Magic Bullet

  • I was wondering if anyone has tried the magic bullet or the like for making healthy desserts?

    On the infomerical I saw them make a "dreamy" cream pudding with cocoa powder and cream? Could you use low fat milk?

    Would a hand blender give the same benefit?

  • I saw the Magic Bullet at Wal-Mart for considerably less than the can go and take a look at it, take the box apart, look at the manual before you make a comparison? For free of course, nd I think Wal-Mart has a liberal 3 month return policy.
  • Oh, great, thank you! Has anyone tried it or made any desserts or a whipped lowfat dessert using similar or a hand type blender?
  • Hi ladies, I am moving this over to the "Food!" section of the forum, you may get more replies over here.
  • Thank you, I appreciate the move!!!
  • We received a magic bullet for xmas. We have not used it very often; however, I must say that it makes whip cream amazingly fast.

    I have also used it to make smoothies (protein powder, yogurt, frozen berries and ice) and it works wonderfully !! Quick and very little clean up.
  • Awesome, thank you for the reply I was hoping to hear this before I bought it!