What is the best low carb ice cream?

  • Does anyone have a favorite low carb ice cream? I know there's one by Atkins and I think Breyer's put one out. The only one I tried so far because I know they make good lowfat ice cream is Ben & Jerry's Chocolate CarbKarma and it is very good. (I knew I could trust B&J!). I just wish there was a low carb ice cream with some substance like Ben & Jerry's lowfat ones like Cherry Garcia or Chocolate Fudge Brownie although I can see why it would be hard to make this low carb. Has anyone tried any good low carb ice creams? Thanks for your response.
  • Ben & Jerry's has a lower carb cookie dough ice cream. I don't go with what they call 'net carbs' but even with the way I count (total - fiber) it's still pretty low and very good. A couple spoonfulls and I can put it away. There's also Dreyer's, Skinny Cow (super good ice cream sandwiches), and Carb Options.
  • Thanks
    Star Princess, thanks. I didn't see any of the ones you mentioned but I'll be sure to keep my eye open for them now that I know other options exist.
  • Le Carb is good! I didn't like lemon, but LOVED the cinnamon. It is sweetened with Splenda and has no sugar alcohols. It might be frozen yogurt...