. Our physical body reflects aspects our inner selves.

Tomato 02-13-2008 03:47 PM

That is an interesting concept. I am somewhere in the middle. Parts of my house are quite decluttered, but other parts are not doing so good. (It does not help that my previous house had twice as much storage than the current one).
I have to admit that especially today, my kitchen is in a major state of chaos. I promise to attack it when I get home. I better, since I have to cook tonight and I hate to do it amidst clutter.

mommyagain3 02-13-2008 04:54 PM

Thanks for this info. I am going to go home and clean my kitchen. It needs a good cleaning and if it helps then great! if not then i have a clean kitchen and burned some calories while doing so!!!

alinnell 02-13-2008 05:00 PM

I totally cleaned out and organized my pantry just a couple of weeks ago. I threw out food that was old or that I didn't want any longer. I got some new storage bins and wire racks for my canned goods. It looks so clean and organized! I don't know if it will actually help me eat more healthy as I was already doing that, but it sure did show how I don't pay attention to what I already have--I must have had 6 packages of whole wheat penne pasta! Lord knows 1 package is all I really need to have on hand!

kelijpa 02-13-2008 05:03 PM

I agree, I hate when I have no room to work in the kitchen. Also, cleaning and organizing, you know what's really in the pantry. Like that can of sweet potatoes that must be from forever ago...:D It'll never get used, but can't get rid of it...grrr

It makes sense that if you clean up one area of your life, another will follow...also if you're not being haunted by that thought "I have to clean up/organize this or that" you'll be able to pay more attention to your diet and such...maybe....

Sea 02-13-2008 05:38 PM

I also found it helpful to organize my eating by organizing my freezer -- with meals prepped for a month ahead. With the decisions made (and prepped making mealtime easier) while I was calm and not at my hungriest, I am less likely to fudge and make a meal I shouldn't eat.

horsey 02-14-2008 02:48 PM

I've increased my organization so much the past year - I was on a mission! Sorted through boxes in the garage, put everything in see through plastic bins, went through closets, makeup, you name it... I have some areas to work on and one is the kitchen, I just need a better system. I just read that less is better, and I'm wondering if that could be true. Less in the freezer, only healhty choices, less cans of soup, salmon, etc. I think I'll just throw out or donate some things to tighten up my kitchen. And I'll find some organizers for cans, etc, where do you find those?

Amy8888 02-14-2008 03:02 PM

I can say, based on a recent move to a bigger house with a dishwasher, that this is so true for us. I like to cook for the most part but it became a chore in our old, small kitchen. It was even worse if there was a pile of dishes in the sink. Just seeing that pile sucked away any motivation I had to cook.

Now, I'm actually excited to get home and cook. I stop at the store on the way home from work sometimes to pick up ingredients I need. I dusted off my salad spinner and after cutting lettuce, cleaning it, and drying it in there, I've got salad ready for the week. (That saves money too, not buying bagged salad anymore). Just having the space to cook makes it so much more appealing to me!

NoVaVTFan 02-15-2008 02:08 PM

I totally agree with this! If my kitchen is a total mess, it makes me a little depressed and sometimes instead of stepping in and cleaning it up, I just say "nah, i'll do it later" then we end up eating out, which is usually not too healthy, and the cycle continues. If my kitchen, bedroom, and living/tv room are full of clutter and messy, it makes me feel a little insane. It's just two of us in a 3 story 2800 square foot house, so some of the rooms aren't used much, but they still seem to have clutter. Like our spare bedrooms - when we moved in, I just put stuff away in those and didn't really organize it, which bothers me, but not so much because I can close the door and don't go in there very often. If my bedroom and kitchen are messy though, watch out! I might be in a bad mood from it! Usually when warmer weather rolls around in April I get the cleaning bug, and this year I am going to work at cleaning out all of our closets. We've only lived in the house one year but we seem to have accumulated a lot of crap over that time span. The one room of the house I don't really get too upset over is my fiancee's office - he just tends to pile things around the room and doesn't really care much about organizing - I'll go in there every 6 months and tidy up, but other than that I let him have that as his space.

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