Would You Rather #15

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  • Walk. I don't like the water lol

    WYR a pen or a pencil?

    @Alyssa: Yes, I realise it sells taco's but I don't know what type of taco's (enchilada's? tortilla's?) since we aren't crazy for them here
  • (@Rhiko: They sell soft-shell tacos, hard-shell tacos, doritos shell tacos, burritos. Probably enchilada's as well, but i get the same exact thing ever time i go there: 2 soft-shell tacos with sour cream and hot sauce.)

    Pen. Pencil fades with age.

    WYR hike in the mountains or in the woods?
  • Hmmm...interesting one. I think I will have to go with the mountains, God forbid my asthma doesn't act up!

    WYR take a bath or a shower?
  • bath for sure, i love to relax in hot water with a book.

    wyr read stephen king or dean koontz?
  • King's the king for a reason haha.

    WYR listen to a song or record one?
  • Record one definitely! I have dabbled in songwriting lyrics, it would be awesome to have that dream come to fruition and actually recording a song!!

    WYR read a paper book or an electronic one such as Kindle, Nook, etc?
  • paper. oldschool 8)

    wyr have a mohawk in the color of your choice or waist-length in your least favorite color? (you can dye it but the color will fade very quickly)
  • waist length. there's no way I could ever pull off a mohawk.

    wyr eat one small square of your favorite chocolate or a whole large so-so diet brownie for the same amount of calories?
  • eat one small square of my favorite chocolate (I so so so love chocolate )

    WYR have a bowl of ice cream or a milkshake?
  • taste wise, milkshake all the way, but diet wise, I know that a bowl of ice cream is the lesser of two 'evils' so that's what I'd choose.

    wyr listen to only your favorite song on repeat or anything in your least favorite genre for the next year?
  • Favorite song for a year.

    WYR give a speech in front of a large audience (500+ people) or sing in front of a small group (under 50 people)?
  • Speech because I can't sing!

    WYR hang a million dollar painting on your wall, or the picture your daughter/son made?
  • son/daughter made for sure

    wyr have a Lamborghini or live in a mansion?
  • Live in a mansion! Lol.

    WYR go back in time and meet your ancestors, or go way into the future and meet your great grangchildren?
  • ancestors! that'd be amazing.

    wyr have peanut butter or nutella?