High fiber, Low Cal Pasta

  • If you are looking for a way to have pasta and not feel too guilty, try the high fiber, low calorie pasta from "FiberGourmet.com". One serving of their penne pasta is about 130 calories and has 18 grams of fiber. Try making your own pasta sauce from fresh tomatoes, basal, oregano, garlic, green peppers, mushrooms, etc. - but leave out the oil. If you like a sweeter sauce and don't mind artificial, you can add a sprinkle of Splenda. And of course, you can always all hot peppers.
  • This is a great idea. I love pasta but haven't had it in ages since I've been trying to lose weight. Thank you
  • Chunkychic- I love how you say "trying to lose weight"- based on your stats you are a success in progress. Congrats.
  • Quote: Chunkychic- I love how you say "trying to lose weight"- based on your stats you are a success in progress. Congrats.

    Aww thank you so much
  • Amen to that--a tremendous success story for certain!

    As far as the pasta, I like the Shiratake noodles. 20 calories--the fiber is lower though at just 2.
  • Thank you

    What exactly is Shiratake noodles?
  • Shirataki noodles are Japanese noodles. They can be tofu based or not. They're primarily water and glucomannan. In the grocery stores near me they're by the rest of the tofu, even if the noodles aren't the tofu based ones. The traditional (read: not tofu based) ones have 0 net carbs and are gluten free. They come dried or in wet packs. The tofu based ones are always wet and always refrigerated, and have minimal carbs.

    If you try them wet packed, I would suggest rinsing them well, or they can have a slimy mouth feel.
  • Thanks bacilli!!
  • The FiberGourmet have been a lifesaver for me, because I just don't like the Shiriitake noodles (I've tried. I just can't get past the mouthfeel). FiberGourmet gives me pasta that TASTES like pasta, but with half the calories. I'm in love. I have to mail order it, but I do, in giant packages with all kinds of shapes and flavors. So good!
  • Occasionally, Fiber Gourmet has specials/sales on stuff. A while ago, I got a batch of their pasta that was 40% OFF!! For some reason, that batch was 21 grams of fiber and 120 cals a serving and they had it on sale I guess since the nutritionals didn't match. I snapped that right up. Get on their email list and you'll get notified when they have great bargains.

    I love shiratakis.. I boil mine for three minutes to get rid of the slime/smell. Works great.