Laughing Cow Cheese

  • So I just bought those Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges (light creamy swiss) and I am IN LOVE! I'm trying to find things to spread it on/dip in it. Any suggestions?
  • I really liked them with green apple slices. Sweet and tangy.
  • pretzels and crackers
    In scrambled eggs.
    In place of mayo in a wrap or sandwich.
  • I like them on Smart Start Whole Wheat English Muffins, they are only 1 WW point so I don't feel bad about eating the bread with the light LC Cheese. I toast them up and spread on the cheese. Add some herbs, maybe a grilled tomato and you have a yummy sandwich!

    Also would be good melted or spread on anything you would normally want to add cheese too but dont want the fat and cals of regular cheese. Quesodillas, chicken etc.

    Oh, could be paired with veggies too! Broc and Celery, yum!
  • I peel back the wrapper and pop it in my mouth !
  • On toasted arnold sandwich thins or or toasted bagel thins-crunchy and yummy.
  • All-Bran crackers (made by Kellogg's).
  • I mix the blue cheese ones with hot sauce and spread on celery sticks. They fullfill my craving for buffalo wings!
  • Shytowngal - Can I ask you? When did your weight loss journey begin, was it when you joined 3FC's in Jan 2010? Just curious, your weight loss is awesome and I hope to achieve what you have and wondering if you've done this all in a year!
  • celery, deli ham slices, Rykrisp seasoned crackers
  • rice cakes or toasted pita bread!
  • I usually eat mine with crackers. Although I'm dying to try it with celery. My problem with those wedges is I have SUCH a hard time limiting it to just ONE wedge!!!