Fajita recipe with cinnamon?

  • Ok, my fav restaurant is a little Mexican place and they have the best fajitas. I asked one time what was in them and obviously they want the spices a secret. I can tell there must be cumin and cinnamon or cardamon? and probably a tad of sugar since the veggies get that little tad of brown crunchiness even though they are still very crisp and crunchy and not all all slimey... Their recipe is simple...only onions, carrots and green bell peppers. I am trying to NOT go out to this restaurant for dinner since their chips and salsa are to die for and I cannot be trusted to keep a calorie deficit if I go there!

    So anyone have a GOOD fajita recipes? I don't want to use prepackaged spice envelopes.
  • What I'd suggest is looking at a good spice companies blend. You could try mimic it or even purchase it. Here is Penzey's spices fajita spice blend.

    Here are the ingredients:
    Hand-mixed from: salt, black pepper, paprika, Turkish oregano, cayenne pepper, garlic, celery, Mexican oregano, basil, nutmeg, cumin, marjoram, thyme and rosemary.
  • ah...maybe it's nutmeg. Thanks, Nelie. I've never been to that site.