Laughing Cow Spinach Dip

  • I tweaked this recipe from one I found earlier. I'm just going to use the exact amounts I used, in grams, but it doesn't have to be exact, obviously.


    1 garlic clove, finely chopped
    2 teaspoons olive oil (though I should have and would recommend using one if you can)
    20 grams baby spinach
    10 grams green onion
    1 Laughing Cow light swiss wedge
    20 grams plain fat free yogurt

    1. Sautee the garlic and green onions in the olive oil until the garlic smells positively yummy (gotta love inexact cook times).
    2. Rip up the baby spinach into smaller pieces, sautee until it's wilted.
    3. Add laughing cow wedge, stir with the rest of the mixture until completely melted and fairly smooth.
    4. Remove from heat, transfer to dish. Add the yogurt and stir again until smooth.

    Servings: 1
    Calories: 82 (122 with 2 tsp olive oil)
    Fat: 7 grams (11.5 with 2 tsp olive oil)

    Okay, not exactly low cal, but makes a great indulgence once in a while.
  • Wow, that looks amazing, I am totally going to try this tomorrow! Thank you!
  • Glad someone will get some use out of it.