WARNING! Fat Free/Sugar Free Hershey's Chocolate Syrup

  • IS NASSSSSSSSSTY! Luckily I took a swig to taste it before I added some to milk........... OMG I had to spit it in the sink....... terrible. I paid almost $3 for the container...... what a waste
  • LOL I've learned my lesson about most things like that too. I buy the regular version of products and use it verryyy sparingly.
  • Low fat is the farthest I will go. I don't mess with FF unless it's dairy.
  • I actually don't mind it at all...Used some on ice cream last night....and in milk today....
  • I use it too. It has a place in the food rotation. It isn't as tasty as the HFCS stuff but then it doesn't make me fat either.
  • ITs good in my chocolate protein shakes...I dont think its meant to eat alone lol,try it on/in something.
  • I'm usually OK with fat free foods - but sugar free foods that are supposed to be very sugary almost always gross me out! Sugar free Jell-O pudding was soooo gross, but the fat free kind still tastes good to me!

    I will get the sugar stuff and just try to use it less!